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  1. 61
    i stumbled upon this channel called comicstorian and i just hate everything that it stands for
    Post by: 61, May 4, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. 61
    brb falling in love with black sabbath

    ya ygo stopped being an actual game quite a while ago. and it was never a game that should have been played on a competitive level bc its just not built to be like that. its based on a kids show that constantly has to reinvent itself with new absurd gimmicks to keep the kids entertained. thats fine for a show but doesnt at all translate to a respectable game. i like playing the game with friends and stuff but once you start getting beyond casual play its completely devoid of fun. at least thats my take on it.
    Post by: 61, May 4, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. 61
    can someone explain to me how everyone on storm 4 online is so ****ing fast. like when i sub they literally get right up next to me without missing a beat so i cant even react. and when i do the triangle plus x to cancel an action and continue a combo and its supposed to do that thing where you get up next to them, its nowhere near as fast. like is there some hidden button i dont know about for online? because atp thats literally the only way i can make sense of it
    Post by: 61, May 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. 61
    yes that one
    k sweet i will when i have money.
    i found a respectable english patch of arc v special a while back and tbh it wasnt as awesome as i was expecting. it seems like it would be the be all end all ygo video game but the story mode kinda sucks compared to other tag force games and it didnt have recent cards that i wanted even though it had arc v. so yeah i mean if you can find the english patch and dont mind that its not as good of a game as tag force 5, than it should be worth it.
    Post by: 61, May 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. 61
    yeah if you can utilize ygopro its great. the only friend i had who played ygo played with 60 card burn decks while i pretended like i knew what i was doing so it wasnt long before the fun wore off
    Post by: 61, May 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. 61
    the thing that i dont like about ygo pro is that i dont play competitive and i dont like competitive so aside from bot duels ygopro is all but useless to me. thats pretty much why i prefer video games. still have access to cards but can play at my level
    Post by: 61, May 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. 61
    unfortunately we do live in a rap culture and i hate every audible second of it
    Post by: 61, May 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. 61
    rep jokes not allowed anymore and officially declared unfunny amaury says so
    Post by: 61, May 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. 61
    anyone have that ygo ps4 game? looks like they just ported arc v special which in that case hit me the **** up bc that sounds amazing regardless of whether or not they updated it to look good for ps4 which seems to be the main complaint. def gonna buy it at some point unless someone says DONT BUY IT

    @Fearless you know anything about this hm?
    Post by: 61, May 3, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. 61

    when you


    thank you sinpie
    Post by: 61, May 2, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. 61
    sometimes i think about a new username like 62 but thats only because 6.1+ hd re:final master mix is too big
    Post by: 61, May 2, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. 61

    when you

    walk down the hot pocket aisle and take a moment of silence bc they dont make your favorite kind anymore

    that feel brooooo
    Thread by: 61, May 2, 2016, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. 61
    im on the fence. im excited to get a taste for it without having to drop $60 to find out its not for me. it has my interest at least but im wondering if blizzards a company i dont like based on the games they make
    Post by: 61, May 2, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. 61
    i didnt preorder but im def going to play it when i can. im not at all sold on the game but i want to see if its something i would like. you know im picky with games
    Post by: 61, May 2, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. 61
    my thing is i dont understand what justified an additional slot. like why does itachi have another slot for his reanimation but nobody else does? if they came to me and said "we want you to organize this roster" i would take away some of the stupid outfits that dont matter, yeah theyre cool but they clutter this up a bit, and merge all versions into a single slot except for part 1 characters. kakashi is basically the only one i can think of who got this right. you have his latest version in the front and as you scroll through you get other versions with different movesets. and thats another thing. its not like they divided characters among movesets because sometimes you have different movesets per costume and sometimes you dont. sasuke's a fun character and all but he doesnt need like 6 slots to himself. put all that in one place. what also annoys me is how some characters have different icons for different costumes and some dont. like it really bugs me when i put regular hanzo on a team of other non-reanimation characters and even though ive given him his non-reanimation costume, the little picture that shows what character im using still has his reanimation eyes. minor gripe but still one i have. overall i love this game, i just wish it had four or five more characters to make this the definitive naruto fighter spanning the beginning to end with additional boruto movie characters because thats kinda what it is minus the glaring few that its missing, a more organized select screen, and collectible things. like ultimate ninja 3 which is one of my favorite games ever has these unlockable figures among other things that dont do anything at all but look damn cool and give the game something like a post-game with all the stuff you can collect. storm 4 has ninja info cards. thats it. playing through adventure feels ultimately pointless because literally the only things you can get out of it are money and ninja tools which are just another form of money. i mean i guess it says a lot about how much i like the game and the franchise as a whole that even knowing this i still want to 100% adventure, it just makes the game feel a little shallow outside of gameplay. gameplay is fantastic*. there are enough modes to keep me happy. i just wish there were in-game material items to collect. so yeah those are my thoughts on storm 4. this post started out as something small and turned into my dumping my entire storm 4 thoughts into a single post, which was something i planned on doing anyway. love the game, just wish it went like two steps further.

    *fantastic for what it is. i would make it so you can only use secret techniques once per match and just put substitution back into chakra to make chakra more essential to manage. but this only really matters for online. if you did that and added even one more button to control combos, i think you would have an actually respectable fighter on your hands.

    also yeah. i rarely play as part 1 characters except for Kimiwhatever but if they werent there i would be angry. i like knowing that theyre there and playing with them every so often.
    Post by: 61, May 2, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. 61
    i would pay a stupid amount of money for them to add anko, kurenai, shizune, and mitsuki to the storm 4 roster. in another dlc pack. after dlc 3, those are the only characters that its really lacking. heck i dont even need mitsuki. id be okay with just anko and kurenai really (THERES EVEN AN ANKO MODEL IN ADVENTURE THAT LOOKS SO FANTASTIC WTH WHY CANT I USE THAT). also i would like it if they cleaned up the character select it makes no sense with how inconsistently its laid out. not a real problem just an annoyance

    thankfully im at the point where i can only play the game in 1 mission bursts before im tired of it or just dont play it at all. nice little game with a short lifespan but much better than just about any mobile exclusive ever.
    Post by: 61, May 2, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. 61
    it should be stated that superman in that first picture is more muscular than the one that you claim is too muscular. i think what's actually going on in the second picture is, rather than a throwback to "90s" muscles, is that this is another instance of dc post-flashpoint feeling the need to be adult and #edgy and super dark cool comics are serious business no fun allowed.

    vs the elite was a great superman story that displayed what that character is all about.
    war and everything that followed with superman in it has a superman that literally just wants to hit things and is a moral compass for no one.

    however these movies are entirely inconsequential and super easy to ignore. i just dont like that a line of movies that was at times good got hijacked by new 52 stuff for a "continuity". ****ing please. like we need one of those. just put out good movies. also they **** all over morrison with those.
    Post by: 61, May 1, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. 61
    the story attempts to prove why superman's methods are not only valid but still relevant as a model for the modern age, so its colorful art thats not trying to be hyper serious cool awesome like the new movies works well. its also not trying to emmulate an art style like all-star superman was that just looked terrible. its a style thats unique to itself. my only complaint about the movie is that its not wholly appropriate for kids, and thats a movie that kids should see
    Post by: 61, May 1, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. 61
    it looks cartoony
    Post by: 61, May 1, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. 61
    that doesn't surprise me
    Post by: 61, May 1, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone