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  1. Blayz Mods
    no because they both replace sora so you can only play one code at a time.=/
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Sep 4, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Blayz Mods
    ok then I'll fix them.=)

    reason they didn't work is because I made a mistake, try them now.^^

    also I'll label each code.

    Christmas Town Valor Form
    E006FDFF 0034D45C--joker
    11CE0B68 00000055--UCM Mod
    21c95550 58455f50--xmas town model mod
    21c95554 5f303031--xmas town model mod
    21c95558 425f4d58--xmas town model mod
    21c9555c 00464c54--xmas town model mod
    1032EE24 0000????---weapon mod--Replace with the weapon of your choice
    Christmas Town Sora
    E003FDFF 0034D45C--joker
    11CE0B68 00000054--UCM Mod
    21c954f4 5f303031--xmas town model mod
    21c954f8 00004d58--xmas town model mod
    Duel Wield Sora
    E006FDFF 0034D45C--joker
    11CE0B68 00000055--UCM Mod
    21c95554 00303031--model mod
    21c95558 00000000--model mod
    01C95596 0000000A--neo moveset mod, DW Roxas neo moveset
    1032EE24 0000????----weapon mod--Replace with the weapon of your choice
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Sep 4, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Blayz Mods
    yes there is another way of using cheats with the use of a program called emuhaste where all you have to do is copy and paste your codes into emuhaste and click apply and your done. its that easy, however some codes still have certain conditions in order for them for work.
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Sep 4, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Blayz Mods

    here try these.

    Christmas Town Valor Form
    E006FDFF 0034D45C
    11CE0B68 00000055
    01c95550 58455f50
    01c95554 5f303031 
    01c95558 425f4d58
    01c9555c 00464c54 
    1032EE24 0000????---Replace with the weapon of your choice
    Christmas Town Sora
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    11CE0B68 00000054
    01c954f4 5f303031
    01c954f8 00004d58
    Duel Wield Sora
    E006FDFF 0034D45C
    11CE0B68 00000055
    21c95554 00303031
    21c95558 00000000
    01C95596 0000000A
    1032EE24 0000????----Replace with the weapon of your choice
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Sep 3, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Blayz Mods
    OMG Thats awesome man, can't wait for them to be finished.=)
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Sep 3, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Blayz Mods
    First of all, what are you using to activate your codes, emuhaste or pnach files?
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Sep 3, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Blayz Mods
    here try this...^^

    Sora w/ Valors Model-->Jokered to R2
    E002FDFF 0034D45C
    21c954f4 5F303031
    21c954f8 464C5442
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Aug 29, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Blayz Mods
    just some friendly advice but ask this in a thread of your own, your likely to get an answer a lot quicker that way, this thread is on a totally different topic so the odds of you getting an answer on here is slim.
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Aug 29, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Blayz Mods
    these are the differences.

    joker form 1

    joker form 2


    ARMAX Format

    Raw Format(Codebreaker Format)
    xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy
    xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy

    Hope that helps.^^
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Aug 29, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Blayz Mods
    my guess would be a object mod, you can replace any character enemy boss or object with a object mod.
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Aug 22, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Blayz Mods

    try the boss warps in this list.

