Search Results

  1. Dinny

    Through all the panicked people, burning forestation and thick smoke, Tucker had actually lost his students. With many routes blocked, he simply began loosing them one by one. It was horrible, and sick thoughts entered his mind as his heart felt like it would beat of his chest. He didn't even like remembering the feeling - it made him shiver. He actually didn't go and escape the forest, even though he probably could. The only thing on his mind were his troopers. His three, amazing troopers who might have been stuck in the forest or even out of it already. Yet, he didn't take his chances, instead of escaping he went back into the woods, screaming for his Trooper's names. Also screaming however were his ankles which were still incredibly painful. They were so sore rom jumping down the tree then running all of the place right after. They were definitely strained, but part of him didn't even mind because he thought about Piece, Quentin, and Stratana. He wished that they were all just out of the forest and he was just wasting his time. He just wished they were okay.

    At one point, the twenty one year old had succumbed to the smoke and pain in his ankles that barely supported him. He leaned onto one of the not too burnt trees in the outer parts of the forest, close to the camp circle really since the fire spread so fast. His clothes were incredibly dirty from the smoke. His white shirt stuck closely to his bare skin as he dripped in his own sweat. He hovered his fisted hand over his lips and coughed into it roughly before he called out for his troopers once more. However his voice was so hoarse and weak it didn't help. Suddenly, a fire man had appeared by his side and put a hand on the young adult's shoulder. "You have to leave" and Tucker remembered protesting, mentioning his troopers in between coughs before he kind of just lost balance and had the fire man catch him. With the fire man's help, he was able to escape the forest.

    Now, he lay on a stretcher. His chestnut eyes shifted around him before the paramedics lifted him into an ambulance. He recognized the place, he was still at camp. Just, not going to be in a while. He was to be transported off into a hospital for sure. He looked up at the paramedic on his side, raising his right forearm to graze his finger on the medic's arm lightly. "I need to get back to my - COUGH - squad. Thank you for the help but I'm perfectly - COUGH COUGH- fine. I've broken my ankles numerous time before, they're just a little strained. I don't need to go to a hospital - COUGH -I promise. I j-just need to find my troopers. All of them. Ch-check if they're - COUGH COUGH - okay...!" The man stared at him blankly before saying, "That is not for you to decide. We need to run a check on you to see if you're alright and your ankles are not strained but swollen. Please let us take care of you."

    He sighed but nodded, then smiled and mouthed a thank you. He closed his eyes, not really wanting to face reality. Everything just happened so fast - too fast. He found the missing trooper, he helped her out, it was the scavenger hunt, then he was happily with his group, he gave pierce his jacket, then the great fire came, and now he was on his way to a hospital. The doors of the ambulance closed loudly and the paramedics began to examine him in the ambulance - checking for signs of injury. They checked on his ankles first, feeling them and checking if anything was broken again. Then, they turned to his body and checked for any sort of bruises or anything. Spotting something red over his hip, the paramedic reached down at his shirt and pulled it up. His shorts were a little low and past his hip bones since he was sweating so much, but nonetheless there were scars. Not one, but plenty. A lot. Tucker immediately sat up and grabbed his tee and tugged it down. "Not there!!" he yelled furiously, The paramedic practically jumped back in surprise, then said politely, "sir we have to check if anything is wrong for you. What happened with this?" Tucker simply retorted with a "I'm fine, I promise! That's just a scar. It's not from today." but he knew he couldn't win the fight. He was too exhausted, but the paramedic respected him anyway and they continued to the hospital where he would further be checked instead.
    Post by: Dinny, Apr 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Dinny
    The twenty-one year old perched himself on a tough branch as he looked down at his troopers who were now conversing and probably thinking of a plan. He scratched the back of his head as he watched them from above. He kind of wish he gave them more of a plan to work with because as of the moment, they didn't seem to be moving or going anywhere. He cleared his throat and yelled to them, "If you guys want to win, you gotta get moving!" his tone was still as chipper as ever making what he said sound more of a casual suggestion then an order.
    The didn't seem to be listening though, so he let out a sigh but kept his constant smile on and leaped down. He miscalculated his jump and kind of fell more than gracefully going down - he did land on his feet however, but a sharp pain surged on both of his ankles as he landed. He let out a sharp moan before straightening up to face his students. His eyebrows furrowed at the pain but he put a smile on his face anyway. "Come on guys! Where is your energy! We've gotta get pumped up and have lots of fun! How are we going to be the Best cabin without any energy! Smile, guys!" As he spoke, he shook his troopers lightly as he grabbed their shoulders - trying to shake the energy out of them. As he placed his hands on Pierce's shoulders though, he felt shaking already. He bent down to look at her in eye level and noticed that her expression was one that was really anxious and scared. The skin that his fingers were touching was also very cold and her teeth waas chattering. HE gave her a gentle smile before he straightened up and handed her his grey jacket. He placed it over her shoulders as it should be worn.
    Before he could say a word to Pierce and continue talking to the group, a crackling sound could be heard from the distance. He blinked for a moment and turned to where it was coming from as he stepped back to face it. His ankle surged with pain as he did but he stepped down at it and simply braced the pain. A faint light could be seen from a far, was another cabin nearby? They'd have to be more cautious then and probably should start hunting for things. However, the crackling got louder and the light grew brighter - crackling? That wasn't the sound of footsteps...
    Suddenly, he saw the dancing of flames from afar. There was a fire. There was a fire. They were in the forest and there was a fire. The fire in a forest. FOREST FIRE! His mind kind of went blank for a moment. Then, probably like how the fire had started, Tucker leaped to face his troopers. He placed a hand on their backs, Pierce and Brent, "Run. Run. Don't look back. Stick together. RUN!" he pushed them slightly and the group ran quickly. His ankles were screaming at him to stop but he knew that wasn't an option. He ran along with them, making sure he saw four heads as they ran with none disappearing. The fire was spreading so fast. This was bad. This was so bad. They had to get out now.
    Post by: Dinny, Apr 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Dinny
    INB4IMISSTHIS HEY LLAVEEEEE I miss you loads and loads

    What is your biggest art inspiration at this moment ?

    Current + Initial impressions ?

    Favourite book you had to read for school ?

    Song of the day ?

    Favourite film of 2013 so far ?

    If you could live in a bubble what kind of world would it be ? (It can be a big bubble)

    Current obsession ?

    If you are the Doctor, who would be your companion from KHV ?

