Me: *goes over and pats dracon on the back* good job buddy ^^ Dracon: thanks ^.=.^
Me: we're really pushing it arent we? Dracon: hmm, i never thought i'd be capable of some of those things. I guess when your determined a whole...
Me: *recovers rubbing my nose* thats gonna hurt so bad tomorrow.. T^T
Me: *starts watching the screen* Dracon: *watching as well*
Me: you recorded it? Dracon: i've gotta see this
Me: oh come on we didnt train that hard did we? Dracon: i don't remember training that much though O.=.O
Me: man i feel like i havent seen you in forever gramps ^^ Dracon: its good to see him ^.=.^
Me: *stuffing my face* Dracon: *smiles* your the best ^.=.^
Me: heh glad you can take a couple of hits.. * recovers, blasting back off to her, then drops down pulse kicking her into the air then teleports...
Me: *eats like no tomorrow* Dracon: *walks over to the table* thanks for getting the food hunnie ^^
Me: *is now in her face then teleports behind her striking her hard in the back spin kicking her right leg then backfliping back over her firing a...
Me: *behind cr* FOOD!!!!!!!! *jumps in and starts eating* Dracon: lets hurry up before theres none left *walks in behind cr holding charisa's hand*
Me: *smiles* Think what you wanna think... *blasts off at orihime again*
Me: *runs past charisa and dracon:* Dracon: you can say that again
Me: wait up cr!! *continues chasing him down the hall way* Dracon: *smiles almost at the dinning hall now*
Me: *chases cr down the hall to the dinning hall* Dracon: *follows charisa*
Clone 1: *heals Aaliyah some* let him take care of this for a moment, then jump in when your ready enough to actually fight Clone 2: *heals windy...
me: yeah im starving.. Dracon: well if they did that was awfully nice of them ^^
Me: *teleport dodges the fire charging up*
Me: *splits into 2 others* Clone 1: *rushes over and tends to windy* Clone 2: *teleports up catching Aaliyah* me: *splits straight down the center...