View attachment 49222 He still there watching Beuce dance. "Is it really that nessacary to learn how to dance for this coronation?", he asked the woman. There was still the look of fear in his eyes for this dancing. He stood there for a long moment before looking at the woman once more. "Do you mind if I get my hair cut?" At this point he had been running his hand through his hair and was just felling how long it had become. At some point Beuce had let Ignis into the shop. AJ: 11 Beuce: 10 Ignis: 11
View attachment 49195 The lady who was fixing Beuce's hair turned to him and said, 'Sweet jesus boy, where in the hell did you come from?!' A look of sadness over came him in that moment. Perhaps that was why none of the others had noticed he was there and tried to talk to him. "It is fine I am use to not being noticed, in fact sometimes it is almost like I am invisible." He could just disappear and no one would notice. That was when Beuce said, "Nah. I don't have anyone back home. My uh...'kingdom' was destroyed. There was a neighboring kingdom who invaded. We were completely wiped out. As far as I know, i'm the only survivor.' "Oh my... Beuce... I am so sorry." There was not much he could say or do for Beuce in that moment. 'You came here to marry one of the princesses so that you'd have a place to call home, didn't ya?,' the woman said. The woman turned the 'open' sign on the shop to the other end, indicating it was closed. She began pulling chairs out of the way so that the center of the room would be open and stood in the center. 'I'm gonna teach you to dance so you don't embarrass yourself in front of the princesses.' "What?" This woman was going to teach Beuce how to dance. He started walking backwards and almost fell over a chair that was in the waiting area. He could not do this. "I can't dance." It was not like he could leave here because the woman more or less locked them in. There was a look of fear in his eyes. As long as it was Beuce and not him it did not hurt to watch. It was not so much he could not dance more so that no one ever bothered to teach him. He was not really that thrilled to learn so he never bothered. He figured that it would never be useful. He only came to get a hair cut not to come and get random dancing lessons from a lady. AJ: 10 Beuce: 9 Ignis: 10
View attachment 49178 He started to walk with the others. As he walked he got the sense that there was something wrong. He wanted to cut the webs but Izra said not to touch the webs which ruled out cutting the webs. They seemed to be going deeper into the swamp. There was a thin path through the thickets and spiderwebs. As he walked he saw that there were many spider sacs of different sizes appearing around them; some looking like helpless insects that ventured in too close. He knew that these spiders might come a issue latter on but to kill them on the spot just seemed ill advised. They came closer to a large clearing overshadowed by trees where the spiderwebs became bigger and draped everywhere around them. Only thin streams of moonlight shone through the trees to light the area around them. The tree that could be seen was huge. Well if they had to burn this place down having that tree on fire would be the place to start. As they walked into the clearing the He could see Selena. This happiness did not last long as the mayor soon came out from the tree and was holding Muriel with him, but it appeared she didn't come willingly. One of Maliel's arm pinned painfully behind her back by Mayor Nudgav to keep her still, and a knife pressed dangerously close to her throat. Welp. It did not surprise him in the slightest the mayor was here. He wanted to wipe that stupid grin off the mayor's face. Thea then steeped forward to offer herself up. It was not like he could stop Thea even if he wanted to. Which at this point he did not. He soon spotted a single finger light up with a flame. He then walked to a spot when he could see what was going one better, looking around before he picked the spot as he was sure the mayor had some sort of plan. It looked like he had been right about not trusting the mayor. As he stood in his spot he looked at the mayor and those that were around him.