    World of Darkness
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx01
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - The Dark Margin
    01 - Loop Demo
    Digit 00 - The Dark Margin Event Digits
    ?? digits
    33 - Letter
    39 - At the Dark Margin
    3A - FMV Ending & Credits
    3C - The Gathering
    3D - Birth by Sleep
    Digit 01 - Loop Demo Event Digits
    ?? digits
    38 - Menu Trailer
    Twilight Town
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx02
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - The Empty Realm
    01 - Roxas's Room
    02 - The Usual Spot
    03 - Back Alley
    04 - Sandlot
    05 - Sandlot (Day 4)
    06 - Market Street: Station Heights
    07 - Market Street: Tram Common
    08 - Station Plaza
    09 - Central Station
    0A - Sunset Terrace
    0B - Sunset Station
    0C - Sunset Hill
    0D - The Woods
    0E - The Old Mansion
    0F - Mansion: Foyer
    10 - Mansion: Dining Room
    11 - Mansion: Library
    12 - Mansion: The White Room
    13 - Mansion: Basement Hall
    14 - Mansion: Basement Hall (In the Fire Wall)
    15 - Mansion: Computer Room
    16 - Mansion: Basement Corridor
    17 - Mansion: Pod Room
    18 - On the Train
    19 - The Tower
    1A - Tower: Entryway
    1B - Tower: Sorcerer's Loft
    1C - Tower: Wardrobe
    1D - Tower: Star Chamber
    1E - Tower: Moon Chamber
    1F - Tower: Wayward Stairs
    20 - Station of Serenity
    21 - Station of Calling
    22 - Station of Awakening
    23 - The Mysterial Train
    24 - Tunnelway
    25 - Underground Concourse
    26 - Tower: Wayward Stairs
    27 - Tower: Wayward Stairs
    28 - Between and Betwix
    Digit 00 - The Empty Realm Event Digits
    ?? digits
    33 - The Name is Naminé
    Digit 01 - Roxas's Room Event Digits
    ?? digits
    34 - Connected Dreams
    35 - The Dream That Will Become the Key
    36 - Dream of a Promise
    37 - Farewell Dream
    38 - Waking From the Dream
    39 - The Usual Awakening
    3A - Waking From the Illusion
    3B - Uncertain Awakening
    3C - Unclear Awakening
    3D - Overlapping Awakenings
    Digit 02 - The Usual Spot Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - A Message From Pence and Olette
    02 - Tutorial 5 - Saving
    3F - Something's Been Stoled
    40 - Photographs of Memories
    41 - We'll Go to the Beach!
    42 - The Letter Hayner Left Behind
    43 - Sorry.
    44 - Summer Vacation Homework
    45 - Two Days Left of Summer Vacation
    46 - The World Starts to Fade
    47 - Falling Down
    48 - Kairi Disappeared Into the Darkness
    A7 - Missing
    124 - The 7 Wonders of Twilight Town
    Digit 03 - Back Alley Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Getting the Twilight Town Map
    03 - Axel Under Orders
    04 - Axel's Grief
    05 - Nostalgic Town?
    49 - Nobody Wave Battle
    4A - The Sunset's Radiance
    4B - The Mysterious Man
    138 - DiZ's Guidance
    Digit 04 - Sandlot Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Leave the Rest to Me!
    12 - Sora and Seifer's Argument
    4C - Choose Your Stuggle Weapon
    4D - Tutorial 4 - Fighting
    4E - Seifer I Battle
    4F - Dusk Battle
    50 - Nobody Waves Battle
    51 - Versus Seifer
    52 - Decisive Battle at the Plaza
    53 - To the Original World
    B5 - Seifer II Battle
    B6 - Hayner Battle (Struggle Competition)
    B7 - Setzer Battle (Struggle Competition)
    B8 - Seifer Battle (Struggle Competition)
    EA - Mysterious Enemies Appear
    108 - The Girl's Voice
    160 - Saix Make Bewilder
    Digit 05 - Sandlot (Day 4) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Midsummer Struggle Battle
    03 - 1st Match: VS Hayner
    04 - The Finals
    05 - The Invitation of the Champion
    54 - Hayner Struggle Battle
    55 - Vivi Struggle Battle
    56 - Triple Dusks Battle
    57 - Axel I Battle
    58 - Setzer Struggle Battle
    118 - Finish the Fight
    11A - The Approaching Enemy
    11B - Axel Appears
    11C - A Heart's Outcry
    11E - Roxas's Victory
    Digit 06 - Market Street: Station Heights Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Promise With Hayner
    02 - Encounter With the Girl
    0C - The Story of a Party-Time Job
    59 - Cargo Climb (Roxas)
    5A - Grandstander (Roxas)
    5B - Mail Delivery (Roxas)
    A8 - The Promise Made Yesterday
    C1 - Cargo Climb (Sora)
    C2 - Grandstander (Sora)
    C3 - Mail Delivery (Sora)
    Digit 07 - Market Street: Tram Common Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Road to the Mansion
    03 - Talk to the Clerk
    5F - Tutorial 1 - Movement
    61 - Tutorial 2 - Reaction Commands
    63 - Tutorial 3 - Lock-on
    64 - Junk Sweep (Roxas)
    65 - Bumble-Buster (Roxas)
    66 - Poster Duty (Roxas)
    6B - The Nobody's Direction
    BB - SB Street Rave
    C7 - Junk Sweep (Sora)
    C8 - Bumble-Buster (Sora)
    C9 - Poster Duty (Sora)
    Digit 08 - Station Plaza Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Mysterious Man Once Again
    02 - The Usual Station, The Usual Friends
    03 - Struggle in Front of the Station
    04 - Why Kairi?
    6C - Infinite Nobodies Battle
    6D - So Many Memories
    6E - Giving Hayner the Normal Amount of Munny
    6F - Giving Hayner the Maximum Amount of Munny
    70 - "Can You Feel Sora?"
    71 - 4 People's Treasure
    72 - It Starts With an 'S'!
    73 - The 7th Rumor
    74 - The Crystal Ball's Light
    D8 - Parting With a Partner
    14C - The King Appears
    Digit 09 - Central Station Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Munny Disappeared
    03 - Matching Pouches
    04 - Tears
    0C - Setting Off For the Seven Wonders
    75 - Having Dismounted.
    76 - Time For Goodbye
    77 - Guidance From the Photo
    Digit 0A - Sunset Terrace Event Digits
    ?? digits
    78 - Head to the Wall While Avoiding the Balls!
    79 - Shadow Roxas Battle
    7A - The 6th Rumor
    Digit 0B - Sunset Station Event Digits
    ?? digits
    7B - Ended Up At the Residental Area
    7C - The Train Vanished
    128 - The Truth of the Rumor
    Digit 0C - Sunset Hill Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The World Seen From the Hill
    7D - Stop the Moving Bag!
    D7 - The 4 at Sunset Hill
    Digit OD - The Woods Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Girl Disappeared, An Enemy Appeared
    7E - The Shadows Roaming the Forest
    Digit 0E - The Old Mansion Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Enemy Attacks
    02 - The Haunted House
    03 - The Keyblade's Memory
    05 - Another Twilight Town
    08 - Reunion With the King
    29 - Nobody Waves Battle (With Mickey)
    7F - First Encounter With a Dusk (With Struggle Weapon)
    80 - First Encounter With a Dusk (With Kingdom Key)
    82 - The Curtain Swaying in the Wind
    D2 - The Meaning of "Roxas"
    ED - The Keyblade Appears
    EE - The Key Vanishes
    Digit 0F - Mansion: Foyer Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Entrance to the Parallel World
    Digit 10 - Mansion: Dining Room Event Digits
    ?? digits
    83 - Time For the Finishing Touches
    Digit 11 - Mansion: Library Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Hidden Room
    Digit 12 - Mansion: The White Room Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Many Sketches
    84 - The Girl's Room
    85 - Those Who Don't Exist, Nobodies
    Digit 13 - Mansion: Basement Hall Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Opponent That Blocks the Way
    03 - Entrance to the Darkness
    86 - Nobody Wave Battle
    87 - Battle's End
    88 - Reborn
    141 - Axel's Resignation
    Digit 14 - Mansion: Basement Hall (In the Fire Wall) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    89 - Axel II Battle (Normal)
    D3 - Data Axel Appears
    D4 - Data Axel Disappears
    D5 - Axel II Battle (Data)
    Digit 15 - Mansion: Computer Room
    ?? digits
    01 - In Front of the Computer
    02 - The Password is...
    03 - Input Success
    04 - To the Other World
    8A - DiZ and the Mysterious Man
    8B - In the World of Darkness
    8C - Dream Encounter
    8D - The Laboratory's Light
    8E - Uncontrollable Factors
    8F - The Name is Ansem
    90 - Resurrected Recollection
    91 - Roxas'S Twilight Town
    Digit 16 - Mansion: Basement Corridor Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Sleeping Friends
    Digit 17 - Mansion: Pod Room Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The World's Servant, DiZ
    02 - "My Summer Vacation."
    92 - The Girl in the White Room
    93 - The Voice of Awakening
    Digit 18 - On the Train Event Digits
    ?? digits
    94 - Everyone On the Train
    Digit 19 - The Tower Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - I'm the One and Only Pete
    95 - Wave of Shadows Battle
    96 - The Mysterious Tower
    154 - The Tower's Dweller is...
    Digit 1B - Tower: Sorcerer's Loft Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Master Yen Sid
    02 - Past and Future
    04 - Departure
    Digit 1C - Tower: Wardrobe Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The 3 Fairies
    02 - A Gift From the Fairies
    97 - The Witch's Revival
    E4 - Tutorial 6 - Puzzle Pieces
    Digit 1D - Tower: Star Chamber Event Digits
    ?? digits
    98 - Heartless Waves Battle
    Digit 1E - Tower: Moon Chamber Event Digits
    ?? digits
    99 - Heartless Waves Battle
    155 - The Worlds Remain Unchanged
    Digit 20 - Station of Serenity
    ?? digits
    01 - Select Your Level Up Setup
    9A - Triple Dusks Battle
    9B - The Keyblade
    9C - The Station of Awakening
    Digit 22 - Station of Awakening Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Giant Looming Shadow
    9D - Twilight Thorn Battle
    10C - Roxas's Victory
    Digit 23 - The Mysterial Train Event Digits
    ?? digits
    9E - Far-Off World
    Digit 24 - Tunnelway Event Digits
    ?? digits
    9F - Multiple Vivis Battle
    Digit 28 - Between and Betwix Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Lanes Between
    02 - To the Final Frontier
    A0 - Nobody Wave (Without Axel as Partner)
    A1 - Nobody Waves Battle (With Axel as Partner)
    A2 - The Dark Corridor
    16E - Axel's Atonement
    16F - Exchanged Words of Victory
    Destiny Islands
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx03
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Beach
    01 - Main Island: Ocean's Road
    02 - Main Island: Shore
    Digit 01 - Main Island: Ocean's Road Event Digits
    ?? digits
    33 - Kairi and Selphie
    34 - Kairi Running
    Digit 02 - Main Island: Shore Event Digits
    ?? digits
    35 - The Letter to the Boy
    36 - Axel Talks to Kairi
    Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx04
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Villain's Vale
    01 - The Dark Depths
    02 - The Great Maw
    03 - Crystal Fissure
    04 - Castle Gate
    05 - Ansem's Study
    06 - Postern
    07 - Restoration Site (Before Destruction)
    08 - Bailey (Before Destruction)
    09 - Borough
    0A - Marketplace
    0B - Corridors
    0C - Heartless Manufactory
    0D - Merlin's House
    0E - Castle Oblivion
    0F - Ansem's Study (Before Xehanort took over)
    10 - Ravine Trail
    11 - The Great Maw (1,000 Heartlesses Conditions)
    12 - Restoration Site (After Destruction)
    13 - Bailey (After Destruction)
    14 - Corridors (Sealed)
    15 - Cavern of Remembrance: Depths
    16 - Cavern of Remembrance: Mining Area
    17 - Cavern of Remembrance: Engine Chamber
    18 - Cavern of Remembrance: Mineshaft
    19 - Transport to Remembrance
    1A - Garden of Assemblage
    1B - The Underground
    1C - Memory's Contortion (Xemnas I Battle Area) (BSOD!)
    1D - The World of Nothing (Twilight Xemnas Battle Area) (BSOD!)
    1E - Hall of Empty Melodies (Bottom Part) (BSOD!)
    1F - ?? (BSOD!)
    20 - Front Mansion
    21 - Station of Remembrance
    22 - Destiny Islands
    23 - Addled Impasse (BSOD!)
    24 - Mansion: Basement Hall (In the Fire Wall) (BSOD!)
    25 - Havoc's Divide (BSOD!)
    26 - Station of Oblivion
    Digit 00 - Villian's Vale Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Worn Out Pete
    02 - Maleficent's Revival
    Digit 01 - The Dark Depths Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Xemnas' Speculation
    02 - The Enemy Has Begun to Move
    14 - The Conclusion
    15 - A Message From Sephiroth
    16 - One Winged Angel
    4B - Sephiroth Battle
    5C - A Message Left Behind
    Digit 02 - The Great Maw Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Leader of Organization XIII
    02, 00, 00 - The Gathering of Mushrooms (Must Complete 12 Mushroom Missions to Make Mushroom XIII Appear!)
    02, 02, 02 - Ansem's Apprentice
    4E - Hollow Bastion Armageddon
    Digit 03 - Crystal Fissure Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Good Morning, Goofy
    Digit 04 - Castle Gate Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Melodious Nocture, Demyx
    37 - Demyx Battle (Normal)
    72 - Demyx Battle (Data)
    8C - Data Demyx Appears
    8D - Data Demyx Disappears
    D0 - Good Night, Goofy
    Digit 05 - Ansem's Study Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Ansem's Study
    02 - Leon Reveals a Secret Path
    03 - Transfer Device Activated
    04 - Finding the Password!
    05 - The Puzzle's Mystery
    06 - The True Meaning of the Scribbles
    08 - Response From the Program's World
    09 - The Sealed Data
    0C - Aerith Watches Over the Study
    0D - We're Waiting, Tron
    11 - The Researcher of Darkness, Ansem
    12 - Ansem's True Form
    45 - To the World of Programs Once More
    47 - Cyberspace
    5F - Data Transmission
    60 - Hollow Bastion's Restoration
    66 - In Ansem's
    67 - Insurgence From the MCP
    Digit 06 - Postern Event Digits
    ?? digits
    00, 00, 12 - Y-R-P's Treasure
    01 - Looking For Leon
    02 - Sephiroth Descends
    5D - Run Leon
    5E - Radiant Garden
    Digit 08 - Bailey Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Look at That
    02 - The 3 Mysterious Girls
    03 - Their Goal is...
    34 - Sora & Leon VS Nobody Waves
    A6 - Organization XIII Gathering
    Digit 09 - Borough Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Town's Defense Mechanism
    02 - Everyone's Invited
    03 - The Stolen Picture Book
    0A - The Boundary Disappeared
    0B - Malfunctioning Defense System
    0C - Dispersed, Dancing Light
    33 - Nobody Waves Battle
    3A - Heartless Waves Battle 1
    48 - Heartless Waves Battle 2
    64 - SB Freestyle
    A1 - The Great Ninja Yuffie
    AE - Pooh's Fine, Right?
    Digit 0A - Marketplace Event Digits
    ?? digits
    00, 00, 08 - Cloud's Response
    01 - Arrival at Hollow Bastion
    02 - Bad Sign
    0A - The Heartless Again?
    12 - Cloud's Determination
    Digit 0B - Corridors Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - To the Underground Passage
    02 - Maleficent Joins to the Brawl
    03 - Y-R-P!
    Digit 0C - Heartless Manufactory Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Heartless Manufactory
    Digit 0D - Merlin's House Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee
    02 - A Report From Cid
    03 - Merlin's Insight
    04 - Pooh's Picture Book
    05 - To the World Inside the Book
    06 - Heartless Attack
    08 - The Missing Memory
    0A - Yuffie's Explanation
    0B - Peace in the Town
    0C - Program Complete
    Digit 0F - Ansem's Study (Before Xehanort Takes Over) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The King's Memory
    Digit 10 - Ravine Trail Event Digits
    ?? digits
    3E - Sora & Yuffie VS Heartless Waves
    3F - Sora & Leon VS Heartless Waves
    40 - Sora & Tifa VS Heartless Waves
    41 - Sora & Cloud VS Heartless Waves
    4F - Yuffie and Aerith's Valiant Stand
    50 - Stitch Stands Strong
    51 - Y-R-P's Great Performance
    52 - Leon and Cloud
    53 - Cloud, Dark Fate
    Digit 11 - The Great Maw (1,000 Heartlesses Condition)
    ?? digits
    42 - 1,000 Heartlesses Battle
    Digit 12 - Restoration Site (After Destruction) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Aerith and Leon
    0A - Pillars of Light
    49 - Nobody Waves Battle
    Digit 13 - Bailey (After Destruction) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    03 - Before the Broken Path
    04 - Sorry, Your Highness!
    05 - The Opened Path
    3D - Heartless Invasion
    54 - "Everyone, Hang in There!"
    C4 - Hurry to the Castle Gate!
    Digit 14 - Corridors (Sealed) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    56 - Heartless and Nobody Waves Battle
    Digit 15 - Cavern of Remembrance: Depths Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Welcome to the Cavern of Remembrance
    Digit 16 - Cavern of Remembrance: Mining Area Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Activate the Engines
    Digit 18 - Cavern of Remembrance: Mineshaft Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Heartless Waves Battle 1
    02 - Heartless Waves Battle 2
    Digit 19 - Transport to Remembrance Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Nobody Waves Battle 1
    02 - Nobody Waves Battle 2
    03 - Nobody Waves Battle 3
    Digit 1A - Garden of Assemblage Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The 13 Strange Portals
    03 - The Garden of Assemblage
    Digit 1B - The Underground Event Digits
    ?? digits
    109 - To the Hidden Stage
    Digit 20 - Front Mansion Event Digits
    ?? digits
    73 - Vexen Battle (Absent Silhouette)
    78 - The Chilly Academic, Vexen
    79 - The Absent Silhouette of Vexen Disappears
    82 - Data Vexen Appears
    83 - Data Vexen Disappears
    92 - Vexen Battle (Data)
    Digit 21 - Station of Remembrance Event Digits
    ?? digits
    7A - The Silent Hero, Lexaeus
    7B - The Absent Silhouette of Lexaeus Disappears
    80 - The Savage Nymph, Larxene
    81 - The Absent Silhouette of Larxene Disappears
    84 - Data Lexaeus Appears
    85 - Data Lexaeus Disappears
    8A - Data Larxene Appears
    8B - Data Larxene Disappears
    8E - Lexaeus Battle (Absent Silhouette)
    8F - Larxene Battle (Absent Silhouette)
    93 - Lexaeus Battle (Data)
    94 - Larxene Battle (Data)
    Digit 22 - Destiny Islands Event Digits
    ?? digits
    7C - The Cloaked Schemer, Zexion
    7D - The Absent Silhouette of Zexion Disappears
    86 - Data Zexion Appears
    87 - Data Zexion Disappears
    97 - Zexion Battle (Absent Silhouette)
    98 - Zexion Battle (Data)
    Digit 26 - Station of Oblivion Event Digits
    ?? digits
    7E - The Graceful Assassin, Marluxia
    7F - The Absent Silhouette of Marluxia Disappears
    88 - Data Marluxia Appears
    89 - Data Marluxia Disappears
    91 - Marluxia Battle (Absent Silhouette)
    96 - Marluxia Battle (Data)
    Beast's Castle
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx05
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Entrance Hall
    01 - Parlor
    02 - Belle's Room
    03 - Beast's Room
    04 - Ballroom (Normal)
    05 - Ballroom (Covered in Darkness)
    06 - Courtyard
    07 - The East Wing
    08 - The West Hall
    09 - The West Wing
    0A - Dungeon
    0B - Undercroft
    0C - Secret Passage
    0D - Bridge (Normal)
    0E - Ballroom
    0F - Bridge (Xaldin Battle Area)
    Digit 00 - Entrance Hall Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Voice Echoing in the Castle
    02 - Find Belle
    03 - Belle's Scream
    0A - Beast is Ready For the Ball
    0B - A Special Day
    0c - Xaldin's Goal
    4B - Nobody Waves Battle
    7C - To the Castle's Exterior
    Digit 01 - Parlor Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Assault in the Parlor
    44 - Infinite Heartless Waves Battle
    66 - Beast's Dilemma
    Digit 02 - Belle's Room Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Belle Goes After Xaldin
    02 - Someone's Voice
    0A - Dress-Up
    0B - Belle, Deep Within Her Sorrow
    68 - Belle's Distress
    Digit 03 - Beast's Room Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Organization XIII's Attempt
    0A - The Missing Rose
    0B - Don't Cast Aside Your Hopes
    45 - Beast Battle
    6E - Beast Regains His Sanity
    Digit 04 - Ballroom (Normal) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Decisive Battle in the Ballroom
    0A - Uninvited Guests
    4A - Nobody Wave Battle
    77 - The Precious Thing
    Digit 05 - Ballroom (Covered in Darkness) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    4E - Shadow Stalker Battle
    4F - Dark Thorn Battle
    71 - Showdown, Dark Thorn
    72 - The Heartless's Final Moments
    Digit 06 - Courtyard Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Belle Has Been Kidnapped
    0B - Together, Always
    Digit 08 - The West Hall Event Digits
    ?? digits
    02 - Find a Way Into the Undercroft
    03 - The Talking Wardrobe
    5F - Move the Wardrobe Out of the Way
    Digit 09 - The West Wing Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - The Rose's Secret
    Digit 0A - Dungeon Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Dwellers of the Castle
    6C - The Hidden Truth
    Digit 0B - Undercroft Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Guardian of the Door
    48 - Thresholder Battle
    81 - Inside the Dungeon
    Digit 0C - Secret Passage Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Dark Lanterns
    02 - Light the Lanterns
    Digit 0D - Bridge (Normal) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Belle? The Rose?
    Digit 0E - Ballroom Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Battle Afterward
    Digit 0F - Bridge (Xaldin Battle Area) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    52 - Xaldin Battle (Normal)
    61 - Xaldin Battle (Data)
    62 - Data Xaldin Appears
    63 - Data Xaldin Disappears
    7F - Xaldin's End
    Olympus Coliseum
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx06
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - The Coliseum
    01 - Colliseum Gates (Normal)
    02 - Colliseum Gates (Destroyed) (Day)
    03 - Underworld Entrance
    04 - Colliseum Foyer
    05 - Valley of the Dead
    06 - Hades' Chamber
    07 - Cave of the Dead: Entrance
    08 - Well of Captivity
    09 - The Underdrome
    0A - Cave of the Dead: Inner Chamber
    0B - Underworld Caverns: Entrance
    0C - The Lock
    0D - The Underdrome
    0E - Colliseum Gates (Destroyed) (Night)
    0F - Cave of the Dead: Passage