    Post by: Dinny, Apr 29, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  4. Dinny

    "Look...I appreciate what you're gonna do, but it's not worth it. One of us already didn't make it. I don't want another one falling to the hands of death."
    Celeste dropped her weapon for a moment after her last words. She understood what the girl said to her very clearly, and she agreed to every word but now was not the time. Not with her clear mind right now. Well, more like soldier-mindset right now and she felt, as she was surrounded by the weaponry made by her own father and relatives, to stand for the group alongside Kendric as he lead them out. She was there to make sure all of them would make it out.
    She turned to face the silver haired girl, with a serious expression. "Take your friends and go. I'll climb up after everyone - you can thank me later." her tone was quite stern, and probably not expected of the shy girl everyone knew from school but it had to be done. She turned back and returned to her old stance, hoping that the other students continued to climb.
    "Everyone down there better hurry up."
    Suddenly, her ears began to twitch as they picked up something from behind the wall she was guarding. Voices. Footprints. They were close. It was like Kendric was psychic! They were not close enough for anyone to hear, but with her permanent keen hearing, she could sense their presence. She turned back to the group and told them in a whisper, "They're close. Hurry up!" However before she turned to face the wall again, the corner of her eye realized just what filled up the room: weapons.
    They were everywhere. Plus, not only were they weapons but experimental, possibly nuclear weapons even. Of course, worst case scenario is if the bad guys walked into them now and murdered more of them but even if they did enter the room after all of the students including herself had gone then it would still be bad - because then, they would get their hands on all of these weapons. The arsenal from this room was their only advantage over those out to kill them as of this moment. A solution had been in the back of her mind as she evaluated these pros and cons but did she really want to do that?
    The shapeshifter bit hard into her lip, her bottom lip already loosing colour. She sighed, she knew she had to do it. She had to destroy every single piece of weaponry in this room - but the bad guys were also so close! If she used her hand cannon, which would probably get the job done then the noise might be a dead give away, but it was her only option at the moment. She looked around to see no more students around the room, but already 3/4s up the ladder. She looked up at them and yelled, "Don't freak out and keep climbing!"
    She grabbed the ladder and climbed herself about half way, before she swung an arm and leg around it, making sure she couldn't fall. She took a deep breath then raised her rapier edged hand cannon. 'I'm sorry dad.' A loud noise erupted from the blue liquid contained in the cannon, it sounded as if something was starting up - like an engine. Then, the teenager felt the power surge through the device and then- BOOM! ZAP! Lazer shots flew out of the cannon's opening and made contact with all the weapons on the walls and tables. They were getting destroyed one by one. The noise was incredibly loud and as she shot at every single one of them, the room was filled with echoes of BOOM! ZAPS! BOOM! BOOM!
    Smoke hazed everywhere but she could make out that every piece of weaponry had been demolished, quickly, she climbed up the ladder and met up with all the other students above. She leaned down and cut off the ladder from the ceiling, letting it disappear into the smoke filled room. She turned back to the other students, who were all staring at her. She blinked for a moment, expression not changing, until it finally got to her. Her hands left hand flew in front of her face and her knees touched together, her face was flushed behind her shaking hand as she muttered "F-focus! Don't look at me! Let's get going!"
    Post by: Dinny, Apr 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Dinny
    The day had surprisingly went well for Elisa. It started out with a good breakfast - ironically speaking of course - where she grabbed a large green apple before leaving with Shouta, Alexandria and Sebastian to the beach. She didn't swim, even if she did wear her skeleton one piece bathing suit under her shorts. It was just nice to be around people, but it made her miss her friends over the internet yet at the same time her new friends at camp reminded her of them.
    Other than hanging out with her three friends, hopefully friends by now, she didn't do much. She did eat her apple and even finish it during lunch! Though, even together with the others they didn't do much either just chilling around really. All were excited for the scavenger hunt - especially Elisa. She finally began speaking up more once the topic was raised. She always loved the hunt because it was always unpredictable and it was a little eerie and spooky. She would freak out and get all quiet because she was absolutely scared but at the same time she lived on the thrill of it. It was her most memorable experience from two years ago during her first year at camp but she was sure this one would be even better and harder to forget.
    At the Camp Circle, the ever so energetic Kevin had come on stage. He began the usual introductory Scavenger Hunt rules. She tired to listen carefully at every word, but she was just so excited! She just wished the event would start already! Elisa was so prepared, she wore all black minus the skeleton details on her sweater which not only kept her warm in the cool, mysterious forest but also kept her pale skin from revealing itself (even though her hair must have been a dead give away). She put on her favourite accessories, like her eyeball pendant necklace, bat-skull-and-crosses bracelets, bowed rings and turquoise rose earrings just because she was so happy. She was ready to walk into the dark forrest with her group, unknown of what may lie ahead of them as they are to be surrounded by eerie cries with only a flash-
    Flashlight! Perfect. Speaking of the devil, a flashlight was handed to her. She gripped it tightly. That was it. That was all she needed. Now, she was biting down on her lip, trying not to smile ridiculously. Her hands had balled into fists. The creepy and the spooky night got her so pumped up!
    "Alright kiddos, looks like y'all are my new body guards! We're gonna go look for treasure on our latest expedition -- I know that sounds kind of lame, but buck up, we're here to be a bit lame in the face of the public!"
    Hearing her counselor's voice and words just got her more excited! She nodded happily at him, with a bright smile which probably wasn't expected from her at all. He said that they should get out of the circle by holding each others hands and before she could even move, Bryan had already grabbed hold of hers. She turned to her other cabin mates, smiling at them for a second as she hesitated to speak. The excitement took over and she grabbed onto her nearest group mate, Richie, grabbis his hand and saying confidently, "Let's get freaky."
    Tucker jogged over to his group once the flashlights were being distributed, finding himself in a very chipper mood once again. The day had been great. The morning started off a little awkward with his moment meeting Chris but it was sunshine all after that! After stuffing himself with breakfast with the other counselors he bumped into Kevin who was - with guess who?! Stratana! The missing trooper! He yelled ridiculously when he recognized her and apologized completely. Learning his story, he honestly told her he would have never thought of such a place to find her - and nor would he ever check there. He helped her find her bags, which they did before around lunch time and helped her settle in as well. Stratana was an overall nice girl, in his head at least but Tucker usually never thought badly of anyone, and he was glad she was part of his Squad.
    "Good luck Tucker, good luck, Erik, Sam!"
    "You too kiddo! Best of luck!" He responded with a wide grin and an energetic wave as he turned to face the new counselor and stood on his tiptoes. He wasn't short - nope, not at all. He just wanted to make sure Bryan would hear him. He hoped that he would have as great as a hunt as he did during his first year as counselor - which he was sure would happen. Before he turned back to the direction, he cupped his hands around his mouth and called out to the other counselors and students as he yelled up towards the sky, "GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!!"
    Turning back towards his group, he reached with both of his hands for the back of his head as he tightened the bandana he strapped on it. He decided to add it onto his outfit for the hunt - just to get that battle feel. It made him feel like a warrior in one of the video games he played. He matched this with a determined, comical expression as he closed the distance between him and his troopers. Finally finding his cabin group amongst the moving crowd he looked down at all of them, placing his fisted hands by his hips "Alright! It's time to get on the battlefield Troopers!" he said enthusiastically. It looked like they were all just about ready. Pierce looked a little anxious as he stared at her but she wanted her to know it was all going to be okay so she gave her a wide grin before taking a look at everyone else. The rest of the group seemed pretty excited - but most especially Quentin, who looked absolutely eager to dive into the forest and all of its mystery as he approached Tucker with a bright expression, "So, BESTial Cabin, what's the plan?"
    The twenty-one year old smiled brightly at the excited teen, "Well as you know you guys have to make sure I don't get tagged or we're out! And we are definitely not going to loose - not the Best Cabin!! Or Bestial. Or whatever really." He laughed a bit before continuing, "I've been a camp counselor for a while now and there are a few tricks that can help, like surrounding the counselor and keeping low profile with disguise. But hey, have fun too, I promise you that I am not the easiest to tag. At the same time, we're going to have to work together. There are going to be some scary things out there and it's okay to be scared, don't worry. Just remember that we've all got each other. Your Super Trooper is here for you! Plus, I've got the mace!!"
    He began motioning them to form into this little circle, with himself at the back. He placed his hands on the shoulders of Pierce and Quentin, "We can do this guys. We've just gotta stick together and have a lot of fun, okay?" With that he slipped his arms into the two beside him and linked with them, not wanting to loose them. He nodded and asked them to do the same so they would really not loose each other. Once they were away fro more people, he would ask them to decide what they might want to do to possibly keep him safe like he mentioned. However at the moment, he began to walk forward with his group, happily.
    Finally at his starting point, somewhere in the North East of the forest, he knew there were other campers near by. He looked at his group. "Okay, you guys need to find things right now, so be careful. You're four - go in pairs. You have to find all the lost things, anything can help remember. Try not to get tagged! I'll keep a low profile up in this tree, but once you've found stuff, head back here then we can plan what we can do with the stuff you find. Make this quick! I'll stay hidden." with that he gave them bright thumbs ups and he began to climb the tree. "Stay close together!"
    Post by: Dinny, Apr 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Dinny

