Character death that hit you hard? Favorite thing to do when no one's looking? Your favorite thing about yourself? A color you can't stand?
I didn't even know there was a KHV Idol ;-; I'd love it if it were resurrected or if something similar were to be done. :)
That mug is fire. Sharing is caring, Japan!!!!
There is something very unsettling about Sora and Mickey's smiles. Straight out of a creepypasta. Everything else body-wise looks good though x3
Gotta love 70's music <3
"seeing that the story is quite long and complicated." Never thought I'd see the day that he actually admits it.
That did indeed feel very Guardian-ish x3 It's exciting though to see who Thor is without his hammer. Seeing Thor, Hulk, and Spoiler Doctor Strange all in one big screen is going to be quite the treat.
@Explode Due to issues with my old account I had to make a new one. Hope it's not too much of an issue. :-s The new one is: ID: 2526595 Username: Rinoa Former account: ID: 232395 Username: Rinoa ^ this one can be booted from the group.
Happy birthday!!!
Happy birthday!
Happy anniversary on the day you escaped the womb!
My fantasies are coming true.
Sums up how I felt about the trailer. The hype is real! I find it really interesting how he puts the suit on. Not gonna lie, it'll take a bit to get used to that.
Happy Birthday! :)
So I went today (yesterday) to go see the movie and my was it good. Like really good. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought it would. I thought it was going to be really dark in comparison to the show (it was dark don't get me wrong, with the adult jokes sprinkled in there, minor cursing and just the feel in general) but it was surprisingly well balanced with the humor and the characters, Billy in particular bringing in a lightness to the tone. The cast really did a wonderful job bringing the characters to life. They felt much more relatable. And Elizabeth Banks as well, I've always seen her as sort of the friendly, wacky girl/woman/neighbor next door but she really brought it on for the film. She was creeping me out at some points. When she was fighting with the rangers it truly felt like I was watching the show again. If you haven't seen it yet I highly recommend that you do.
Still not getting the game, but that was one cool trailer.