    10 - Underworld Caverns: The Lost Road
    11 - Underworld Caverns: Atrium
    12 - Coliseum Gates (Hydra Battle Area)
    13 - The Underdrome
    Digit 00 - The Coliseum Event Digits
    ?? digits
    00, 02, 16 - Phil's Training
    01 - Hercules the Hero
    02 - The Advice is Two Words
    04 - Abducted Meg
    44 - Hercules VS the Hydra
    8C - Phil's Training - Practice
    8D - Phil's Training - Maniac
    Digit 01 - Coliseum Gates (Normal) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    02 - Reunion With the Hero Hercules (Replace "2032BAE0 00000106" With "2032BAE0 00320106" To Make It Work Properly.)
    Digit 02 - Coliseum Gates (Destroyed) (Day) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Enraged Hydra
    8E - Phil's Training - Practice
    8F - Phil's Training - Maniac
    Digit 03 - Underworld Entrance Event Digits
    ?? digits
    02 - The Hero's Companion, Megara
    05 - Arriving in the Underworld
    07 - What Happened at Olympus?
    0A - Enter the Underworld Coliseum
    0C - Hades Cup Exhibition
    0D - The Road to the Finals
    12 - Hurry to Hades
    13 - To the Underworld Coliseum
    C5 - Astray in the Underworld
    C6 - Auron Disappeared
    C7 - Farewell to Auron
    D2 - To Hades
    Digit 04 - Coliseum Foyer Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Hero's Fatigue
    02 - Megara's Unease
    03 - The Olympus Stone
    Digit 05 - Valley of the Dead Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Way of the Dead
    03 - Hades' Pursuit
    6F - Escape From Hades
    Digit 06 - Hades' Chamber Event Digits
    ?? digits
    02 - Underworld Warrior, Auron
    0A - Auron's Past
    41 - Hades' Power
    42 - This is My Game
    43 - Hades' Intent
    70 - Hades Battle (Hades is Invincible)
    7E - Nobody Waves Battle
    D8 - From Hero to Zero
    F8 - Internal Discord?
    Digit 07 - Cave of the Dead: Entrance Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Hell's Watchdog, Cerberus
    0A - Manipulated Auron
    72 - Cerberus Battle
    DD - Escape Successful!
    Digit 08 - Well of Capitivity Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Pete Never Learns
    02 - Uniting Power
    73 - Defending Megara From Pete
    74 - Sora & Hercules VS Pete I
    ED - The True Hero
    F0 - Laughing Hades
    Digit 09 - The Underdrome Event Digits
    ?? digits
    7C - "Spin Strike" Heartless Wave Battle
    7D - "Bad Alert" Heartless Wave Battle
    BD - The Pain and Panic Cup
    BE - The Cerberus Cup
    BF - The Titan Cup
    C0 - The Goddess of Fate Cup
    C1 - The Pain and Panic Paradox Cup
    C2 - The Cerberus Paradox Cup
    C3 - The Titan Paradox Cup
    C4 - The Hades Paradox Cup
    Digit 0A - Cave of the Dead: Inner Chamber Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Escaping Organization XIII
    03 - Legendary Guardian
    Digit 0C - The Lock Event Digits
    ?? digits
    00, 00, 01 - Lifting the Seal
    02 - The Hero is Never Neglected
    Digit 0D - Underdrome Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Take Back the Heart
    0B - Hercules Revived!
    47 - Hercules VS Auron
    B4 - Winning the Pain and Panic Cup Trophy
    B5 - Winning the Cerberus Cup Trophy
    B6 - Winning the Titan Cup Trophy
    B7 - Winning the Goddess of Fate Cup Trophy
    B8 - Winning the Hades Paradox Cup Trophy
    C9 - Hades Battle (Part I)
    CA - Hades Battle (Part II)
    FF - Hades, to the Realm of the Dead
    Digit 0E - Coliseum Gates (Destroyed) (Night) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - The Hero's Star
    Digit 0F - Cave of the Dead: Passage Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Suspicious Silhouette
    Digit 11 - Underworld Caverns: Atrium Event Digits
    ?? digits
    00, 00, 01 - Bout with Demyx
    7B - Demyx's Water Clones Battle
    103 - Regained Power
    Digit 12 - Coliseum Gates (Hydra Battle Area) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    AB - Hydra Battle
    F3 - Spoils of Battle
    The Underdrome Coliseum Cups
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 00??0906
    2032BAE4 00xx00xx
    2032BAE8 000000xx
    xx digits
    BD - The Pain and Panic Cup
    BE - The Cerberus Cup
    BF - The Titan Cup
    C0 - The Goddess of Fate Cup
    C1 - The Pain and Panic Paradox Cup
    C2 - The Cerberus Paradox Cup
    C3 - The Titan Paradox Cup
    C4 - The Hades Paradox Cup
    Digit BD - The Pain and Panic Cup Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Round 01: Shadow x5, Hook Bat x5
    02 - Round 02: Large Body x1, Minute Bomb x4
    03 - Round 03: Soldier x2, Rabid Dog x5
    04 - Round 04: Shadow x4, Hot Rod x2
    05 - Round 05: Hook Bat x4, Rapid Thruster x5, Bolt Tower x2
    06 - Round 06: Minute Bomb x4, Gargoyle Knight x3, Lance Soldier x4
    07 - Round 07: Soldier x2, Rabid Dog x1, Aeroplane x6, Assault Rider x2
    08 - Round 08: Rapid Thruster x?
    09 - Round 09: Creeper Plant x4, Gargoyle Warrior x2
    0A - Round 10: Leon & Yuffie
    Digit BE - The Cerberus Cup Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Round 01: Air Pirate x2, Trick Ghost x2
    02 - Round 02: Driller Mole x3, Hammer Frame x3
    03 - Round 03: Tornado Step x3, Wight Knight x3
    04 - Round 04: Silver Rock x4, Living Bone x1
    05 - Round 05: Icy Cube x5, Shaman x1, Fiery Globe x5
    06 - Round 06: Fortuneteller x2, Aerial Knocker x2
    07 - Round 07: Cannon Gun x3, Toy Soldier x1
    08 - Round 08: Luna Bandit x5
    09 - Round 09: Emerald Blues x4, Fat Bandit x1
    0A - Round 10: Cerberus
    Digit BF - The Titan Cup Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Round 01: Magnum Loader x2, Dusk x3
    02 - Round 02: Morning Star x1, Assassin x4
    03 - Round 03: Strafer x4, Berserker x2
    04 - Round 04: Sniper x2, Trick Ghost x3
    05 - Round 05: Dancer x3, Neoshadow x3
    06 - Round 06: Air Pirate x2, Dragoon x2, Bookmaster x1
    07 - Round 07: Samurai x2, Crimson Jazz x2
    08 - Round 08: Minute Bomb x3, Sniper x2, Assassin x2
    09 - Round 09: Devastator x1, Dancer x2, Berserker x2
    0A - Round 10: Hercules
    Digit C0 - The Goddess of Fate Cup Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Round 01: Morning Star x1, Emerald Blues x2, Sniper x2, Morning Star x4
    02 - Round 02: Hammer Frame x3, Living Bone x1
    03 - Round 03: Creeper Plant x3, Toy Soldier x1
    04 - Round 04: Nightwalker x2, Crimson Jazz x2
    05 - Round 05: Shaman x4, Assassin x2, Devastator x3
    06 - Round 06: Fat Bandit x1, Large Body x1
    07 - Round 07: Lance Soldier x2, Assault Rider x2
    08 - Round 08: Rapid Thruster Swarm
    09 - Round 09: Bolt Tower x2, Hot Rod x2
    0A - Round 10: Hades & Hammer Frames
    Digit C1 - The Pain and Panic Paradox Cup Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Round 01: Shadow x5, Hook Bat x5
    02 - Round 02: Large Body x1, Minute Bomb x4
    03 - Round 03: Soldier x2, Rabid Dog x5
    04 - Round 04: Shadow x4, Hot Rod x2
    05 - Round 05: Hook Bat x4, Rapid Thruster x5, Bolt Tower x2
    06 - Round 06: Minute Bomb x4, Gargoyle Knight x3, Lance Soldier x4
    07 - Round 07: Soldier x2, Rabid Dog x1, Aeroplane x6, Assault Rider x2
    08 - Round 08: Rapid Thruster x?
    09 - Round 09: Creeper Plant x4, Gargoyle Warrior x2
    0A - Round 10: Leon & Yuffie
    Digit C2 - The Cerberus Paradox Cup Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Round 01: Air Pirate x2, Trick Ghost x2
    02 - Round 02: Driller Mole x3, Hammer Frame x3
    03 - Round 03: Tornado Step x3, Wight Knight x3
    04 - Round 04: Silver Rock x4, Living Bone x1
    05 - Round 05: Icy Cube x5, Shaman x1, Fiery Globe x5
    06 - Round 06: Fortuneteller x2, Aerial Knocker x2
    07 - Round 07: Cannon Gun x3, Toy Soldier x1
    08 - Round 08: Luna Bandit x5
    09 - Round 09: Emerald Blues x4, Fat Bandit x1
    0A - Round 10: Cerberus
    Digit C3 - The Titan Paradox Cup Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Round 01: Magnum Loader x2, Dusk x3
    02 - Round 02: Morning Star x1, Assassin x4
    03 - Round 03: Strafer x4, Berserker x2
    04 - Round 04: Sniper x2, Trick Ghost x3
    05 - Round 05: Dancer x3, Neoshadow x3
    06 - Round 06: Air Pirate x2, Dragoon x2, Bookmaster x1
    07 - Round 07: Samurai x2, Crimson Jazz x2
    08 - Round 08: Minute Bomb x3, Sniper x2, Assassin x2
    09 - Round 09: Devastator x1, Dancer x2, Berserker x2
    0A - Round 10: Hercules
    Digit C4 - The Hades Paradox Cup Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Round 01: Shadow x3, Soldier x3
    02 - Round 02: Driller Mole x4, Hook Bat x2
    03 - Round 03: Rapid Thruster x3, Surveillance Robot x2
    04 - Round 04: Rapid Dog x5, Creeper Plant x2
    05 - Round 05: Volcanic Lord, Soldier x2
    06 - Round 06: Cannon Gun x3, Silver Rock x2
    07 - Round 07: Icy Cube x3, Shadow x4, Minute Bomb x8
    08 - Round 08: Soldier x3, Silver Rock x2, Armored Knight x5, Large Body x1
    09 - Round 09: Creeper x4, Samurai x1
    0A - Round 10: Yuffie & Tifa
    0B - Round 11: Rapid Thruster x5, Aeroplane x3
    0C - Round 12: Minute Bomb x4, Magnum Loader x1, Air Pirate x2
    0D - Round 13: Luna Bandit x3, Driller Mole x2
    0E - Round 14: Lance Soldier x2, Armored Knight x2, Tornado Step x2
    0F - Round 15: Blizzard Lord
    10 - Round 16: Soldier x4, Wight Knight x2
    11 - Round 17: Strafer x4, Neoshadow x4, Aerial Knocker x4
    12 - Round 18: Luna Bandit x2, Air Pirate x2, Creeper Plant x3, Wight Knight x3
    13 - Round 19: Dusk x2, Assassin x2, Dragoon x1
    14 - Round 20: Pete
    15 - Round 21: Gargoyle Knight x3, Armored Knight x3
    16 - Round 22: Fortuneteller x2, Aeroplane x1, Trick Ghost x2
    17 - Round 23: Soldier x2, Creeper Plant x2 Shaman x2
    18 - Round 24: Bulky Vendor x3
    19 - Round 25: Cloud & Tifa
    1A - Round 26: Bolt Tower x2, Hammer Frame x2, Neoshadow x1
    1B - Round 27: Gargoyle Warrior x2, Rabid Dog x4, Nightwalker x4
    1C - Round 28: Bookmaster x2, Emerald Blues x4, Shaman x4, Silver Rock x3
    1D - Round 29: Sniper x2, Gambler x2
    1E - Round 30: Hades (Without Hercules as Partner)
    1F - Round 31: Samurai x2, Berserker x1, Creeper x2
    20 - Round 32: Dancer x2, Demyx's Water Clones x3
    21 - Round 33: Samurai x4
    22 - Round 34: Sorcerer x2
    23 - Round 35: Rapid Thruster Swarm
    24 - Round 36: Berserker x3
    25 - Round 37: Sniper x2, Assassin x3, Dragoon x4
    26 - Round 38: Dusk x6, Samurai x3, Dancer x4, Gambler x4, Sorcerer x1
    27 - Round 39: Dragoon x4
    28 - Round 40: Leon & Cloud
    29 - Round 41: Toy Soldier x2, Graveyard x2
    2A - Round 42: Living Bone x2, Fortuneteller x1
    2B - Round 43: Morning Star x2, Large Body x2
    2C - Round 44: Living Bone x3
    2D - Round 45: 1,000 Heartless Battle
    2E - Round 46: Hot Rod x2, Devastator x1
    2F - Round 47: Bulky Vendor x1, Lance Soldier x2, Living Bone x1, Emerald Blues x2, Assault Rider x2, Morning Star x3, Crescendo x5
    30 - Round 48: Cerberus
    31 - Round 49: Leon, Cloud, Yuffie, & Tifa
    32 - Round 50: Hades (With Hercules as Partner)
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx07
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Agrabah
    01 - Bazaar
    02 - The Peddler's Shop (1st Visit)
    03 - The Palace
    04 - Vault
    05 - Above Agrabah (Jafar Battle Area)
    06 - Palace Walls
    07 - The Cave of Wonders: Entrance
    08 - Freeze
    09 - The Cave of Wonders: Stone Guardians
    0A - The Cave of Wonders: Treasure Room
    0B - Ruined Chamber
    0C - The Cave of Wonders: Valley of Stone
    0D - The Cave of Wonders: Chasm of Challenges
    0E - Sandswept Ruins
    0F - The Peddler's Shop (2nd Visit)
    Digit 00 - Agrabah
    ?? digits
    01 - Iago's Melancholy
    02 - Lamp-thief?
    03 - Aladdin and Abu
    04 - Find the Royal Treasure in the Cave of Wonders
    05 - Pete VS the Merchant
    0A - We'll Surely Meet Again
    16 - Interrogating the Merchant
    39 - Infinite Heartless Waves Battle
    6E - SB Sand Slider
    71 - Nice Assist
    Digit 02 - The Peddler's Shop (1st Visit) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Find Aladdin
    02 - Jafar's Lamp
    03 - The Missing Merchant
    Digit 03 - The Palace Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Princess Jasmine
    02 - Competition For the Magic Lamp
    03 - Come Back Soon
    0A - Jafar's Trickery
    3B - Blizzard Lord & Volcano Lord Battle
    80 - The Joy of Triumph
    82 - Getting Along With Everyone
    Digit 04 - Vault Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Sealed Lamp
    0A - Jafar's Revival
    Digit 05 - Above Agrabah Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Fierce Fighting, Evil Genie Jafar
    3E - Jafar Battle
    92 - In the End of Battle
    Digit 06 - Palace Walls Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Genie's Big Performance
    0B - Escape Success
    Digit 07 - The Cave of Wonders: Entrance Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - To the Magic Cave
    Digit 09 - The Cave of Wonders: Stone Guardians Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Cave's Gimmicks
    02 - Protect Abu and Help Him Get to the Pedestal Safely!
    03 - The Opening Path
    Digit 0A - The Cave of Wonders: Treasure Room Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Mountain of Treasure
    3A - 50 Heartlesses Battle
    7C - To Agrabah, With Haste
    Digit 0B - Ruined Chamber Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Iago's Confession
    Digit 0D - The Cave of Wonders: Chasm of Challenges Event Digits
    ?? digits
    02 - Behind the Door is... (Replace "2032BAE0 00000D07" With "2032BAE0 00320D07" To Make It Work Properly.)
    4F - Chasms of Challenges
    Digit 0E - Sandswept Ruins Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Magic Carpet
    0B - Go Towards Jafar's Shadow!
    0C - Summoning the Heartless
    0D - Follow Jafar's Shadow!
    0E - Chase Jafar!
    0F - Chase Jafar's Shadow to the Tower!
    10 - Mid-air Showdown
    11 - Activate the 3 Switches
    3D - Magic Carpet (Escape From the Ruins!)
    56 - Heartless Waves Battle 1
    57 - Heartless Waves Battle 2
    66 - Hurry to the Tower Before the Door Shuts!
    6F - Magic Carpet (Defeat 65 or More Heartlesses)
    8C - Press the Switch
    8D - Rush to the Door!
    Digit 0F - The Peddler's Shop (2nd Visit)
    ?? digits
    0A - Jafar's Coming
    85 - Suspicious Shopkeeper
    87 - To the Desert Ruins
    The Land of Dragons
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx08
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Bamboo Grove
    01 - Encampment
    02 - Checkpoint
    03 - Mountain Trail
    04 - Village
    05 - Village Cave
    06 - Ridge
    07 - Summit
    08 - Imperial Square
    09 - Palace Gate
    0A - Antechamber
    0B - Throne Room
    0C - Village (Repaired)
    Digit 00 - Bamboo Grove Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Shan Yu's Plot
    02 - Former Comrade Mushu
    Digit 01 - Encampment Event Digit
    ?? digits
    01 - Enlistment Procedure
    44 - Heartless Waves Battle
    46 - Mission 3: The Search
    6E - Ping's Coming of Age Story
    Digit 02 - Checkpoint Event Digits
    ?? digits
    03 - Hurry! To the Capital!
    45 - Mission 1: The Surprise Attack
    50 - Mission 2: The Ambush
    Digit 03 - Mountain Trail Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Danger Approaches the Summit
    47 - Hurry to the Mountain Summit!
    Digit 05 - Village Cave Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Checking in the Cave
    48 - Sora & Ping VS Heartless Waves
    Digit 06 - Ridge Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Shan Yu Still Lives
    0A - Chasing the Mysterious Figure
    0C - The Capital is in Danger!
    Digit 07 - Summit Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Great Battle on the Snowy Mountain
    02 - Avalanche
    0A - The Man Standing Atop the Snowy Mountain
    49 - Sora VS Infinite Heartless Waves (With Time Limit)
    4C - Riku? Battle
    78 - Ominous Premonition
    Digit 08 - Imperial Square Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Capital's Crisis
    0A - Going to the Palace
    0B - More Heartless
    0D - Storm Rider Comes Flying
    4A - Heartless Waves Battle (1st Visit)
    4F - Storm Rider Battle
    51 - Heartless Waves Battle (2nd Visit)
    81 - Fireworks
    Digit 09 - Palace Gate Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - This is the End!
    0A - Mulan's Maturity
    4B - Shan Yu Battle
    69 - The Hero Who Saved the Land
    Digit 0A - Antechamber Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - The Figure in Front of the Gate
    0B - Maybe It's Riku?
    0D - Identity of the Earth Sounds
    4E - Nobody Waves Battle
    Digit 0B - Throne Room Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - To the Emperor's Side
    0B - The Highest Reward
    40 - Captain Shang's Been Defeated
    Digit 0C - Village (Repaired) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Annihilated Army
    0A - The Village With No-One In It
    100 Acre Wood
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx09
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - The Hundred Acre Wood
    01 - Starry Hill
    02 - Pooh Bear's House
    03 - Rabbit's House
    04 - Piglet's House
    05 - Kanga's House
    06 - A Windsday Tale
    07 - The Honey Hunt
    08 - Blossom Valley
    09 - The Spooky Cave
    Digit 00 - The Hundred Acre Wood Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The 100 Acre Wood
    02 - To the Forest Once More
    03 - Piglet's House
    04 - Piglet's House Complete
    05 - Rabbit's House
    06 - Rabbit's House Complete
    07 - Kanga and Roo's House
    08 - Kanga and Roo's House Complete
    09 - The Haunted Cave
    0A - The Haunted Cave Accomplished
    0B - Starry Hill
    Digit 01 - Starry Hill Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - How Are You?
    03 - Right Here Without You
    34 - The Hunny Pot (Get the Hunny Pot Off of Pooh's Head)
    35 - A Dreaming Pooh
    49 - The Hunny Pot (Get a Score of 8,000 or More)
    Digit 02 - Pooh Bear's House Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Pooh's House
    02 - Reunion, and Then a Strange Incident
    03 - Pooh's Situation
    04 - Something's Out of Place
    Digit 03 - Rabbit's House Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Eeyore's Murmurs
    02 - The Mysterious Honey
    03 - Rabbit's Secret
    04 - Just Enough Honey
    Digit 04 - Piglet's House
    ?? digits
    01 - Blowing' in the Wind
    ?? - Windswept Piglet
    04 - Rescue Successful
    Digit 05 - Kanga's House Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Strategy Meeting
    02 - At a Time Like That, Just Jump
    04 - A Joyful Jump
    Digit 06 - A Windsday Tale Event Digits
    ?? digits
    37 - A Blustery Rescue (With Time Limit)
    45 - A Blustery Rescue (Without Time Limit)
    Digit 07 - The Honey Hunt Event Digits
    ?? digits
    39 - Hunny Slider (With Lives)
    46 - Hunny Slider (Without Lives)
    Digit 08 - Blossom Valley Event Digits
    ?? digits
    3B - Balloon Bounce (With Time Limit)
    47 - Balloon Bounce (Without Time Limit)
    Digit 09 - The Spooky Cave Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Finding Pooh
    03 - We Were Worried
    3D - The Expotition (With Time Limit)
    48 - The Expotition (Without Time Limit)
    Pride Lands
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000XX0A
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Pride Rock
    01 - Stone Hollow
    02 - The King's Den
    03 - Wildebeest Valley (Present)
    04 - The Savannah
    05 - Elephant Graveyard
    06 - Gorge
    07 - Wastelands
    08 - Jungle
    09 - Oasis
    0A - Pride Rock (Restored)
    0B - Oasis (Night)
    0C - Overlook
    0D - Peak
    0E - Scar's Darkness
    0F - The Savannah (Groundshaker Battle Area)
    10 - Wildebeest Valley (Past)
    Digit 00 - Pride Rock Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Rafiki's Judgment
    02 - King Scar
    03 - The Wind's Tidings
    04 - Scar's Conspiracy
    05 - The New King
    0A - Scar's Ghost
    0B - The King's Nature
    0C - Simba's Whereabouts
    0D - The Past Overcome
    0E - Circle of Life
    Digit 01 - Stone Hollow Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Weak Heart, Wicked Heart
    Digit 02 - The King's Den Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Irritated Simba
    33 - Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed Battle (Protect Timon and Pumbaa)
    53 - To the Summit, the Battlefield
    Digit 03 - Wildebeest Valley (Present)
    ?? digits
    02 - Cross the Precipice
    04 - Rafiki's Guidance
    Digit 04 - The Savannah Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Simba is Alive
    03 - Present Hometown
    0A - The Hyena's Loud Laughter
    Digit 05 - Elephant Graveyard Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Assaulted Nala
    0A - The Elephant Graveyard
    38 - Living Bone x2 Battle
    39 - Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed Battle (Chase Them!)
    44 - Sora is the Savior?
    5D - Simba Ran Away
    Digit 06 - Gorge Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Wild Kingdom
    Digit 08 - Jungle Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Timon and Pumbaa
    Digit 09 - Oasis (Day) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - A Comfortable Life
    02 - Reunion With Simba
    03 - Hakuna Matata
    04 - Can't Put It Into Words
    0A - Encroaching Phantom
    0B - Self-Consciousness As the King
    Digit 0B - Oasis (Night) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Oasis Night
    Digit 0C - Overlook Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Simba's Agony
    Digit 0D - Peak Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Heartless of Malice and Wrath
    Digit 0E - Scar's Darkness Event Digits
    ?? digits
    37 - Scar Battle
    55 - Reconciliation With the Past
    Digit 0F - The Savannah (Groundshaker Battle Area) Event Digits
    0A - Groundshaker Attack
    3B - Groundshaker Battle
    63 - The Collapsing Monstrosity
    Digit 10 - Wildebeest Valley (Past)
    ?? digits
    01 - Nightmare
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000XX0B
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Triton's Throne
    01 - Ariel's Grotto
    02 - Undersea Courtyard (Day)
    03 - Undersea Courtyard (Dawn)
    04 - The Palace: Performace Hall
    05 - Sunken Ship
    06 - The Shore (Day)