    Tucker woke pleasantly, sitting up with a smile on his face. He noticed the door of the cabin closing and hearing Pierce's voice from the other side. He placed his right hand on his forehead as he brushed back his cherry red hair.'Looks like I'm not the only really bird here.' He laughed a bit to himself, realizing the irony of what he said since he was only just waking up. He saw the two boys still in their beds so he stood up with a grunt and walked over to them, shaking them slightly, and said to them gently. "Time to get some breakfast! It's going to be quite a day, make sure you eat well."
    He then went back to his bed and reached for his toiletries from under it, slinging the bag over his shoulder while grabbing a new set of clothes. He walked to the shower building, hesitating slightly before he entered. Once he did, he sighed in relief as there was only one other boy there. It was little Chris, from yesterday, brushing his teeth! He waved at him with a grin, greeting him good morning. The young boy responded with a friendly wave and as much a smile he could make then Tucker entered the cubicle. Once inside, he pulled his pajama shirt over his head and the shorts and boxers off from his bottom. He replaced them with his new set of clothes. Walking out of the cubicle, he walked over to the sink that was only a short distance from Chris (who had finished brushing) and began to freshen up. As he finished brushing his teeth he realized Chris staring at him. He raised an eyebrow with a smile but before he could ask what was wrong the little boy raised his arm and pointed to the belt line on Tucker's side. "What's that?" the little boy squeaked. The twenty one year old looked down to where he was pointing and realized that his shirt has folded up a bit, and revealed a very evident scar over his right hip bone. He folded the shirt down immediately, looking at the boy with a troubled expression for less then a second before he smiled at him. He patted the boy's head, "Nothing to worry about, just a scar I got from biking up the mountains once."
    Chris gasped a little 'oh' then smiled back at the young adult before his stomach grumbled a bit and he took off after a goodbye. Tucker watched him leave, smiling but that disappeared as he scratched the back of his neck. He grabbed his toiletries and slung it over his shoulder making his way back to the cabin then to dining hall as he thought 'God, I hate lying to kids.'
    OUTFIT | MUSIC | OOC: just leave my characters lol won't be back till tomorrow maybe

    Elisa woke in a small groan, a sweet one as she stood up from her bed. Shouta had gone off already and Sebastian was still asleep. She reached for her appetite pills and took two, swallowing them dry because she was used to that. She took two every morning so that she wouldn't have the urge to eat anything. She sighed and got a new set of clothes and walked to the shower building. She changed into them and then walked back out into the cabin. Sebastian was still asleep so she grabbed her sunnies and her water bottle and she walked toward the dining hall.
    She licked her dry lips then looked around. There were already so many people. Yet, she didn't really know much of anyone except her cabin mates. Luckily, she spotted Shou and walked over to him. He was with the electric blue haired girl from yesterday. She smiled at them both and uttered a hello. "May I sit with you guys?"
    Elisa, with still on plans of eating, sat by them and drank from her water bottle. This was her breakfast. That was all the energy she needed, really. Of course, she would take some fruit snacks maybe later on but right now, she was alright.
    Post by: Dinny, Apr 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Dinny

    "Aw man, I'm stuffed!" he laughed as he closed the cabin door from behind him, patting his stomach with a satisfied smile. He may have not appeared bloated at all or anything, but he was absolutely full. He finished all of what was served - but probably because he had practically been running all day. He smiled at the three troopers in his cabin. 'Still three, huh? I wonder where Stratana is...'

    Tucker didn't remember getting a notice of Stratana suddenly not attending. If anything important did happen, he was sure they would have informed him. Maybe they couldn't find him earlier before the students arrived to tell him she wasn't coming anymore? Maybe they just forgot? He did get a little worried if she was here though - no dinner, and more so, missing. He decided to shrug it off for a moment since he had responsibilities for tonight, but nonetheless he would make it a point to stop by the offices and check a notice on her after his other Troopers went to bed. He had to lead the night's first ever Secret Time, after all!

    "All right troopers!" he called out to them, "We're going to start Secret Time numero uno! So, just share a little something. It doesn't have to be really personal just yet, unless you want to open up to the group already then that's fine. We will be having more Secret Times throughout the camp duration so no sweat, you've got a lot to share." he laughed a bit, then looked at them all with a gentle smile, "You guys probably thought of what to share already, but for those who haven't - like myself, this is your time to! Just sit down, and give it a thought." with that, he stepped to the side of the door and crossed his arms over his chest in a relaxed manner again.
    Personally, he didn't enjoy Secret Time - he just never voiced it out. His life held many secrets but none of which anyone knew - and he swore anyone wouldn't. Those secrets were always left where they were - in the past and every year he would share really silly things about himself, all truths of course, just nothing really secret. He was sure that the secrets he told were predictable but he'd rather have it that way.

    U-um, sh-should we get started?I-I'll go, if no one else wants to.

    "Ah yes! Wow, Pierce, I didn't really expect that. Sure, go ahead start!" he really was surprised, and kind of exclaimed what he said, which wasn't the best idea because he probably would have scared her. He decided to sit down on the wooden floor in an indian sit. He placed his right elbow on his knee and leaned forward as he rested his chin on his right hand, looking at Pierce with his chestnut eyes - eager to know her secret of the night. She seemed to be calming down her nerves for a moment, until her lips made into a smile - which made him grin - then she said softly, U-um, my favorite animal is the turtle. I have a Russian Tortoise at home. H-his name is Sheldon.

