Jinx didn't want to wait for an answer so she turned her attention to the question of how to keep Bee under control. She seriously doubted the girl would do anything more than walk into town and add to the killing spree. Carl looked from Micheal and Bee to Van Helsing and Jinx. "I'll just go with them." he said, knowing Van helsing well enough to predict a fight coming along. Jinx's attentino snapped to him. She was going to protest but then she got a good look at Bee and she shrugged. He won't be any safer here. Mary flew into the room Edward and Hannah occupied. "Are you Edward?" she asked him sweetly.
OOC: aw but this is the best thread ever! why are we still the only people on it anyways? don't people know this is where the cool perverts I MEAN people hang out? geeze... well i don't want to spam to much so i'm pushing the story on. time to attack edwardo BIC: Mary weighed her options and launched off her perch towards the castle. Soon the scent of other non humans hit her. "ugh, how disgusting." she spoke aloud to herself after smelling lycan and werewolf. She headed straight for the window with the strongest scent.
Gemini nodded with a smile. "That's good. We'll show them that we're not damsels in distress right?" she teased lightly as they headed in the direction of their target.
OOC: *cough* post *cough* ;P
OOC: haha uh oh, and you called her angie too! i'll get her after she gets you *evil laughter* ^^
OOC: haha i thought you'd like that :P but now i have to kill you for calling me angie... BUT first you should flipping post!
OOC: right now was over two hours ago :P silly people.
Eric mentally shook his head to clear his thoughts. "Of course I'll miss the sea, but that is hardly important at this point." he answered honestly before changing the subject. "We'll have to go to a town soon. I think that's where the others will be, at least Mia and Lucca if Mia's obssesion with humans is any indicator."
OOC: uh... in shcool? lol
Name:Mary Gulland race: vampire by Dracula age:18 till death do us part apperence: (haha i just had to use this one) background: Mary was thrown onto the streets as a child because her fammily could not afford another child. She was welcomed to live at the local brothel for a few weeks before the owner told her to either work or leave. By befriending Hikari, learning the tricks of the trade, and always being the first to step foward in any situation, she kept ahead. Now with a new opprotinity like Dracula, she won't be letting herself slip unnoticed into the crowd of new brides. She'll do anything to keep on top.
Grace laughed lightly. "Hold your sea horses." she said, also stepping away from the water and looking at the other two. "Lead the way, sir and lady?" she asked the Teal Princess and Prince, smiling through her formal words.
OOC: *looks at watch* where is that girl? geeze DoReMi ;) BIC: Gemini and Sameire climbed out of the sewer soon after the others and Gemini looked around. "Do you have anything to fight with?" she asked, turning her head to the side alittle as she looked at her companion.
Grace looked past Mia and Lucca at the ocean, only alittle longing in her eyes, "Good plan. we don't want the tide sneaking up on us." she pointed out, seeing the water getting closer as they talked.
"Okay. We can share a room." Grace agreed, looking to Sakura to see if that would be alright.
no... sorry i don't really like pokemon very much. i have the ruby game from a while back but i don't think i ever even beat that one
that's fun :) how's the veiw?
OOC: lol wow i typed that last post alittle weirdly. i shall edit it. BIC: Eric walked with her town the coast line. His eyes kept straying to the water which he was already missing. How so many merpeople could be obssessed with the human's world was a mystery to him.
O.O... hahahahaha u are so entertaining! haha, i'm just getting my costume ready for a murder mystery party and doing some sketching. how bout you?
Grace couldn't help laughing quietly. "next time don't get to much." she chided, lightly. Eric looked up and down the coast. "I think we should avoid the attention of humans as much as possible." he said, gesturing to the left which was an empty strip of beach. "So we should head that way." he sighed, not wanting to be among a crowd of humans either.
OOC: oh yeah... profiles. that might be important! haha, i'll do it later BIC: "Don't get killed without us!" Jinx yelled after him as she and Van Helsing headed to the stables.