    07 - The Shore (Night)
    08 - The Shore (Dawn)
    09 - Wrath of the Sea
    0A - Wedding Ship
    Digit 00 - Triton's Throne Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Blowing Off the Anxiety
    Digit 01 - Ariel's Grotto Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Prince's Bronze Statue
    02 - Chapter 4 Prologue
    33 - Song 2: Part of Your World (Story-Related)
    43 - Song 2: Part of Your World (Not Story-Related)
    53 - Song 2: Part of Your World (Theater Mode)
    54 - Collaboration With Ariel
    Digit 02 - Undersea Courtyard (Day) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Kingdom of the Sea, Atlantica
    02 - Invitation to the Musical
    03 - The Way to Regain Energy
    05 - The Complex Music Chart
    08 - Ursula's Temptation to Sign the Contract
    09 - Searching Ariel
    0B - To the Best Musical
    34 - Swimming Tutorial
    3F - Musical Rhythm
    Digit 03 - Undersea Courtyard (Dawn) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Chapter 3 Prologue
    35 - Song 3: Under the Sea (Story-Related)
    44 - Song 3: Under the Sea (Not Story-Related)
    57 - Song 3: Under the Sea (Theater Mode)
    58 - Sebastian's Distress
    Digit 04 - The Palace: Performance Hall Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Chapter 1 Prologue
    02 - Chapter 5 Prologue
    37 - Song 5: A New Day is Dawning (Story-Related)
    40 - Song 1: Swim This Way (Story-Related)
    42 - Song 1: Swim This Way (Not Story-Related)
    46 - Song 5: A New Day is Dawning (Not Story-Related)
    4D - Song 1: Swim This Way (Theater Mode)
    4E - Triton's Anxiety
    66 - Song 5: A New Day is Dawning (Theater Mode)
    67 - Because the Worlds Are Connected
    Digit 05 - Sunken Ship Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Statue From the Surface
    02 - Chapter 2 Prologue
    03 - Unforgivable!
    Digit 06 - The Shore (Day) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Prince Searching For Ariel
    02 - The Prince Lost Something
    03 - Prince Eric and Ariel
    Digit 07 - The Shore (Night) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Encounter With the Prince
    02 - The Destined Duo
    03 - The Two On the Beach
    04 - Ariel's Confession
    Digit 08 - The Shore (Dawn) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Ursula's Plot
    Digit 09 - Wrath of the Sea Event Digits
    ?? digits
    41 - Song 4: Ursula's Revenge (Story-Related)
    45 - Song 4: Ursula's Revenge (Not Story-Related)
    61 - Song 4: Ursula's Revenge (Theater Mode)
    62 - Ursula Disappeared Into the Sea
    Disney Castle
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx0C
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Audience Chamber
    01 - Library
    02 - Colonnade
    03 - Courtyard
    04 - The Hall of the Cornerstone (With Thorns)
    05 - The Hall of the Cornerstone (Normal)
    06 - Gummi Hangar
    07 - Gathering Place
    Digit 00 - Audience Chamber Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - There Are Heartless Here Too?
    33 - Guide Minnie to the Throne
    51 - The Hidden Entrance
    Digit 01 - Library Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Pleased to Meet You, Queen Minnie
    35 - The Castle's Incident
    Digit 02 - Colonnade Event Digits
    ?? digits
    02, 02, 01 - Protect Minnie While Heading to the Audience Chamber!
    4F - The Sealed Audience Chamber
    Digit 03 - Courtyard Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Welcome to Disney Castle
    Digit 04 - The Hall of the Cornerstone (With Thorns) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Cornerstone of Light
    02 - The Mysterious Door
    03 - Into the Door
    36 - The Queen's Wish
    Digit 05 - The Hall of the Cornerstone (Normal) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Castle is Now Protected From the Peace
    02 - The Appearance of a Dark Portal
    Digit 06 - Gummi Hangar Event Digits
    01 - A Strange Situation?
    Digit 07 - Gathering Place Event Digits
    ?? digits
    44 - Terra's Lingering Sentiment
    45 - The Power of the Chosen One
    46 - Rematch With Terra
    47 - Victory on the Wastelands
    49 - Terra Battle
    Timeless River
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx0D
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Cornerstone Hill
    01 - Pier
    02 - Waterway
    03 - Wharf
    04 - Lilliput
    05 - Building Site
    06 - Scene of the Fire
    07 - Mickey's House
    08 - Villian's Vale (Black & White)
    Digit 00 - Cornerstone Hill Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The World of Black and White
    02 - The Appearing Window
    03 - Deepening Mystery
    04 - The Same Door
    05 - This is the World to the Past
    06 - Everyone's Reasoning
    07 - Return to the Original World
    Digit 01 - Pier Event Digits
    ?? Digits
    01 - Attacking Pete
    3A - Pete? Battle
    43 - Not the Culprit?
    Digit 02 - Waterway Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Stolen Steamboat
    03 - Departure! Willie!
    34 - Save the Cornerstone of Light!
    56 - Escaping Pete
    Digit 03 - Wharf Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - There Are 2 Petes?
    35 - Pete II Battle
    58 - The Door of Time is Sealed
    Digit 04 - Lilliput Event Digits
    ?? digits
    02 - The King at Lilliput
    36 - Heartless Waves Battle
    4E - Mysterious Little Window 3
    Digit 05 - Building Site Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The King at the Construction Site
    37 - Heartless Waves Battle
    52 - Mysterious Little Window 4
    Digit 06 - Scene of the Fire Event Digits
    ?? digits
    02 - The King at the Scene of the Fire
    38 - Heartless Waves Battle
    4A - Mysterious Little Window 2
    Digit 07 - Mickey's House
    ?? digits
    02 - Ruckus at the King's House
    39 - Heartless Waves Battle
    46 - Mysterious Little Window 1
    Digit 08 - Villian's Vale (Black & White) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Time Window: Maleficent's Verdict
    02 - Time Window: The Good Old Days
    03 - Time Window: Door to the Past
    04 - Time Window: The Culprit Appears
    Halloween Town
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx0E
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Halloween Town Square
    01 - Dr. Finkelstein's Lab
    02 - Graveyard
    03 - Curly Hill
    04 - Hinterlands
    05 - Yuletide Hill
    06 - Candy Cane Lane
    07 - Christmas Tree Plaza
    08 - Santa's House
    09 - Toy Factory: Shipping and Receiving
    0A - Toy Factory: The Wrapping Room
    Digit 00 - Halloween Town Square Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Merry Christmas
    02 - The Mayor's Decree
    03 - Advance Departure!
    0A - Take Back the Presents
    0B - Merry Christmas!
    33 - Heartless Waves Battle 1
    3C - Heartless Waves Battle 2 (Collect the Four Presents)
    52 - Santa's Bodyguard
    6C - The Incident is Not Yet Over
    Digit 01 - Dr. Finkelstein's Lab Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Doctor's Research
    0A - The Shadow Creeping Near to the Doctor
    0B - Jack's Great Idea
    Digit 02 - Graveyard Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Welcome to Halloween Town
    02 - Maleficent's Shadow
    05 - Kidnapped Santa
    Digit 03 - Curly Hill Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Resurrected Boogie
    34 - Prison Keeper Battle
    39 - The Plan
    5E - The Escaping Trio
    Digit 04 - Hinterlands Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The King of Terror, Jack Skellington
    02 - The Hinterland Door
    0A - Jack's Assistance
    3A - Maleficent and Boogie
    Digit 05 - Yuletide Hill Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Christmas Town
    03 - Smog From the Workshop
    Digit 06 - Candy Cane Lane Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - There Are Heartless Here Too?
    03 - Follow the Footprints
    05 - Everyone's Roles
    0A - Jack's Programme
    35 - Heartless Waves Battle
    58 - A Christmas Concern
    Digit 07 - Christmas Tree Plaza Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - The Big Present Plot
    40 - The Experiment Battle
    72 - The Experiment
    Digit 08 - Santa's House Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Santa Claus' House
    0A - Where's the Real Culprit?
    0B - Where Should We Leave the Present?
    12 - The First Step
    14 - The Stolen Presents
    Digit 09 - Toy Factory: Shipping and Receiving Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Trick-or-Treating Goblins
    02 - Rescue Santa
    37 - Oogie Boogie Battle
    3B - Boogie's Frolic
    4B - SB Workshop Rave
    64 - Boogie's End
    Digit 0A - Toy Factory: The Wrapping Room Event Digits
    0A - The Culprit is of Course...
    3E - Trap Lock, Shock, & Barrel in Presents
    3F - Gift Wrapping (Wrap 100 Presents)
    48 - Gift Wrapping (Wrap Over 150 Presents)
    World Map
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx0F
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - World Map
    01 - DUMMY
    Port Royal
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx10
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Rampart
    01 - Harbor
    02 - Town
    03 - The Interceptor
    04 - The Interceptor: Ship's Hold
    05 - The Black Pearl
    06 - The Black Pearl: Captain's Stateroom
    07 - The Interceptor
    08 - Isla de Muerta: Rock Face
    09 - Isla de Muerta: Cave Mouth
    0A - Isla de Muerta: Treasure Heap
    0B - Ship Graveyard: The Interceptor's Hold
    0C - Isla de Muerta: Powder Store
    0D - Isla de Muerta: Moonlight Nook
    0E - Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Keep
    0F - Ship GraveYard: Seadrift Row
    10 - Isla de Muerta: Rock Face
    11 - Isla de Muerta: Treasure Heap
    12 - The Black Pearl
    13 - The Black Pearl
    14 - The Black Pearl
    15 - The Interceptor
    16 - The Interceptor
    17 - The Black Pearl: Captain's Stateroom
    18 - Harbor
    19 - Isla de Muerta: Rock Face
    Digit 00 - Rampart Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The View From High Ground
    0A - Port Royal Once More
    Digit 01 - Harbor Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Undead Pirates
    0A - The Jack Sparrow Way
    33 - Undead Pirates Battle (Immortal)
    34 - Undead Pirates Battle (1st Visit)
    35 - Undead Pirates Battle (2nd Visit)
    36 - Luxord Escapes
    5B - The Moon's Light
    5C - Chase Barbossa!
    74 - Resurrected Pirates
    Digit 02 - Town Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Elizabeth and Will
    37 - Heartless Waves Battle
    58 - SB Time Attack
    5E - Will's Request
    Digit 03 - The Interceptor Event Digits
    ?? digits
    02 - Onward to the Island of Death
    03 - The Black Pearl's Attack
    38 - Get Rid of the Burning Barrels!
    Digit 04 - The Interceptor: Ship's Hold Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - In Will's Veins Flows
    02 - Barbossa's Trap
    Digit 05 - The Black Pearl Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Captured Jack
    0A - Interceptor, Discovery
    0B - On-board Rivalry
    0C - Missing Medals
    0D - Where's the Treasure Chest?
    0E - All to the Sea