    "Aw man, that's adorable." he said out loud - not really realizing he did. He smiled at her, "That's so nice Pierce! Sheldon must be really amazing. I wish I had a turtle back at home, that would be really cool." He looked at the other two students, Sam and Quentin who stil seemed to be deep in thought or rather hesitant in speaking up. He cleared his throat for a moment, "Well, I guess it's my turn now?" he grinned, then laughed a bit before straightening up, "Well, hopefully this builds all of your confidence up. I usually share this some time after a week or not as it at all, but since we're doing it early and I have this strong feeling that we're going to be the best cabin indeed. Plus I want you guys to know that you can really trust me with absolutely anything so I might as well open up with no strings attached." He wasn't looking at anyone directly as he spoke, and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. He cleared his throat once more, placing his hands on his knees. Then took a deep breath, pressing his upper lip to his bottom lip before closing his eyes and saying really quickly, "I'm twenty one and I've never had a relationship."

    He opened his eyes again to look at the three students in a somewhat awkward silence, lips going back to being pressed together tightly. His eyes shifted from one student to the next for a while before he exhaled very loudly, as if getting something off of his chest - which he actually did. "Whoo! Okay, that's done. Haha! Anyway, how about you guys?"

    After the other two students shared their own secrets which Tucker nodded to, respecting what they said. Pierce then asked to be excused and he nodded at her then he got to his feet, "Oh yeah, go ahead Pierce! Well, we have a long day tomorrow so I suggest you all get ready for bed then sleep because wow, I can also imagine you guys are really tired from the bus ride. The showers buildings are over to the right, girls separated from boys of course. Just go ahead and shower then come back to the cabin and have a good sleep. I'll head over to the office and ask about our missing Trooper, I'll be back after my shower as well so yeah, see you guys later. Don't wait up for me!" Before heading out the door, he walked over to his luggage and grabbed a small bag, placing a shirt and shorts he used for pajamas along with boxes and his toiletries inside. He then walked out of the door and headed to the offices.

    He got to the offices only to realize they were empty but he walked in and grabbed a piece of paper, writing down his concerns then leaving the piece of paper on the desk - hoping that the office people would return and he'd finally hear from Stratana's whereabouts. He then made it to the boy's shower building, seeing familiar faces who he waved too. Many of the boys showered in the cubicles then changed outside and were often just together with no shirt and just a towel around their waists. Tucker never liked to look at anyone changing, hence never liking public showers. He entered with his right hand covering the corner of his eye where he would have seen all the undressed boys and looked only at his own feet as he walked.. He entered a cubicle. He always brought everything he had with him inside, placing them properly before changing out of his clothes and taking a shower. He took a quick one, wanting to get back immediately and out of the shower building. After changing inside the cubicle, he walked out as quickly and in the same manner as he walked in then headed back to the cabin.

    He walked in very quietly, catching a quick "good night" from Pierce before she slumbered. He nodded at her with a smile then walked over to his own bed, dumping his bag under his bed. He whispered a good night to everyone in the cabin then went to sleep after he thought with a smile, 'so far, so good.'[DOUBLEPOST=1367046538][/DOUBLEPOST]
    OUTFIT | MUSIC | OOC: quick/crap/short post before day ends omg

    Elisa played mindlessly with the food served to her, she really had no intention of eating at all - but ended up eating 1/4 of her salad because she didn't want anyone to entirely question her. She just said she wasn't too hungry and when they encouraged her to eat she told them that she got so thirsty that she drank the entire 1.5 Litre bottle she held in less than 2 minutes - which made her too full to eat. This worked, but of course this is also a lie. However, she was able to refill this bottle and didn't even need to take any of the pills she brought with her since she wasn't hungry and she was so ready to sleep.

    As they headed back to the cabin, Elisa was deep in thought, she didn't exactly know what to share for Secret Time. She was pretty much an open book - but then again, that was online. So as they entered the cabin and Bryan handed out the papers, she looked at hers blankly for a moment very lost in thought. She already saw all her other three cabin mates scribble into theirs, so she sighed and put something incredibly obvious. She scribble in her little hand writing the words: I LIKE TO MAKE MY OWN ACCESSORIES AND CLOTHES.

    She handed it over with a smile and after their sharing, which was incredibly interesting. Looks like others knew about Cupid's Brew and her and Bryan weren't the only artists in the cabin. She smiled at the two as they did their sharing, no one seemed to share anything too personal which saved her some trouble. So once everyone was done she decided to take a nice shower before sleeping. So she headed over to the showers with all her jazz. She sung quietly as she shampooed her hair, conditioned it and washed her entire body. Exiting the shower buildings, she walked back to her cabin in her comfy pajamas then sat down on her bed. She applied a layer of lotion to keep her skin moisturized all over her legs and arms and applied lotion for her face too before brushing her damp hair out then laying in bed. She pulled out a stuffed animal out of her bag, it was a bunny with a pirate eye patch and demon wings. She cuddled with it, then muttered good night to everyone before shutting her eyes and finally catching some z's.
    Post by: Dinny, Apr 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Dinny
    "WAIT, WHAT?"
    "Is this thing on? Testing. 1. 2. 3. Good. This is Phantom. She'll be joining you. Don't let me keep you all from fighting now. Go and save the day! Good luck!"
    "Wait, what?"
    The teenager giggled excitedly, even jumping slightly in her place. "Yup that's me!" she grins. She loved how surprised and shocked they were, how much their faces lit up and voices rised in surprise, it made her so ecstatic about everything. She also loved her introduction from Mr. Steel, how perfect his timing was and how abrupt and simple he put it.
    "The name's Apostle, but you can just call me Apostle."
    Candice stared at him for a moment, with a curious expression, before turning to the others then back at the man who introduced himself. She giggles again, but this time half bitterly, "Apostle-Apostle...? Man, you guys are weird - and that's without considering our suits and powers!" she released a solid laugh out of this for a moment, then stood up straight with her hands at her hips, smiling "Looks like I should fit right in, then."
    "I want to get close to that thing and cut those wires. Unless someone else has a better idea."
    "Nope, sounds like a good idea to m--Oh great, it's throwing cars around. Bye guys!"
    She waved to the guy who took off quickly before she remembered what Apostle-Apostle first said and gasped excitedly clapping her hands together of the plan, squealing happily "OOH! OOH! I can help! I can help LOOK!" she took a few steps back before she crouched a bit with her arms stretched out back to prepare herself not only for a jump, but a backflip. She looked at them with a smirk, making sure they were watching, then she took off from the ground in a great leap. Once she flipped backwards, as her back was parallel to the ground, her body did its transformation. Her entire body changed into the purple-blue haze. For a moment, she floated there suspended as a mysterious colored smoke. Then, she circled around the entire group to show that she could travel through the air before she went back to where she was last and landed on her feet. "And to help with the wire cutting, I have this!" she conjured this wave of smoke from her right hand, then it started to shape into a large hammer made of smoke. Then, suddenly, the weapon took into a solid form. It was not purple anymore, and it was now bright orange and incredibly large. "I know it looks like a toy, but this really packs a punch I promise!" she smiled at them all brightly, with her big blue eyes and an incredibly eager expression.
    Post by: Dinny, Apr 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Dinny
    A small laugh came from his only girl trooper. As he whipped his head towards her with raised eyebrows and a smile, she placed her hands over her mouth and her face became very flushed. He let out a small laugh himself and gave her a more relaxed smile. U-um, hi.He nodded at her, feeling some anxiety in her tone. She seemed very nervous and as he looked at her flushed expression and shy stance, that seemed to be the case. He leaned back on the wall behind him with his hands crossed over his chest while crossing his foot over his other one by the ankle, his gaze stayed on Pierce for a moment as he said to her in a genuine tone and a smile "This better be just first-day jitters, alright Pierce? You have no reason to feel uncomfortable around any of us. This is going to be your home, so get cozy! If anything or anyone is causing you trouble or concerns, report to your Super Trooper! I'm here to help out in any way you need me." He shut his eyes and grinned brightly after his last word, raising a hand up to give her a thumbs up. He then turned to face them as a group again and realized the two boys staring at him intently, "That goes for you two as well, of course! I've got your backs throughout this whole adventure, dont' worry."
    "Do I give you my electronics?How did you know our names?"
    Tucker jumped out of his relaxed stance, gasping. "You're right! Oh god, I practically forgot! Thanks for reminding me! Man, I'm probably giving the worst impression to you guys." he sighed out, shaking his head and laughing at himself a bit. Nonetheless, he jogged past the three to his bed, which was separate from the four other beds in the cabin that belonged to the students, and crouched to grab something from under it. He pulled out a small box - one that would probably be seen from fishing homes, looking all nature-y and organic. Before pulling the lid off from it, he decided to address Quentin's second question, "Well, I hope you didn't exactly find that creepy... because then that's another bad impression from me. Wow, this has got to be my worst camp start off in my end, but um, come on! I see you guys in school. Once us counselors got our list of troopers, I decided to come ready and know at least the faces to match your names so... I asked around. I hope you don't mind! Didn't look into anything else but names and faces just in case you were wondering." He added the last bit quickly, hoping not to scare of his troopers. He began to feel a little nervous about his first impressions to them, hoping they'd realize he had good and genuine intentions at heart but still, he started his next lines with a shaky tone, "I-I'm going to have to take your technological equipment now so please hand them over and place them into this box. You don't have to worry, I'm going to keep them safe - if something ever happens to them, which I swear will not, then you have my permission to kill me." he decided to laugh his last few words off, to lighten up everyone's moods. He then opened the lid and watched as each student approached him and placed a gadget inside, smiling at each of them as they did. He closed the lid once all the devices were sacrificed, then he hunched over a bit and said to them in a whisper, "You guys can ask it from me at night, just don't tell anyone and make sure these little guys never escape the cabin." With a wink, he stood up straight then put the box into his luggage and slid it under his bed.
    He looked down at his watch as he stood up properly from croushing, it was just a couple minutes until 5:30PM - which meant dinner time! He knew his troopers were hungry from the long bus ride, but he also knew they were still missing the last female trooper Stratana. Before he could dive into thought on where she could have been, the red haired trooper approached him asking, "More importantly...when can I get my hands on that grand piano?"
    The super trooper chuckled a bit at his question, not to offend but out of delight. "Already excited to get back into music? That's what I'm talking about! There's a building in camp for that, but you have to go there and sign up to reserve for it beforehand. If you don't know where it is, I can go with you there when there's free time, maybe after the hunt. But first, we should be headed for the dining hall, it's almost 5:30 and I can imagine you guys are pretty hungry from that bus ride and the intense heat. Our squad isn't complete yet and we're still missing out last trooper but we should go ahead and I'm sure she'll catch up with us over there."
    He cleared his throat, and walked over to the door frame, swinging the door open for all of them to pass in front of him. "Alright, let's get moving troopers!" he said excitedly. Once all his troopers exited the front door, he shut it then leaped past the stairs of the cabin. He stayed by the group, next to Pierce, still hoping she would warm up to the group more. He looked at all of his troopers and smiled to each of them as they finally started making their way to the dining hall ahead, still wondering about Stratana's, this missing trooper, whereabouts at the back of his mind.

    Right when she entered, her counselor - as she now knew as Bryan - greeted her with a cheerful tone and voiced out the original joke in her head. It wasn't funny, no, but she did find it amusing that he said what was in her head moments ago so she gave him a polite giggle and a smile as a response. Just then, a boy entered the room, after introducing himself he stripped off of his shirt and changed into a new one which cause Elisa to immediately look away from him out of reflex action.
    "We'll be heading out for dinner soon, but before that, I'm gonna need you guys to fork over all your electronics. I know, the horrooooor, I hated it, too. But you'll be fine without them for the day."

    Elisa looked over at her counselor and sighed slightly, reaching into her bag for her iPod. As she reached down into it, she could see her white appetite/anti-fainting pills and sleeping pills (both kept in its original, yellow container and some transfered into zip locks), doodle notebooks and that small bottle filled with red liquid which she purchased before camp. It was called Cupid's Brew. She bought one from the internet - her home - but without any intention of really using it. Sure, she bought it to use eventually but really, she didn't like anyone romantically from her school. She would rather use it on someone she's met over the internet, but she brought it in case anyway. Standing up, with her iPod in her hand, she walked over to Bryan with a smile and placed it inside with not much of another word. She sat back down at her bed.
    "No one touches her, or I'll kill you. Got it?"

    Came from the Shou guy. She just stared at him for a moment, he seemed really edge-y and tough and stuff. She glanced away from him with that impression in mind. Maybe she would keep her distance from this cabin mate of hers since his attitude was kind of aggressive but she half shrugged it off because she would probably kill anyone who came close to her computer.
    She looked over at the other two in her room while remaining quiet, Sebastian she knew from school. Never really talked to the guy but he seemed okay. She wasn't getting any impression off from him at the moment with his silence, but she guessed it was better than having a bad impression of him. Bryan seemed to be busy drawing something. He drew too? Well, Elisa herself only doodled and made accessories like the bracelets on her wrists but still, it was nice to see art in their cabin. As she watched him, trying to get a look at what exactly he was doing but failing due to her distance from him, he suddenly stood up.
    "Alright guys, we should head out to the dining hall, it's almost 5:30, and I've got a clean record. Can't be messing it up by being late!"
    Elisa stood up obediently but kept her silence. she crouched down to grab some things from her bag, mostly her 1.5L water bottle which she planned on refilling and both her appetite and sleeping pills which she discreetly slipped into her short's pockets. She had no plan of eating but she knew she had to go with the group anyway. She then followed her counselor out of the door and looked around. Other campers had started making their way to the dining hall too. She also noticed the heat being a lot better than earlier so she reached up to pull out the band that kept her hair in a bun, then let her pastel locks fall to her back and the sides of her face. She wore her hair down most of the time, so now she felt more comfortable as she walked down to the dining hall with her group.

    "By the way... I haven't gotten your names."

    Oh right, Shou had entered after she did. He probably wasn't able to point out who was who when Bryan introduced him to everyone, so she turned her head to him slightly with a smile, "You can call me Elisa."
    Post by: Dinny, Apr 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Dinny

    The camp circle was so crowded! She followed students into it earlier, but got caught up in the crowd almost completely. She was being squished by many students in every side. Girls and boys bumped into her sides and pushed her forward into the crowd and closer to the center of the stage, all eager for the camp to actually begin - but Elisa was just eager to get out of the crowd! She could barely breathe in the heat alone and now as she was surrounded by all these other people their body heat added to the warmth and she just couldn't take it. It wasn't good either that she felt rather faint. She shook her head, 'I have to get out of this crowd or I am so 134% done.'

