Serifina nodded in lue of answering anything. OOC: lets go with exposives
^^ aren't cell phones amazing? it's almost like we could corridinate that from miles away. you're welcome
Jinx clenched her fists over and over, "Shut up GAbriel." she growled deep in her thought in reply. At Dracula's comments her anger targeted him. "Whats wrong with my scent?" she snapped, crossing back and forth between control and losing it. Carl looked down from heaven. "Wow, they look like ants!" he said, flapping his wings.
nuh uh! glomps are not spam! they are friendly
OOC: aside from ignoring that little nickname :p she was waiting for Samirel to be posted... but i'll post ^^ sorry for the long wait BIC: Gemini shrugged when Samirel didn't answer and continued towards their target. When they finally got close she put a hand on the princess's shoulder. "Shh..." she whispered, searching out the gaurds from where they were. "Okay, come on, they're circling, if we sprint we'll make it. You ready?"
:glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp:...
OOC: hahaha, so is sakura! check it out, we both have gender confusion BIC: Grace followed along down the hall, trying to tell which room was Lucca and Mia's. The rooms looked the same to her though.
i'm going into the research feild of physics (idk which exact area of physics yet but maybe astro.) and then when i'm retired and have invented a...
"Of course they have closed ceilings, other wise they couldn't have so many rooms on top of each other and there wouldn't be a need for the elevator." Grace tried 'logicly' explaining to Sakura, allthough he didn't much like it either, finding it far to closed in.
Grace smiled at Mia's comment but turned back to Sakura, more interested in the contraption than it's lack of speed. "Are the human's rooms like ours at home at all?" she asked the two.
oh that's really great :) so you want to be in the research area of those feilds?
that's really cool. do you know which career you want yet or are you looking?
Jinx reached Carl's body first and clamped a hand tightly over her mouth and nose. His dead corpse for a second had her paralized between shock and bloodlust. Carl... She shakily passed his body, finding it harder as she went but soon she reached Van Helsing too. OOC: in that case ^^ i'll just jump ahead. BIC: Mary tapped her foot infront of Edward. "Alright, fine. I guess you two can't be reasonable traitors so I'll give you this choice instead." she slide back to Hannah, trapping her in Mary's grasp and leaning her mouth foward to be right at Hannah's throat. "Stop being stubborn and do what I've asked or I'll take out her blood. I don't know if that will kill her but it certianly can't be good for the half breed."
Jinx shrugged. "If I didn't fight with Gabriel I wouldn't fight at all." she answered and was about to say something else when she heard Van Helsing's scream. Her eyes grew wide as the scent of Carl's blood hit her. "oh my god..." she whispered, turning around and forgetting the newborn without a thought. "****!" she took off in a sprint, praying the frair wasn't dead.
going 100 mph constantly. haha. and you?
Mary coughed and looked around the room, waiting too. Jinx shook her head sadly, her glamour evaporating from where it had been thrown. "Not today." she answered through her make shift veil. "If you aren't either, I suggest you leave now. EVen if you manage to kill me, you'll only end with a bullet in the heart and hell for eternity." she waited for Hikari to ignore her and attack again.
*thumbs up* glad to have you back!
Serifina felt like she should put in her opinion but she had less and less of an idea of what they were talking about as they talked. "Can any of us make an explosion that big?" she asked carefully "Without a bomb i mean, or can we make one? Or maybe just go see what's in the shed... it can't be that dangerous after we just took out an entire base." she strung her words together quickly, hoping they were not random ramblings. Gods this is annoying! I know these things... why can't i just remember them. I sound like a moron.
Jinx bit her lip hard to keep from reacting to the sounds of Dracula and Van helsing fighting. She stood up silently, putting Hikari between the two of herself as she did. "It could be me..." she answered, unhelpfully. "It's up to you how you figure this out." the glamour picked up without pause.
O.O what are u doing here? crazy person i thought u left.