today was my first day of school *blah*
hey guys - we're going to put this on youtube so it'd be awesome if you could test to see if youtube allows the song or not first so then the video won't be taken down once we have it all together Some artist I know that automaticly take down the songs are: AFI, Paramore, The Veronicas, and Jason Mraz
alli - its okay, school starts for me tomarrow ven - of course you can :D
heeeey I'm back from Chicago :D What'd I miss?
hahahha YAY DRUMMER!!! :D oh and I'm going to be in chicago for the next 5 days so - star aand sumi know what to do :D
no - you just need 1k posts and i forget how much rep....
I couldn't have said it better myself
haha its prettyfull :D
awwww *huggles* you can always change it back :D
haha arch you choose a bad time to shorten your name
truuuue but I want real hair dye now *sigh* oh well
Yep, some friends of mine go there :P Tell your cousins I go to the 'goodie good school of the area' :P awwwww everybody is leaving now-a-days its saddening D:
I think you told me this before, I live near Peoria
what the hell does rainbow mean!?! oh so my parents tried to make it up to me and they went and bought me a Tokio Hotel tang top, fake purple hair extention clips from hot topic, and afi's DECEMBERUNDERGROUND CD :D
a hick highschool in Illinois
i get to school - i attempt to open my waaaaay to small for me locker roughly 30-50 times then I finnaly go to the secertary and they were like 'fine come back in a couple of days' (i'm going to be gone so i tell them that and they were like 'oh well') then we go in serach for the janter and he tells me they gave me the wrong combo -.-
gaaaah i'm going up to school to put everything in my locker
we're invited to some wedding so I have to wait for the wedding to be over *pouts*
juuuuuust daaaaance spinthatrecordbabe juuuuuust daaaaaaance