    She looked up at the sky, taking a deep breath of not sticky-humid air from everyone then tried to maneuver out of the crowd. She knew she had to do it before the introduction actually started because once she did she knew it would be all over. Her attempts would be so futile. She muttered excuse me's to people who did let her pass but some of them were too busy to notice the girl with light blue hair's request. She huffed as she continued to struggle through the people, 'No people traffic on the internet. Ugh.' Elisa finally did make it out of the crowd though, well not completely but she saw a bench nearby with only one girl occupying it and she took her chance! She hopped over to the bench, but caught her foot on someone's leg and lost her ballance. She didn't trip completely but instead of gracefully taking a seat next to the other blue haired girl, she wobbled over there. She must have looked ridiculous doing that, causing the teenager to blush slightly. She expected laughter to come from the girl who was already at the bench but she seemed too occupy to notice her - or anyone really - as she swayed to the music she was listening to. She was about to mutter a simple, friendly hello but then realized she wouldn't probably even notice.

    Before she could take a proper seat, a deep bass erupted from the speakers, making her jump a bit. Then the crowd ahead burst into screams and cheers and people began gathering forward. Being further away, she couldn't see much of the stage anymore so she hopped up ont he bench, her boots making an ignorable sound. She placed a hand over her eyes, blocking out sun from above to see more clearly. On the stage stood a scruffy guy - the exact same scruffy guy from camp two years ago. His name was Kiall, or Kenneth or something like that. She couldn't exactly remember, but nonetheless the same guy.


    Yup. The exact same guy. Suddenly, marshmallows were thrown out from the stage, and not really caring much of it at all since she obviously had no plans at all to eat it, she hopped back down to the ground and sat down on the bench properly. "God, the heat is killing me." she muttered as she leaned back on her hands and looked up at the sky with her eyes closed under her dark shades. She sat there for a moment simply breathing, until she remembered how sluggish and lightheaded she felt. She sighed and placed her military bag on her lap, she opened it and pulled out her 3/4 empty purple, 1.5 Litre thermos. She then reached in for a compartment in her bag, pulling out a little ziplock that contained little white pills. She took one in between her index finger and thumb then popped it into her mouth, placing the bag back into her bigger bag then uncapped her thermos and swallowed.

    She exhaled, refreshed and felt a lot better. The pill didn't work miracles right away but the thought helped, of course. The pill aided her in not passing out at anytime of the day and also lessening her appetite. She closed her water bottle and put it back into her bag. Immediately, a shadow loomed over her. Looking up, a tall, raven haired boy offered the box for the Cabin assignments to her. She smiled back at the boy then got it, pulled a piece of paper out and offered it to the girl beside her by tapping her on the shoulder. Not wanting to waste time, and really craving for a bed - she stood up and began to walk towards where all the cabins were.

    "Cabin E, huh? E for Elisa...." she talked to herself laughing nervously at her awful pun. She walked up the steps of the cabin then opened the front door with her right hand, while pulling off her sunglasses with her other hand. There were already two boys in the cabin. She blinked at them with her bright blue eyes for a moment without uttering a word before she courteously said "hello. I-I'm Elisa." She smiled at them both, she didn't really know the two and hoped they wouldn't really pick up on how faint she still kind of felt. She sort of recognized the taller guy, he was probably their camp counselor but the other boy, she simply didn't know him. She walked over to a bed, and dropped her things on it, then sat down at the edge of it. She glances at the two boys again then she simply placed her hands on her knees and looked down at them. She bit her glossed bottom lip, 'Why is it so much easier to speak to the internet. Ugh, this is so awkward. I feel so forever alone... Mum said seize the day! You Only Live Once! Which is so hipster but come on, why can't it be You Only Live Online?'
    Post by: Dinny, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Dinny

    "I guess a shapeshifter could fly up that skylight and see what's up there..."

    Celeste shot him an offended look even though she knew he never meant to offend her, but sometimes she just wondered if he noticed that she never really liked her powers. Ever. They've only been a limitation and a burden to her all her life. It branded her and she hated it. She was different, which generally she wouldn't have minded but she was different from the Abelards. She felt it brought shame to her family's name. It really upset her sometimes but since her friend was preoccupied with thinking of ways to escape she brushes it off with a sigh and shakes her head.

    "Maybe there's a switch...or lever...or button we can press for a ladder or something!"

    She let them think of way to escape, the air of hopelessness kind of reminded her of her exhaustion from her last transformation. Knowing her powers, they wouldn't be returning soon anyway. She poked the edge of her rapier on the floor as she leaned back on the handle of her hand cannon for support. She closed her eyes, not just because she was drained but also because if she wasn't going to help out with the escape plan - she might as well keep track, or rather her ears, on the bad guys who were by the tunnels. She tried to block out all her other senses to enhance her hearing and picked up almost nothing, which meant either of two s-lettered things: they were still or they were sneaky. She hoped they were just not moving.

    "Must I do everything for you children?"
    She closed her eyes tightly as the voice cried through the room, ringing into her keen bunny ears that erected in shock and flopped down after the voice's last word. She opened her eyes finally, suddenly seeing a rope ladder drop down from above. It was really odd. Someone - no one anyone knew for sure - was helping them out, while people who they knew practically all their lives were out to kill them. Ironic wasn't it? Though she only shrugged at it, while muttering "Wow, well, this is so convenient."
    "Um...thank you mysterious voice! We can talk about that group stuff once we're out of this place."

    Celeste turned to her friend who started at the ladder, she nodded in agreement of what he just said then hoisted her Rapier-Edged Hand Cannon properly with confidence. She looked at the other students. "Everyone up the ladder now! No exceptions! Follow Kendric, he'll keep you safe." she yelled out, as she looked up at her dark haired friend who continued to climb up the ladder. She smiled slightly, at the thought of him leading everyone to safety - because she believed that out of everyone in the school he would be the one to do it. Kendric was like a guardian, and did a real good job at it too. However, she was sure others were shocked of her finally speaking up after so long. She was usually the quiet, timid shapeshifter who couldn't control her powers and kept away from socializing since she believed all she needed was one friend (and mostly because others bullied her) but with her family's weapon in hand and the battlefield atmosphere - she felt like what she always wanted and will be: a soldier.