View attachment 49164 Beuce had said something about it not huring to get food before the coronation. It would not hurt to do so. The way things tent to go on missions he was sure that as so as they got there something would happen. Beuce was getting his hair done and he need his cut so he decided that there was nothing to but to follow Beuce. He turned to Ignis before he left. "See what you can find. It also would not hurt to get something for when we are back on the road so if you so happen to find anything we can take with us on our way out of here. It would not hurt to grab somethings." With that said and done to tossed Ignis some munny for any possible food that she could get. Then he left to go find Beuce. At some point he had lost Beuce but there was nothing that could be done about it. He figured that he would find him sooner or latter. As how many hair places cold there be? He soon found a shop and entered the shop. Beuce was the only one in there which he was glade to see. 'But you do gotta tell me what you're doing at the ball. Did ya come to ask for one of the princesses hands in marriage? That would explain why you've got such a peacock-y suit.' He just smiled at Beuce. Then something came to mind. "So Beuce do you have anyone special back Home?" Since the topic came up of marrage he was somewhat curious. He did not know BEuce that well and this might be the chance to get to know him better so why not? "You do not need to answer that if you don't want to" he said with a smile. Then something came to mind as he waited for Beuce to get done. Did he want to get close to Beuce or anyone else of that manner? First there was Glen who was the closet person to a friend he had since he left his home world. Next there was Hikaru who died not that long ago. It seemed like everyone he got close to ether disappeared or died. It was the same with Aldwin. Maybe it was him. Maybe this way the way thing were meant to be. If he did not get close to anyone then they could not die or disappear. He then went into deep thought. AJ: 9 Beuce: 8 Ignis: 8
View attachment 49162 He turned when Ignis she said, 'You're both free to spiffy yourselves up as much as you want, but are you sure you don't want that dress that was inside that store while you're at it? After all, I can't think of anyone but girls that try so hard to make themselves look good for events like this.' As Ignis had said this he ran his hand through his hair. It was starting to get long he could feel it. He had just got it cut right before everything hit the fan on his home world. That was what at least a few months ago. Beuce had said something about the dress not being his color. 'Oh, oh! But we could go shoe shopping, and get a makeover and..and...Oh! Manicuuuures~!' He could see that Beuce was trying to make light of the situation. Beuce was ready to go so there was nothing he could do but follow him. This was when Ignis said, 'Don't suppose we can find something to fill ourselves with while we're at it?' He shrugged for a moment. "I wish that I had packed some more food but food only last so long." He continued walked but there was something missing but he did not know what it was. Maybe it was his homeworld or something else he could not say. He continued to walk with the two not saying much else. AJ: 8 Beuce: 6 Ignis: 8
View attachment 49155 Once Beuce and him had met back up with Ignis she said, 'Well, at least I didn't have to con my way to find some clothes to wear.' He just looked at her not really knowing what to say. He had nothing to do with that. In fact they could have found another shop with cheaper dress up clothes. Then Ignis said, 'So what do you think we should do now, huh Mr. "Royal Inspector"? It still seems pretty early, and I'd rather not deal with that crowd trying to get into the castle right now.' He asked one rhetorical question about going to get there hair done and Ignis took it seriously. She was right in a way tho. "You are right when we got to the castle there was a mad dash to get inside. If we want to get run over then we can go." Beuce then said, 'Hey hey, he deserved it. He was being a prick.' He was but what was done was done and there was nothing that could be done about it. 'Well, I know AJ was joking about the royal inspector thing, but getting our hair done might actually not be a bad idea.' He smiled at Beuce well someone got the rhetorical question. Beuce then said something about going over a plan which was not a bad idea. Just at the moment more people seemed to walk by mostly staring at them no it was not them as more and more people walked by it became clear they were looking at Ignis. In fact one man had just walked into a lamp pole. It was not just the men that were looking it was the women too. That said it looked like it was more men then women that were looking at Ignis. "So should we be on our way?" He asked the two. AJ: 7 Beuce: 5 Ignis: 6
