"Oh, that's intersting. I'm not sure if that makes me want children or not." Jinx laughed, picturing alittle girl running around with a mouth on her hand cursing and yelling obsenites. "Do you dislike him alot? I mean if you do, maybe he could be removed?"
Abby laughed. "If it wasn't for that mouth you'd be such a catch." she teased. (aw, the gray doesn't show anymore :)) "Yes I'm sure." Grace crossed her arms over her chest. "Can you please point us in their direction?" she asked though her teeth. Generally she prided herself for being reasonable but he was pushing some of her few buttons just by talking.
Serifina held out her hand for the leaves, not looking at either of them. "I'm not even going to ask where that ******* I left with you is." she said under her breath, gently opening Sartre's mouth and getting him to eat the leaves.
"ready." Gemini echoed, cheerfully. "Let's go kick butt," she added to Sameire in a quieter tone. She didn't have an answer to Eleanor's question about the next step but it didn't seem important yet.
yep. well i need to get to sleep. goodnight
ah, yeah, same time zone here. so that's pretty dang impressive. someone's popular :P
dang! that's a lot, way to go!
no prob. it's always fun to meet new kh-vids peoples. so... yeah, hi! :)