Me: *gets back up and thinks to myself* gah shes so strong..
Me: maybe it has happened before O.o *shrugs my shoulders*
me: it seems like it would be painful
Me: *gets back up wiping the blood off my mouth*
Me: *cringes too* good ^^"
Me: *goes flying into the ground, alittle bit of blood falls from my mouth*
me: sorry i keep forgetting
Me: *uses the explosion as smokescreen as i come from behind striking her hard ripping my claws deep into her skin*
Me: SONIC HOWL!! *lets out a howl that freezes her entire move as i move in for the strike* MEGAFLARE DOOM STRIKE *my right paw becomes encase in...
Me: *Lets out a huge howl blasting off towards her my paws high in the air ready to smash down on her face*
me: looks like your prepared for everything arent you? Dracon: thats what assassin's do
Dracon: *follows*
Dracon: *flying next to her holding her hand* Me: *follows behind* im so glad i can fly without wings ^^
Dracon: *smiles and kisses her back* alright lets take a tour to your cave ^.=.^ Me: *wipes the sweat from my forehead* phew...
Me: no i cant the guilt would kill me T^T Dracon: well at least he's loyal
Me: *growls lowly getting ready to fight*
Me: *snaps completely unleashing some nasty aura sending her flying back a few yards transforming into this* [IMG]
Dracon: well i'am a part of him so yeah i'd be fine with that ^.=.^ Me: n-no please I have a girlfriend who im loyal to please dont do this to me T^T
Me: *rolls my eyes* thats it.... *my wolf aura begins to slowly seep out some as my fangs start coming out*
Me: *is now floating in front of her* im surprised you dodged all of those attacks, actually im quite impressed. but now your trapped, and its...