View attachment 49148 He just stood there in shock at the following turn of events. Beuce had practically said that they knew Elsa. He was somewhat impressed in the way that Beuce had handled things. 'Come on AJ, lets go grade the next shop.' He decided to play along with Beuce "Yea maybe the next one will be more compromising." The shop keeper seemed to think that they were some kind of royal inspector. This was turning out to be working out better then he had thought. The shop keeper then said, "Please...It...It's free! You're going to the coronation right? You still need a suit right? What do you say you uh...You just couldn't make it to my shop and it's free! Any suit you want, for both of you! On the house! Just forget all this...Grading business?" He watched as Beuce went to the most expensive part of the store and picked out two of his most expensive suits. He looked at the suit that Beuce had handed him and it looked ugly to him. That said it did look like something someone would were at the castle. He put on the Suit. View attachment 49149 He watched as Beuce left the store and he quickly followed him. Then Beuce said, 'Well damn. I gotta say, you might not like wearing dresses, but you certainly wear them well.' "What is next being a royal inspector to a hair place?" He was sure that it was not a bad place to start, but hay anything to pass them time. By the looks of things it seemed like they had some time to use before they got back. AJ: 6 Beuce: 4 Ignis: 5
View attachment 49142 He continued on his walk with Beuce when he said, 'Oh, probably some dancing, maybe some food. I've never actually been to a ceremony like this, so i can't say for sure. Though, the important thing is that the princesses are there so we can keep an eye on them and make sure nothing goes wrong.' Beuce then started going into a random shop. "What what?" He followed Beuce into the shop. "What do you mean there will probably be dancing?" He would rather dress up as a royal guard then dance. "Can't we do something else anything else?" He was trying watch what he said. Who knew what kind of connections the shop keeper had. Beuce wanted to try on some suits. 'Excuse me sir! I was looking to purchase one of your suits for me and my friend here! We're on a bit of a budget, so I was wondering if the price might be negotiable.' In response the shop keeper just looked up at Beuce. Looking up and down at him. The man decided to have some fun with this outsider. "If you want to let your legs feel the air as you walk you can always were this." The man said as he pointed to a dark purple dress. The price marked for the dress was 1'800 munny. Mean while AJ had started looking around. The shop for the most part was empty with what seemed like the most expensive stuff left. As he walked to the back the prices did seem to go down but not by much. He Did not see much of anything. Looking back up to the way they had come into the shop he wondered if Beuce had found anything. The shop keeper then continued talking. "If you want something cheaper then you could always try the bad part of town in a garbage can." At this point it was clear the the shop keeper was messing with Beuce, as he had a big gin on his face. AJ: 5 Beuce: 3 Ignis: 3
View attachment 49141 He continued his walk with Beuce and Ignis. At some point a random old lady showed up and Ignis went to help her out. The first few shops they had walked past. One of the first shops they had past had some fancy clothing. He had looked into the window of said shop. This shop had a sign that said now 50% off and get this suit for the low low price of 10'000. Cheap buy now. If the suit was cheap he did not want to know what expensive was. What was shop trying to paint something in gold or something? He had seem people come and go into the shop. It must be the look of dressing up or something he did not know. Now that Ignis was gone and Beuce was the only one there. He asked him, "So what do you thing is going to be at this coronation?" He was somewhat interested on what Beuce had thought of the whole thing. Most of the shops that they had pasts so far had high price tags in the window of the sore so he had to guess that everything inside would be just as much if not more. As they walked something came to his mind and that was how Beuce go his glass arm in the first place. It must have been painful to lose an arm. That said he was not about to ask him how it happened. It seemed like a rude thing to do. It was like pointing out how different someone was. He did not care that much. To him it was more about what was in the heart then what was on the outside. As he continued his walk with Beuce he continued to look in the windows of the shops. He knew at one point they were just going to have to beak down and go into one. AJ: 4 Beuce: 2 Ignis: 3
