Me: *see's cr* hey cr, gonna go get some food? Dracon: lets head on down stairs and see if any food is maybe or if there are any leftovers ^.=.^
Me: *wakes up* I feel like i was in a coma.. O.o Dracon: *wakes up* yeah sweetie im up
Me: see you guys soon then.. Dracon: *sighs*
Me: we have all the information sealed up right?
Me: *starts to feel the ground shake some* w-whats happening.. dracon: im not too sure..
me: *goes over and pats his back* everything will work out i promise
me: *looks at legna* quit while you can man love can make people do some crazy things O.O
dracon: she's so wonderful ^.=.^
Dracon: *laughs* me: man charisa has always got your back O.O
me: *charges up shooting 2 pulse beams at orhime*
me: *dodges them* Dracon: do we even have time to be playing around liek this? O.=.O *gets hit with a kunai*
Me: *aura flares up* then i guess we'll just solve things the old fashion way *snaps my fingers teleporting us away from all the people at the hotel*
Me: *hi-5's dracon* thats team work right there ^^ Dracon: ^.=.^ yup
me: nu uh.. *pulses the water up in the air* Dracon: *teleports up and pulses all the water at legna* gotcha!
Me: you broughtv it on yourself legna.. *me and dracon launch the water guns and canons at him*
Me: I don't really know who you are, and frankly i could careless. But you've got 2 seconds to tell me why your here and why you had to ruin my...
me: *yells at the mysterious person then blasts off down stairs to windy and Aaliyah* all those innocent people killed...
me: dracon should we? dracon: i think we should. *both of us get the water canons and guns ready pointing them at legna
Dracon: *gets soaked again* what was that for?
me: *is soaking wet* whatever -.- dracon: *laughs*