si, i like potatoes
"Lovely." Mary cooed, looking out the window again and taking in the scents of the town. She could already pick out a few that she knew she would target immediatly. The thought of hunting and fighting for the man who had freed her made her eager to get out of the castle. We'll see what these new strengths can do. i want someone in that "Gabriel's" group... one of those traitors Dracula was talking about. Jinx kept tapping her finger, the speed of her beats getting quicker. I think I need to hunt soon. she thought, remembering she hadn't for awhile.
Mary's eyes darkened alittle at the thought of blood. The need to feed was getting stronger. "Are there any people we aren't allowed to touch?" she asked, thinking ahead to the feeding frenzy that was sure to accure. She wanted to avoid doing something wrong for at least the more intellegnet girls. Jinx tapped her finger on the arm rest rapidly. "Edward, if you want to check on them, no one is stopping you. Whatever makes you feel better." she wanted to keep talking with D as he seemed interesting when he talked but while the other two bickered it wasn't going to happen.
"Carls going down there." Jinx pointed out (he's just walking slowly... u know, waiting to make sure they actually are down there *cough hack cough*). "If anything is wrong, he'll yell or something." she waited a moment after receiving blank and/or unimpressed looks. "Or... someone could go check on them." she agreed. Mary stood on the outskirts of the group of the newest newborns. She found it fasinating to look at each, her vampire memory comparing their pathetic human forms to their new, beautiful bodies. Eventually she got bored and walked to a window. She leaned half way out and looked as far out as she could. As she did she caught Dracula's words and glanced back towards the room he was in with a twisted smile, for a moment. "An army... I like that." she thought aloud.
ah, alright, but not tearing or shredding kay?
Eric swam behind her, looking over his shoulder every so often to be sure they weren't being followed. When his head broke the surface he saw the humans on the beach too. He scanned the beach to find a deserted area. Spotting one, he ducked under the water again and swam with Ame towards it. "We have to get dried off before we walk on land." he reminded her.
*waves from faaaar away* that's totallly great :)
Serifina flashed Kyoshi a frightening smile. "You know if i were you I would gladly answer him and not risk annoying further the overly stressed and worried girl who may just start blaming you soon..." she suggested, only teasing him.
Grace didn't let go of Sakura's hand, esspically now. Eric waited until the sounds of the gaurds shouts and tails thrashing through the water became queiter. "Okay, go." he whispered. "Straight up and to land."
OOC: be nice ms fluer :P or i'll give you a recap too! ooooh scary!
stangely enough, i have! it's crazy! like they go to my school or something. haha. and did you?
:D that's lovely. excuse me while i run in the other direction ^^ missed talking to ya
Grace kept her expression neutral but she wasn't sure of her footing answering him. "We're considering it." she answered diplomaticly, ignoring the title 'broads'. "What do you know about them anyways?" she asked, wanting to get a good idea of what the two had been getting up to while they'd been seperated. Famously ditzy? I hope she's not drawing too much attention... Eric kept a watchful eye out for the guards. Soon he heard them swimming near and backed quietly towards the end of the cave, keeping Ame behind him. "They're passing." he whispered to her, reflexivly taking hold of his dagger's hilt.
OOC: haha, and you said you'd keep her up to date ms hannah :P liar liar plants for hire i suck at recaps so bare with me. gemini and lanan got the disguises as well as a knife if samiere wants it. tristan went alittle crazy with the voice in his head and it took over, trying to kill Lanan. when lanan didn't die, everyone decided to go free the slaves. the three groups are going off soon. you may want to read the last page or two, just to get a better picture ^^
"Okay, just checking." Eric nodded, idely toying with the shark tooth around his neck. "I think they'll be past in just a few minutes... we can go then." he didn't let it show but going to the surface made him nervous. He didn't know care much about humans and didn't know what to expect or how to protect Ame.
Sakura's confident tone kept Grace's mouth shut and her opinion to herself. Maybe he'll leave us alone after he shows us to them. she thought to herself, already having a sneaking suspition Nicholas would be popping up all over their lives now. Abby looked at her watch. "Well I'll leave you kids to that. Don't do anything I wouldn't." she laughed. "If you two need anything else, you know where I work. Good luck finding your friends." she waved good bye and set off towards the pink store for her second shift. Eric followed her in but kept nearer to the mouth of the cave to watch for the passing guards. He wanted to give them the most time to reach the surface. "Are you alright?" He asked as they waited. Things had been a big rush since they'd gotten out of their cells and he wanted to make sure.
Jinx just laughed at the outburst. "I'm glad to hear it. Sounds like he's more of a partner than a parasite." she guessed, still smiling and glancing up at Van Helsing. "I'll bet you're never lonely."
"And I already tried that anyways." Serifina pointed out. "You weren't asleep stupid." she glared at him as if it was totally his fault for being knocked unconsious. "Stop panicing me and take better care of yourself. I'm not your mother." she lightly tapped the top of his head as she stood up. "Destroying the base sounds like a good plan." she added, agreeing with Aiko.
someone should stop being sick all the time. yeah i know the feeling. the only reason i'm online so much is cuz that's how long hw takes...
haha i would give u rep to reply to ur rep but it won't let me! sadness... anywho! i forgot i had that mood up! lol, silly goose that i am. tis...