View attachment 49135 The next thing that Ignis had said was, 'No no no no no no! If I wear a dress and let people see me in it, it'll ruin my image!' This was odd coming from someone who not moments ago had said that anyone who spends so much time worrying about clothes like needs to get a new hobby. He wounded which one it was but said nothing. Ignis then got up behind him and Beuce and gave of the scariest aura she could muster. 'Realize that if we do this, you are not to speak to anyone else about it, understand!? Or you're going to suffer!' Was she seriously threatening them? It was not worth saying anything on tho. It did not seem like the time or place to be doing this. He let out a sigh. There were other ways to deal with things and Ignis could have just asked them not to say anything but she had to threaten them. "Look I do not like dressing up just as much as the next person. In fact I would almost rather go naked then to dress up, but that does not seem like a good idea nor appropriate." They need to get into the castle and there was no other way in getting a boat then gain friendship with the people inside. When Beuce said, 'I'll tell you later. We're not in the right crowd for that kind of discussion, if you catch my drift.' He just gave a simple nod to this as he understood where he was coming from. Then Beuce said, 'Wait do you not have munny? I thought we all did. Most places I've seen accept this as currency, despite being disconnected. It's kind of odd, come to think of it.' "I just thought there would be a local currency of each place. Look I do not know as much about other places as you do." He said 'place' because saying another world and someone over hearing it did not seem like the best idea. Beuce then something about the need with something with gloves. "From the looks of things it looked like everyone entering the castle had some sort of hand covering so if we did not we might stand out." He then continued there walk. AJ: 3 Beuce: 2 Ignis: 2
View attachment 49131 The first thing ignis had said when they left was, 'He does realize that we can all hear him as we walk by, right?' "Perhaps not but if he is this open maybe we can find out what he is up to. What secrets could he possible find out?" Ignis continued, 'Well, there's only one way to get in I can think of, and I really hope you guys can think of something else.' She let out a giant sigh and sunk down a bit, feeling the weight of the words she was about to say. 'We're gonna have to dress up and sneak into this coronation ceremony...' He did not think it would be that easy but what did he know? Ignis then pleaded with them 'Please tell me you have a better idea! I don't want to wear a dress! I can't stand them!' "I do not see much of a option." This was when Beuce spoke up and said, 'I guess we could keep tabs on him just to be safe, but I doubt he could hurt a fly if he wanted to. Still though, you're right about us not exactly blending in.' "I think that it would be better to know what he is up to then let him do what ever." He thought for a moment. Then said, "It reminds me of my homeworld in a way I had to be watching over my shoulder." 'Come on lets hit the town quickly and try to find something we can wear. We'll pick you out something pretty.' Beuce said, changing directions and heading toward the closest thing he could assume to be shops. He did not have much choice but to follow. On the way he thought it might be best to get to know Beuce some more. That and he had some questions. "So on the boat you were looking at a large tome. Where did you get it and was so interesting about it?" Thinking some more something came to mind about dressing up. "So we have to find a shop and somehow get dress clothes but we have no way to pay for them. It is not like a way to pay is going to flow our way, although things seem to happen and, who knows maybe a way to pay for the dress clothes will just show up." Ooc: shut up achievement AJ: 2 Beuce: 1 Ignis: 1
View attachment 49117 The first thing ignis did was say, 'We personally don't know anything about them, but from the looks of it, you could probably learn something by asking the people of the town. We're just passing through.' He was somewhat surprised that Ignis had agreed with him. Thinking back to the boat ride Beuce had pulled out a large tome. He had wondered what it was at the time but figured that Beuce needed some time to heal. Beuce soon tapped Ignis and him on the shoulder, before nodding to the castle in a "lets go" gesture. Beuce was right they had to go. "We should be on our way," he told the Duke. He begin to notice the large volume of people walking through the castle gates. "So what do you think the Duke is up to?" He asked them both. "Besides the likely hood that he is most likely after their riches." As he watched the people go into the castle there was one thing that suck out and that was that most if not all were dressed up. "So what is the plan on getting in? It is not like we can just walk in. We will be spotted a mile a way. Our best course of action is to try to blend in." They needed a plan of sorts. "So the plan is to blend in somehow find the two Princess of Heart and get a boat out of here. We also need to find a way to see what the Duke is up to. Is there anything else I am missing?" It seemed kind of impossible when he thought about it. They were going to attempt to brake into a castle. They could try and sneak in but the odds of that working out was slim to none.
