Unfortunately I do not make GIFs, sorry about that Sure I could :) Just use the signature template on the front page and i'll give it a go. So you want me to create some sort of banner for your thread or a graphic for your character in your RP?
Saints Row 3 or Bioshock
(sorry for the amazingly late reply, wasn't on KHV for awhile) Thats pretty impressive you staying out their alone (kinda). I don't have the...
Invisibility! There are too many reasons as to why I want this power. Some are quite obvious however :P
...Pikachu evolves?
we should just all communicate with pokemon voices... wouldn't life be grand!
Friends... Spoiler
The Noble Prince Name: Vaz Gender: Male Appearance:
look at how much frickin money he has!
I live in England, everything is always different here xD Our summer holiday lasts from July to September so it's not too bad :) You in NY by...
Yeh I'm doing great :) My summer holiday just started last week so it's been pretty crazy :P You still in New York at the moment?
Hey Din, long time no speak ;) how you been?
Andy Roddick Michael Jackson Zell Dincht
Now I have to decide between salty or buttery popcorn...
Only you would make a thread about this Amaury... Congratz btw ;)
I did everything I wasn't allowed to do before I was 18 so it didn't really make too much of a difference to me O.O
right click -> save image.
like a boss!
Hopefully they'll let you choose what Jak from the series to play as. Maybe each Jak from the series is a different costume.