    14 - Talk to Jack Sparrow and Choose "Port Royal" to Fight the 2nd Grim Reaper.
    56 - Parlay From Organization XIII
    Digit 06 - The Black Pearl: Captain's Stateroom Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - What Happened to Will's Body?
    Digit 07 - The Interceptor Event Digits
    ?? digits
    3A - Undead Pirates Battle (Protect the Medallion)
    51 - The True Form of the Blood Pact
    Digit 08 - Isla de Muerta: Rock Face Event Digits
    ?? digits
    03 - To the Island of Death
    04 - Each to His Own World
    Digit 09 - Isla de Muerta: Cave Mouth Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01, 01, 02 - Elizabeth and Will Run Away
    3B - Infinite Undead Pirates Battle (With Time Limit)
    64 - The Signal!
    65 - Jack Isn't Here
    Digit 0A - Isla de Muerta: Treasure Heap Event Digits
    ?? digits
    02 - Immortal Body
    0A - Creeping Shadows
    3C - Barbossa Battle
    6F - Eternal Slumber
    Digit 0B - Ship Graveyard: The Interceptor's Hold Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - The Ship Graveyard
    Digit 0E - Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Keep Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Give Back the Gold Coin!
    3E - Gambler Nobody Battle
    7B - The Captain is Elizabeth?
    Digit 11 - Isla de Muerta: Treasure Heap Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - What Happened On the Island?
    3D - The Blood of Atonement
    67 - You Can't Trust a Pirate
    Digit 12 - The Black Pearl Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Ambush Battle - Tornado Step x2, Cannon Gun x1, Shadow x4
    55 - Grim Reaper I Battle (Normal)
    Digit 13 - The Black Pearl Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Ambush Battle 1 - Undead Pirate B x2, Lance Soldier x2
    0B - Ambush Battle 2 - Undead Pirate B x3, Rabid Dog x5
    Digit 15 - The Interceptor Event Digits
    ?? digits
    02 - Ambush Battle - Undead Pirate A x2, Undead Pirate B x2
    Digit 16 - The Interceptor Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Ambush Battle - Undead Pirate B x1, Air Pirate x1, Cannon Gun x2
    Digit 17 - The Black Pearl: Captain's Stateroom Event Digits
    ?? digits
    4F - The Cursed Medallion
    Digit 18 - Harbor
    ?? digits
    36 - Grim Reaper II Battle (Cursed)
    52 - Showdown With the Grim Reaper
    54 - The Legendary Pirate, Jack Sparrow
    Digit 19 - Isla de Muerta: Rock Face Event Digits
    ?? digits
    53 - The Plan to Rescue Elizabeth
    Space Paranoids
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx11
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Pit Cell
    01 - Canyon
    02 - Game Grid
    03 - Dataspace
    04 - I/O Tower: Hallway
    05 - I/O Tower: Communications Room
    06 - Simulation Hangar
    07 - Solar Sailer Simulation
    08 - Central Computer Mesa
    09 - Central Computer Core
    0A - Solar Sailer Simulation
    Digit 00 - Pit Cell Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Security Program, Tron
    01, 00, 02 - The MCP's Aim
    03 - Escape From the Cell
    04 - Tron's Request
    06 - Where's Tron?
    07 - Game Clear!
    0A - Hurry to the Game Area
    0C - Prevent an All-Out War
    Digit 01 - Canyon Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Space Paranoids
    02 - Energy Core Activated!
    0A - Heartless' Control
    33 - Find the Real Parts!
    54 - Energy Restored
    55 - The Path is Ready
    Digit 02 - Game Grid Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Invitation to the Game
    0A - Tron's in Danger!
    35 - Heartless Waves Battle
    3D - Light Cycle (Defeat 5 of the Heartless)
    3E - Light Cycle (Head For the Goal)
    3F - Light Cycle (Mission: Defeat 30 or More Heartlesses and Head For the Goal)
    58 - Escape Route
    Digit 03 - Dataspace Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Password is...
    36 - Infinite Heartless Waves (Stop All of the Monitors)
    5B - Tron's Restoration!
    Digit 04 - I/O Tower Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Dangerous Program Initiated
    0A - Almost There
    37 - Hostile Program Battle
    38 - Heartless Waves Battle
    5D - Program Erasure
    Digit 05 - I/O Tower: Communications Room Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The MCP's Preparations For Destruction
    02 - Tron and Ansem
    04 - Now, to Hollow Bastion
    0A - Reception Successful!
    Digit 07 - Solar Sailor Simulation Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - In the Sea of Data
    39 - Heartless Waves Battle
    Digit 08 - Central Computer Mesa Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Arrival at the Central Computer Core
    Digit 09 - Central Computer Core Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Crash, Commander Sark
    3A - Sark Battle (Normal)
    3B - Sark (Big) and the MCP Battle
    6A - All of the Function's Will.
    6B - The MCP's Breakdown
    Digit 0A - Solar Sailor Simulation Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - The Solar Sailer's Departure
    The World That Never Was
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx12
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Where Nothing Gathers
    01 - Alley to Between
    02 - Fragment Crossing
    03 - Memory's Skyscraper
    04 - The Brink of Despair
    05 - The Soundless Prison
    06 - Nothing's Call
    07 - Crooked Ascension (Bottom Part)
    08 - Crooked Ascension (Top Part)
    09 - Twilight's View
    0A - Hall of Empty Melodies (Bottom Part)
    0B - Hall of Empty Melodies (Top Part)
    0C - Naught's Skyway
    0D - Proof of Existance
    0E - Havoc's Divide
    0F - Addled Impasse
    10 - Naught's Approach
    11 - Ruin and Creation's Passage
    12 - The Alter of Naught (No Door to The World of Nothing)
    13 - Memory's Contortion (Xemnas I Battle Area)
    14 - The World of Nothing (Twilight Xemnas Battle Area)
    15 - Station of Awakening (Roxas Battle Area)
    16 - The World of Nothing (Armored Dragon Battle Area)
    17 - The World of Nothing (Armor Xemnas II Battle Area)
    18 - The World of Nothing (Armor Xemnas I Battle Area)
    19 - The World of Nothing (Core Area)
    1A - The World of Nothing (Twin Cannons)
    1B - The World of Nothing (First Area)
    1C - The World of Nothing (Second Area)
    1D - Alter of Naught (No Kingdom Hearts Moon)
    Digit 00 - Where Nothing Gathers Event Digits
    ?? digits
    33 - Number XIII, Roxas
    73 - The Organization's Agenda: Eliminate the Traitor
    74 - The Organization's Agenda: The Hero of Light
    75 - The Organization's Agenda: Saix's Report
    76 - The Organization's Agenda: Everything Has Begun to Move
    77 - The Organization's Agenda: Insufficient
    Digit 01 - Alley to Between Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Land of Battle
    40 - Prowling Pluto
    Digit 03 - Memory's Skyscraper
    ?? digits
    01 - Sora VS Roxas (Part I - His Time to Awaken)
    02 - Wasn't Anyone There?
    36 - Roxas VS Riku (Part I - The Keyblade's Deathmatch)
    37 - Roxas VS Riku (Part II - The Deathmatch's Conclusion)
    52 - Roxas Leaves the Organization (Part I - Roxas's Past)
    53 - Roxas Leaves the Organization (Part II - The Existance of Sorrow)
    78 - Roxas VS Riku (Part III - The Beginning of Everything)
    Digit 04 - The Brink of Despair Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Roadless Road
    02 - The Road Continuing Onto the Castle
    5F - Wriggling Heartless
    Digit 05 - The Soundless Prison Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Kairi and Naminé
    Digit 06 - Nothing's Call
    ?? digits
    01 - The Castle That Never Was
    Digit 09 - Twilight's View Event Digits
    ?? digits
    104 - The Truth of the Room of Sleep
    Digit 0A - Hall of Empty Melodies (Bottom Part) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Protagonists Together
    02 - The Freeshooter, Xigbar
    39 - Xigbar Battle (Normal)
    64 - Xigbar Battle (Data)
    6B - Data Xigbar Appears
    6C - Data Xigbar Disappears
    BF - Friends at the Origin
    Digit 0B - Hall of Empty Melodies (Top Part) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - This Isn't a Dream...
    Digit 0C - Naught's Skyway Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - DiZ's Truth
    Digit OD - Proof of Existence Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Road Opened
    02 - A New Path
    Digit 0E - Havoc's Divide Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Gambler of Fate, Luxord
    3A - Luxord Battle (Normal)
    65 - Luxord Battle (Data)
    6F - Data Luxord Appears
    70 - Data Luxord Disappears
    C4 - The Battle's Outcome
    Digit 0F - Addled Impulse Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Luna Diviner, Saix
    38 - Saix Battle (Normal)
    60 - A Friend in the Heart
    66 - Saix Battle (Data)
    6D - Data Saix Appears
    6E - Data Saix Disappears
    7A - I Wanted to See You Too
    Digit 10 - Naught's Approach Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - "Riku, I Wanted to See You"
    02 - Ansem the Wise's Gamble
    03 - Farewell, King
    05 - In the Original Form
    Digit 11 - Ruin and Creation's Passage Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Maleficent and Pete's Heart
    Digit 12 - The Altar of Naught
    ?? digits
    01 - Completely Full Kingdom Hearts
    02 - Xemnas' Question
    03 - Kingdom Hearts' Door
    D3 - The Opened Door
    Digit 13 - Memory's Contortion Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Skyscraper's Decisive Battle
    3B - Xemnas I Battle (Normal)
    61 - Xemnas I Battle (Data)
    67 - Data Xemnas I Appears
    68 - Data Xemnas I Disappears
    D1 - Kairi's Voice
    Digit 14 - The World of Nothing Event Digits
    ?? digits
    4A - Twilight Xemnas Battle (Normal)
    55 - The Final Battle
    62 - Twilight Xemnas Battle (Data)
    69 - Data Twilight Xemnas Appears
    6A - Data Twilight Xemnas Disappears
    DA - In the End of Nothing
    Digit 15 - Station of Awakening
    ?? digits
    01 - Sora VS Roxas Cutscene (Part II - The Reason Sora Was Chosen)
    41 - Roxas Battle (Normal)
    63 - Roxas Battle (Data)
    71 - Data Roxas Appears
    72 - Data Roxas Disappears
    79 - Roxas' Time to Sleep
    Digit 16 - The World of Nothing Event Digits
    ?? digits
    48 - Armored Dragon Battle
    Digit 17 - The World of Nothing Event Digits
    ?? digits
    49 - Armor Xemnas II Battle
    54 - For the Sake of Ending It All
    Digit 18 - The World of Nothing Event Digits
    ?? digits
    47 - Armor Xemnas I Battle
    57 - The Throne of Xemnas
    Digit 19 - The World of Nothing Event Digits
    ?? digits
    46 - Battle Within the Core
    Digit 1A - The World of Nothing Event Digits
    ?? digits
    45 - Battle on the Twin Cannons
    Digit 1B - The World of Nothing Event Digits
    ?? digits
    4B - Final Battle (Part I)
    5E - The Town Squirms
    Digit 1C - The World of Nothing Event Digits
    ?? digits
    44 - Final Battle (Part II)
    Digit 1D - Alter of Naught (No Kingdom Hearts Moon) Event Digits
    5C - To the Heart in the Midst of Nothingness
    5D - Escape From the Outer Space
    the room mods of the warps are the top codes directly under the joker e.g....

