OOC: Aw :( ok then have fun^^ BIC: Kade watched as Salix left the room. "He's yours, he's definetly yours," Kade smiled to Garxena as she sat down next to her.
"Ok so he just randomly stabs you through with a keyblade because you were 'mind controling' her?" Kade asked trying to make sence of the insanity.
The Dragon flew to HQ and landed right outside its walls, where Kade and Zepharus took their separate identities. "I'm going to see what's going on," Kade said as she teleported into Kyo attacking Salix and then teleporting away, "What the f*** is his problem?"
OOC: Dont mess with Kade, she is my character, not yours. BIC:"You a**," Kade stood up and summoned Zepharus to her side. "I think it's about time we fused." "Yes my Lady," Zepharus agreed, a Dragon appeared where the duo had stood. The Dragon roared in anger as they teleported away. The Dragon sent energy beems out in every direction, hitting the surrounding area.
Kade grabbed at her stomach and laughed a little, "Oh yeah? What actions, I act on instinct." She tightened her grip on her keyblades and stabbed Takeshi with them. OOC: ok whatever, I'm just saying it makes your character look unintelligent
OOC: well it's a lame excuse, especially since he ISNT CONTROLING HER!
"Awww is someone mad," Kade smirked as she weailded her two keyblades. OOC: Dude Final Form or whatever your character's name is, you have so many I lost count, Salix isnt brain washing her! If you read the previous posts you would know that!
Kade staggered backwards, grabbing her shoulder to stop the bleeding, "What? Cant you control me?" Kade smirked.
"Why so you can finish me off?" Kade laughed sarcastically as she swung her keyblades again.
"And for your sake I'll say that hurt. I told you, Ive died beforem nothing fazes me now," Kade said as she crossed her keyblades with Takeshi's sword.
"Of what? Fading into darkness? No, I've done it before, I think I could handle it again," kade laughed as she stabbed Takeshi with her keyblades.
"Cant think of any other reason to come here and find you," kade smirked as she went through the darkness. "You forget, we're Nobody's, we're part of the darkness."
"No, I have one more thing I want to know," Kade stated. She summoned her keyblades and charged Takeshi.
"Used for what exactly? Names can be dangerous if used in the wrong way," Kade smirked. "But I guess since youve bee so cooperative I guess I can give you mine, it's Sasaki."
"Why do you want his name? You've wanted to know my name too. Why?" Kade asked sharply. "What's our names to you?"
"Yes, Telren created him. He's Yeifous replica," Kade explained, weary of Takeshi and choosing her words with caution.
"You want her power so that you'll become stronger? You sound like Telren. I must ask you something, did Telren create you?"" Kade asked as she steped closer to Takeshi.
"What do you want with her? I dont take kindly to those who hurt my friends," the Dragon said. The Dragon dissapeared in a burst of light and in its place stood Kade and Zepharus. "Dont worry, I'm not stupid enough to attack you on my own after what I've seen you do."
The Dragon took to the skies, searching for Takeshi and finally finding him, "I only want a few questions answered," the Dragon stated.
The Dragon looked at Salix, "Yes I am," the Dragon's voice boomed. "Zeph is scanning the area for anything that's inorganic in the Earth."