1. What is your name(s)? 2. What is/are your goals? 3. What weapon would you use in battle?
View attachment 49110 As the boat went off and they went in the a direction he sat there looking at Beuce for a moment wondering if he was ok. The man had just broken something but he seemed to be fine. Beuce was ether fine or was really good at looking ok. He did not speak. He was thinking about the others and how to get to them. After some time hours went by and he figured out that wherever they were going it was going to take awhile to get there. He also figured that by the time that they got to wherever this boat was taking them Beuce would be more healed. The boat seemed to have a mind of its own and went in whatever direction it wanted. So there was not much point in trying to go anywhere but where the boat wanted to go. At some point he tried to fall asleep but whenever he got close to doing so the boat would jerk randomly and hard. Then after some time he gave up on the attempt. As the hours went by he figured that they should eat and offered Beuce the only food that he had. This was some fruit that he had picked up some time ago and some bread which at this point wondered if it was edible. After all this time fighting Beuce did not want to go die hungry. That would be one way to go. He figured that once that they landed wherever they were going, he would pick up some food and another boat that they could use to get back to the others. At some point he saw that Ignis was there and he was not sure if she was asleep or awake but figured that he should let her rest. He did not know what was to come and it was better to get the rest you could and did not wish to bother Ignis. As the hours turned into the first day he wondered how much longer they would be on this boat. The boat was going to take them wherever and it was going to take as long as it wanted. He thought that maybe no heart had done something to the boats at one point because that was the only thing that made since. The sooner they got to where they were going the better. He sat there wondering how the other were doing. Once they landed he knew that there was little chance that the others would be there. Chances were that they were separated by a larger distance. He knew that one way other another he would find his way to the others. It was not so much that he need them or they need him but more so that it would bring back something he knew about back to him. As he looked on all he saw was water in every direction. At some point the realm of darkness' sky turned from a black to a dark blue. As the boat continued on the bath the sky continued to get lighter until it looked like it should. If he did not know better he would say that he was back in his homeworld. Day one soon turned to day two and he was starting to wonder if they would ever get to where they were going. As the boat continued on its path to parts unknown he thought of his home world and what must be happening. Kaida had said that it was not longer around but he still was unsure about that. He was so sure that he would have felt something anything at but still whenever he thought about his homeworld he felt nothing at all and he was still sure that he would fell something. The sky and the water looked just like it did at home. At some point he figured out that they were no longer in the realm of darkness. As the boat continued on the air and everything around them felt different. It almost had a happy feeling to it. While he was sure other would say it was indeed hay he did not think as much. As he thought on this he thought it was a look time since he had been truly happy. It was not so much that his homeworld was happy but the few people he cared about there that did. The boat continued for another few hours when he spotted a land mass in the distance. They where almost to wherever no heart wanted them or they landed here by chance. It looked to be a fairly sunny kingdom. Anything and everthing seemed so bright but that could be because of where they had come from the realm of darkness was so dark that anything would seem bright by comparison. As heir boat had reached the docks it stopped for a moment before starting to sink. (he then pulled Beuce and Ignis off the boat if they wished or just got off.) He stood on the dock with the others looking around. Soon several royal and common folk alike seemed to be rowdy in celebration. 'Such a wonderful thing to witness coronation day,' one of the villagers cheered. 'It's been ages since those kingdom gates have opened. I hear Princesses Anna and Elsa have grown into quite the beautiful pair of women!' He knew the name right away. The names were seen on the Princess of Heart list. It could not be by chance they landed in a place where two Princess of Heart were at. Soon they were approached by a small, scrawny old man in a military uniform. 'Begging your pardon. Do you by chance know the princesses? It's been quite some time since they've left their home and as the Duke of Weselton I wish to uh... negotiate trade with them. Any information at all would be quite helpful...' There was some sort of hesitation in the man's voice and the first thought that came to mind was that this man was up to something. "Sorry we are just passing through. Are you sure you are in the right place? Perhaps you took a wrong turn somewhere." He knew just where to find the Princess of Heart. Where else would they be but a castle? He looked to the skyline and could just spot the top of the castle. They had to get a new boat and the best place to ask for one was somewhere, where someone was in charge.
View attachment 49099 After letting Zephyr out by cutting a path open he faced the spider ready to go in for another attack. It did seem like immobilizing this spider might be difficult. Fire and flames seemed to be everywhere. Lose web fell and were completely gone with the flames. Soon the spider was hit back by the powerful Wyverns Flare attacks. For a spider that big he was not surprise in how slow it moved. He thought on this and it was probably a good thing it moved so slow. It was faster they might have had a harder time fighting it. Suddenly the spider ignited. The spider was caught it in a bonfire of flames. The spider squealed and writhed as the fire consumed it. He just stood there and thought well that works. A spike suddenly went up from the ground, impaling the spider in the head. Now that the spider was dead they could move on. Izra then said, 'Nice work. Is everyone alright before we move forward?' He seemed alright and by the looks of things everyone else was too. He smiled at Izra. "I am ready." There was not much else to say so he looked forward.
I would like to request the TWO pin please
Will be spending 30 crowns on ap to bring my total to 42 +3 ap