    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx12---Room Mod
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??

    The room mod is highlighted red, use that with the joker and you shouldn't have any problems.

    Also try using the room mod with this form of the joker it won't work with out this.

    Single line joker code
    D034D45C 0000FDFF
    press R2 to trigger the code.=)

    hope that helps.^^
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Aug 21, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Blayz Mods
    Sweet, ty man gonna try this out[DOUBLEPOST=1408447586][/DOUBLEPOST]Srry for the double post guys my computer just will not load certain thing for **** and its a very powerful gaming laptop and right now its not loading the edit window sould would someone be so kind as to merge this, plz? anyway back on topic, is there anyway to use the cutscene warps in the boss/cutscene warps list to relocate a specific battle and cutscene? I want to do this for a hacked battle video.:)

    thanks guys.:D
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Aug 19, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Blayz Mods

    can you post the codes your using so that I can assist you better?[DOUBLEPOST=1408446967][/DOUBLEPOST]
    sora just a friendly warning to keep you from getting in trouble but you should ask him to add you on skype in his profile, the code vault is not the place for that.=/
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Aug 19, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Blayz Mods
    hey man just to clear things up you can't convert a pnach file to another pnach file, basically what you do is you paste the original code into the first window (not the pnach version) then enter your crc code like normal and your title then click convert and save the pnach to your preferred location on your computer. hope the helps.^^
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Aug 17, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Blayz Mods
    kk np take your time with it this threads not going anywhere, anyway once you figure out the process of this threads codes it should be simple to know the process of unDMAing codes since you know asm and all.=)
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Aug 17, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Blayz Mods
    Damn dude that pretty impressive that you know asm, hope you can make good use of this thread code making wise, cus this thread is pretty dead now a days so it'd be nice to have some new unDMA codes for this game.:D
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Aug 17, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Blayz Mods
  18. Blayz Mods
    Can you provide a screenshot of what you're seeing?[/QUOTE]


    View attachment 39538
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Aug 12, 2014 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  19. Blayz Mods
    If there was it'd be in the first post, therefore if you didn't find it there then there isn't one unfortunately.=/
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Aug 12, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Blayz Mods
    maybe its my browser, might have to clear my cache and see if it displays for me after that.=/ thanks for that bit of in-tell Simba.^^

    Edit: Still showing as broken thumbnails, and just a FYI its not the link that says cutscenes its the one that just says *Cutscene Archive* in case you were looking under a different link.=/ also I cleared my cache and as I said still broken thumbnails.=/

    Edit 2: I Just viewed the thumbnails on Firefox and their still displaying as broken thumbnails, so that excludes the theory of it being my browser from being the issue, therefore it is not my browser it's the thumbnails.=/
    Post by: Blayz Mods, Aug 12, 2014 in forum: Feedback & Assistance