Yay the sprite looks so cool XD
Ok then, Cody has left the building!
Hey are you able to make a sprite for my keyblade like with the others?
It looks small to me....... The keyblade dosnt look long enough
It's good :) although it looks kinda small........ But it dosnt matter
1.http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=/&gl=AU#/watch?xl=xl_blazer&v=O4FxuXeyPqE 2. 1:17-1:25 (just before it cuts back to roxas) 3. Medium size? 4. No border This might be hard to loop but if you can try to from just as zexion's coat cuts through the camera. Thanks much appreciated :)
The name is Devine Twilight
Iv been on and off for a while waiting for you lol
Omg my final week before I can't talk to for like a kagillion days has begun :(
So what country are you from?
Yeh but Yule isn't really recognized alot here in Australia. It usually falls under the same title as Christmas
No. I don't know anyone who actually celebrates Yule. Don't know much about it myself lol
You don't need to be Christian to celebrate Christmas lol Yeh I'm going to do the same thing as you (except for the last one :P)
Lol. So what are you doing this Christmas?
The horror! Well it's good to know that there's one more person I know with good imagination
What would we do without our imaginations.
To much imagination lol I'm an avid daydreamer
Well it can be everyone is the main character......... Or you can be the most important person that's stops the darkness
He can be the one that brings everyone together?
Um howabout Keyblade Masters from different timelines being brought together because of some great evil. Idk that's all I can think of.