;Circles; Rug. .guR Sure thing ::L: So bored D:
;Triangles; Basket. .teksaB Shall we invite the squirrells along too? o: They can! *Pokes socks*
;Math; Banana. .ananaB Parteh? o: *pokes back* Socks say "DUN TOUCH KTHNX" D:
Hey! Welcome to Hell - i mean, KH-Vids! Make sure to read the rules, not annoy someone on purpose, spam only in the spam zone, etcetc. If you wanna talk sometime, don't be afraid to send a VM :P
;tree!; Nigh. .hgiN Yehh, same here :3
;Squeeee; Swish. .hsiwS Who knew we could talk so much ::L:
;music; Scream. .maercS I never knew it was this much xD
;shuffles; Scoop. .poocS Why yes, yes we are 8D We're at 224 VMs :/gasp:
;Fiddle; Spark. .krapS :lolface: 8D
;Squiggle; Light. .thgiL >8D FTW :3
im good xD
Not at the moment, no xD
oh yeh. Animal thing. When does that start? :v
'Ello! Bit late, but welcome to KH-Vids :3 Make sure to only spam in the spam zone, read the rules, don't intentionally annoy someone, etcetc. If you wanna chat sometime, feel free to send me a vm C:
uhm... no o-o
;Away; Acoustic. .citsuocA 8DDD Sock Buddies? ;D
loool, oh joy xD
;tree; Boots. .stoob (xD) 8D CH'YEAH. I have a pair with snowmen on them o:
LOL. Interesting xD
One thing I have always wanted to learn is the piano. I can't bring myself to go to lessons though xD