    The pearl bunny eared teenager, stood at a stance in front of where the walls first opened up. She held the front of her hand cannon with her left hand then kept her right hand on the handle with her finger on the trigger. If anything happened, she would be ready - plus, with her bunny ears, she would be able to predict their coming. She knew she was the right person to wait up for everyone to get up the ladder and escape into safety. Only she could do it. Celeste raised the weapon to eye level, ready to shoot at the first sight of any of them. She breathed out, shaking almost since she was actually really scared but she knew she had to do this to keep everyone safe.
    Post by: Dinny, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Dinny

    He smiled brightly at the two counselors, they seemed really excited about camp too!! Well, at least Bryan was - which was really nice to see since it was the young boy's first year to be a counselor. Sam on the other hand seemed a little worn out, but who could blame her? The sun didn't stop shining and the heat was crazy - but it was definitely worth it. Tucker began to glance around, looking at all the smiling faces of the students again. It really made him smile - everyone else's smile, like REALLY IT DID. The wide grin on Tucker's face had no signs of ever disappearing, not anytime soon. He looked around, at the students, at the other counselors, up at the sky and back to all the students. Everything pumped him up! He was so excited, he could barely contain it! He balled his hands into fists by his side, moving them in little jabs and punches close to his body and started running in his place impatiently, as if he didn't just have that exhausting run through the camp. "Aw God, just think another fine summer with more people and lots of fresh faces! Man! Just start already!!"
    A small yelp came from behind the tall, cherry haired camp counselor as he felt his elbow hit something. He quickly turned around to face a petite, ginger haired girl wearing a sweet, laced, white top paired with denim shorts and cream-colored flats. It was a girl he met from camp the year before - it was only her second year this time. Her name was Joan Lark. The camp circle did suddenly get very cramped and crowded... He gasped, clutching her by her shoulders gently. "Oh gosh, are you okay? I'm so sorry I hit you!" Her big blue eyes blinked at his chestnut irises then her cheeks flushed a rose color - well, he face entirely was actually very red. It was obviously caused by sun burn, he remembered Joan having horridly sensitive skin and her pale complexion made it more obvious she blushed at that moment. "I-I'm okay. It's n-no problem at all... I'm sorry I was in the way." she squeaked. Tucker stared at her for a second, then laughed at what she just said before straightening up to stand properly and genuinely saying, "Silly, you weren't in the way. Don't apologize at all, I'm sorry Joan. But, are you okay? You want some water or anything? You seem really hot." He was about to reach down for his water bottle clipped to the side of his belt but then he noticed the little girl's face growing even more red in color. His expression changed at every second and went from genuinely worried then absolutely confused and finally completely flustered for he noticed what he just said. He stuttered with some 'ums' and 'errs' before he just let out a frustrated grunt and slammed both of his hands to his face. "Oh God that's not what I meant! Not at all! Ahhh Joan no just...! You just look like you need some water and some shade and something cool you know?" He exasperated, looking at her with the most troubled expression while talking very quickly. It probably worked though, Joan began to giggle and Tucker let out a sigh of relief. He took his hat from his head and placed it on hers. "Keep it, I think you need it more tha-"
    Suddenly, loud loud LOUD music came from the speakers. He snapped his head towards the center of the circle and gasped happily. This was followed by Kevin, a regular to the camp who wasn't much older than he was, and a very energetic WELCOME CAMPERS -- NEW AND REVISITING! ARE YOU GUYS READY FOR THE TIME OF YOUR LIVES?
    Tucker let out a really loud cheer as his eyes brightened up and his grin got even wider. It was starting!! The camp was really starting!! Complete with marshmallows in the air. He crouched slightly then leaped up into the air with his arm stretched out as he grabbed a flying bag of marshmallows. Landing, he cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled out more excited cheers before turning back to Joan. He grabbed one of her hands and placed the bag of marshmallows there before saying, "Share it with your friends and have a great time in camp! See you around!" Joan smiled and nodded then reunited with her friends close by who were happily paying attention to the introduction.
    Then 21 year old turned back to his camp counselor mates and crouched down to both of their ear levels, placing a hand on their shoulders. "Well, looks like our work- no, our FUN, has begun! Heheh, that rhymed! Okay, see you two around. Good luck Bryan!" He gave them both an encouraging pat, a big smile and a wave then he snaked through the crowd muttering "excuse me" and "pardon" while sending students warm smiles. But holy canolie, there were so many students! Before he could even exit from the crowd, the cabin letter box was already being handed out and the students began dispersing. His eyes widened in worry, 'No! I planned to be there before my troopers!' but that was definitely out of question as students all around him began carrying their stuff to their own cabins and mostly just cutting in front of him. Then again, it was probably his fault too as he let them all pass in front of him which was a lot of traffic.
    On the way to his cabin, he saw a young boy struggling with his luggage and offered to carry it over. He swore the little kid, who introduced himself as Chris, was a Cabin B kind of guy but he was over at some other cabin further away. It wasn't a long walk at all, and the luggage bag of the boy wasn't any problem for Tucker but he was just worried about his troopers - what he called the students he handled (he decided this before camp) - being alone in the cabin. It wasn't before long that he successfully helped out Chris, so he sprinted back to his own cabin, running as fast as he could again. 'Whole lot of running today, huh early bird?' he thought teasingly as he trotted up the steps of the cabin before opening the door with the large B on it.
    Three faces greeted him. Coming prepared - at leas the day before - he could make out that the three students already at the cabin were Sam, Pierce and Quentin. He entered the room with a smiling face before exhaling a happy "Phew! I thought the room would be filled before I'd get here. Sorry for being a little late, guys!" he said a little nervously, as he looked at the three very different people. They each gave distinct auras, Pierce seemed very shy and anxious while Sam seemed quite tired but really content and Quentin seemed really cool and friendly. He clapped his hands together, "So hey Sam, Pierce and Quentin! I'm Tucker, twenty one but pretty much with the mental age of a 13 year old. I'm going to be your counselor and you guys are going to be my troopers." he grinned with two thumbs up, proud of what he coined up for his cabin before he continued with a bright smile, "I'm your Super Trooper or your leader but this is your journey and I'm just here to guide you. Now, we're going to be a really fun cabin, okay? In fact, guys and girl, let's make us the BEST Cabin, I mean we are Cabin B after all! But first let's all get settled in, wait for the others and uh, just chill out for a while. Dinner will be served in a half hour so just keep cool and if you have any questions, do ask."
    Post by: Dinny, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Dinny
    hehe absolutely, thanks so much hyuge!! c:
    Profile Post Comment by Dinny, Apr 25, 2013
  14. Dinny
  15. Dinny
    OUTFIT | MUSIC | OOC: omg I'm spazzing so excited

    'Ugh, there is a time and place...'

    The eccentric teenager pushed her dark sunglasses up properly to the bridge of her nose. She rolled her eyes under their dark lenses after she glanced at the people surrounding her in the bus. They were all just singing and playing instruments and being so diddly-doo-ba-doo happy and making the biggest racket while moving around in a really tightly packed bus. It was more of an oven at the moment in her opinion, though. The heat was just terrible. To think a bus would keep the heat safe - but nope. The air was hot and sticky from the humidity and it wasn't nice at all. In fact, it placed Elisa in a very bitter mood because generally she wouldn't mind others being so loud and happy - she'd just be indifferent and mind her own business but the blazing heat must have gotten into her head and drained out all her energy so she had none to bother putting effort in not minding even the littlest things.

    She did try to ignore these things. She really did because she didn't want to get mad at or upset anyone or anything like that. She put on a good outfit to try and get her in a nice mood, had her headphones on with music at full blast and even announced her leave on the internet every possible way she could. She pouted suddenly remembering her lover - the internet. This was actually the main reason for her bad mood all morning. She didn't want a summer away from her computer. All gadgets were to be confiscated upon the first meeting at the Camp Circle, as stated in the orientation. Knowing her school, she couldn't even sneak something that would grant her any access into the camp. This affected Elisa greatly because she believed that most of her life was on the world wide web. She had a great number of online friends, she had more courage to sing online and be herself online, she wrote and updated people who cared about her online, she sold her crafts online and generally, she was just more open online. She frowned some more as she left a post on her blog stating she'd be away.

    Parentals making me leave for camp this summer. I tried saying no
    but they wouldn't let me!! asdfgghjkjajhfhasl; I am leaving in
    a couple minutes and I'm going to miss you all so much! Please do
    come here and save me. I would rather be talking to all you
    lovelies than go out in the sunlight! *hisssssss* At least my
    parents don't need to watch what I eat her but stiiiiil ahhhhhhh
    I don't want to go!! I don't want to go!! uwahhh!!!! [​IMG]
    Messages flooded her post during the five minutes that passed before she left. Her friends kept sending her sad, little emojis and saying things like "don't leave us princess!" and "I'm going to miss you so so so much!". She wanted to reply to all of them with messages of her own but her parents began calling for her to leave and all she did was try her best not to cry in the car or in the bus because she knew there was no escaping her parents or this camp. Remembering all of this right now made her tear up a bit so she merely looked up at the ceiling of the moving bus and blinked quickly, 'Don't cry. Don't cry. Not the time. Not now. Everything will be okay.'

    Rays of sunlight suddenly threatened to touch her skin again, reflecting light off of the stud that sat on her nose. She sulked even lower into her seat at the back of the bus. Her back was already pressed at the bottom of it, where a person would usually put his butt while she kept her head upright slightly. The tips of her pastel hair already started to stick to her shoulders and back because she was sweating a bit - which was probably her own fault as she decided to wear all black (which as we all know absorbs heat). She paired her black skull tank top, that she cut herself, with studded black shorts and boots - which yes, was incredibly hot on its own even probably at room temperature but she risked it anyway because she loved this outfit. She huffed as she gripped the edges of the side of her chair and propped herself up into a sit then grabbed all of her hair into her hands, gathering it at the top of her head. She twisted her hair until it rolled into a bun and secured it with a black pony tail that she got from her right wrist. She patted it carefully to check if it was secure, which it was, but before she could cross her arms over her chest, grunt and sulk back down - the bus came to a stop.

    Letting one last sigh escape her lips, she got to her feet and slipped her monster backpack on before slinging her pastel coloured messenger bag over her shoulder. As other students got up from their seats and exited the bus in front of her she smiled at them kindly and allowed them to go ahead. Nonetheless, even with the countless people whom she let pass - it was her turn to step off of the bus. With a deep breath and a long blink, she moved down one step, then another and finally, landed on the warm ground below. Not wanting to cause traffic, she aimlessly moved forward into the crowd. Some people grouped together as friends beside her and laughed and squealed while others just walked right ahead in their merry way but generally everyone was headed forward into the Camp Circle - so she followed with the majority but held her head down with her sunnies still on and clutched the strap of her messenger bag like it was her only friend. She wasn't nervous or anything but she just felt a little awkward. 'Why can't these things just be done behind a computer screen?'


    A droplet or two of sweat ran down the side of his face accompanied by heavy panting.Shadows from the tree above seemed to zoom across the ground below his feet where he could feel the rocks, twigs and leaves being crushed under the soles of his boat shoes. He could feel the half-full water bottle attached to his belt bouncing at his side and the sunglasses clipped on his top shaking. Above, the sun shined intensely. It made every moment the sunlight would touch his skin sort of a painful one since the day was absolutely blazing - but completely beautiful.He kept his right hand over his head in attempts to keep his straw hat from flying off into nature and his eyes locked onto the familiar scene ahead.

    'This would be such cool deja vu if it weren't in such bad context!'

    The young adult licked his drying lips as he continued to run through the camp, closing into the place he really needed to be at the moment. He was running as fast as his feet could have possibly taken him (it helped that he was very athletic to begin with). It worried him how he lost the track of time almost completely while he was alone and that he was late yet again. Maybe no one would have noticed that he was late again for the second year running? Maybe someone could have just thought he got lost in the crowd of students. However, his cherry red hair that was damp from his own sweat totally gave him away. Besides, what other camp counselor would come suddenly running late to the Camp Circle on the first day from the inner areas of the camp? Only Tucker Knowles. He did the exact same thing last year. He arrived early, greeted a couple fellow early birds like himself but separated himself sneakily to run off into the camp. He enjoyed the camp very much and always liked to just be alone for a moment with nature. He loved just being in his comfy summer get up, breathing in the fresh air, bathing in the warm sunlight and maybe even going off for a nice nature run before he went off surrounding himself with all the other students - which he always did because he loved the responsibilities of a camp counselor and he just really loved company.

    Reaching for the side of his belt line, he unclipped the water bottle off from himself. His throat had been screaming for water since he first started sprinting but he knew he didn't have time to stop when he saw the numbers of his watch on his left hand threatening him. He was already coming close though, he knew he was! The Camp Circle was a very distinct place but especially on the first day because that's where everyone was and all the chatter, screams and laughter gathered. He heard a lot of this, as he got closer. 'Whoaaaaa, that is way too much noise for just counselors! Dang! Don't tell me the students are all already there?!' with that, he shook his head and leaned forward picking up his speed even more.

    The sound of the bus's engine caused a frown to creep onto his face. The students were there and he was most definitely late and far from being any of the early birds. Being just a few more steps from the Camp Circle and beginning to recognize familiar faces, he began to lessen his pace and try to stop his momentum. He huffed and puffed as he slowed to a walk and greeted students who were still coming off of the bus beside him with his signature, warm, super friendly smile and excited wave. Almost immediately, as he watched the younger students wave back and smile, he forgot how annoyed he was with himself for being late and returned to being the Tucker everyone knew him as.

    He watched them from a moment, hopping off the bus and smiled as he was filled with nostalgia. He remembers the time he would step out of the bus. People could say that he was a camp veteran. He always attended camp as a student since he enrolled in the school at the age of 15. He could easily tell if it was someone's first day - it was either one of three things: One being that there's this sheer excitement and happiness written all over the person. Two being that there's this blanket of nerves keeping the person stiff. And third, which was the easiest way to tell, was if Tucker didn't recognize the person - not in camp at least. Tucker loved making new friends and camp was one of his favourite places to do so. He quickly scanned for more first comers, which he really enjoyed watching for said reasons, but he suddenly remembered his responsibilities.

    The ecstatic boy then quickly spotted more camp counselors gathered together and was completely relieved. Still continuing to catch his breath, he trotted over towards them as he uncapped his water bottle. He stopped by the two counselors Sam and Bryan, breathing out a very ecstatic but weary "Hey guys!" before popping the spout into his mouth and immediately drinking down all the liquid from it. He exhaled loudly, obviously refreshed, before capping the bottle and clipping it back onto his belt. He wiped his lips and sweating temples both with the back of his right hand before looking back at the two, placing his hands at his lower back and grinning at them genuinely. "Ready for today?"
    Post by: Dinny, Apr 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Dinny
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  19. Dinny
    oh yea this is actually quite lengthy....
    Profile Post Comment by Dinny, Apr 22, 2013
  20. Dinny