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  1. Ego Imperium
    Diuccio had observed the battle between Mixt and Phisoxa from the edge of the Arena, his spectatorship being ne of mixed interest and annoyance. His annoyance was, of course, in the fact that he had spent an hour after the training day had concluded to fix up the arena for the next day. But on the same token he was intrigued to see what the two students could put out in combat. He had only ever gone up against Phisoxa a few times in training rounds, form where he drew the conclusion that she had some good tricks at her disposal. As for Mixt, the young teacher was almost completely in the dark about, albeit the knowledge that his magic was well established in fields only scantily explored by methods of The Academy’s top minds.

    By what he saw, he was impressed by both combatants. However intsense the battle had been, it proved to be short lived. An unseen presence was working its way into the hearts of the students, and even Diuccio could feel it. Darkness was approaching, and it was something he could recall all too well from his passed experiences. He knew something had to be done, but what exactly there was to do was, in that moment beyond him. The students seemed to be in a rush of shock and panic. As it was, he was the closest thing to a recognized Master present, and no one seemed to regard that he was even there to begin with. “How am I supposed to get things done if everyone just up and ignores me?”

    “They’re frightened, just as they should be,” said the voice of Zaal Faleski, stepping up next to his pupil.

    “So it’s happening?” Di asked. “I thought you said we wouldn’t have to worry about this sort of thing here. You said--.”

    “I said that we would be safe for longer than we would had we stayed out in the wild worlds, as we had been previously. This was the best stronghold we Masters could organize. But we knew it wasn’t permanent. The Darkness, the Heartless, they’re coming here, to swallow this world as it has so many others.”

    “So what is our plan of action from here, Master?” Di said, now getting a bit short with Zaal.

    “You, and the other Junior Teachers will make to flee from here with as many of the students as you can. I would suggest that you procure yourself a ship from the hangar, and get a good number of students on board.”

    “And what about you? Surely you mean to escape as well?”

    “I’m afraid my destiny lies here, standing between the Darkness and the youth of this Academy,” Zaal said. “I will stay behind, and rally the other Masters to battle. If all goes well, the strength of our hearts should outweigh those of the students, and allow the evacuation to go off with little hitch. No. Don’t argue the point. I’ve made my decision. With enough of us, we should be able keep this force at bay long enough to make our escape later, and rendezvous with everyone else. Now go. I’ll make sure that word spreads of the escape plans.” Zaal left without another word, dashing out of the Arena faster than anyone his age would have normally moved.

    “Well. That leaves me with little choice then doesn’t it,” Diuccio said to himself as he followed suit with Zaal, heading instead towards the hangar. If master Zaal thinks it best for me to leave, then there must be good reason. His intuitions have proven correct so far. Why shouldn’t they be correct this time around?​
    Post by: Ego Imperium, Apr 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Ego Imperium
    Well, I guess it's about time to have Di lose his patience.
    Post by: Ego Imperium, Apr 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Ego Imperium
  4. Ego Imperium
  5. Ego Imperium
    The hallways that led to the shower rooms were odd within the design of the Academy building, just as the Arena was. That particular section of the building had had some amount of history to it, as Diuccio understood. From the history books and records that the Academy kept at hand, the Arena itself had been the main building at one point, and the hallways to the shower rooms had been entrance foyers at one point in the building’s history. When the Academy began to develop and grow, that building had been built upon, and the once nerve center of the institution had been converted into the Arena for combat training, and the foyers on either side converted into men’s and women’s shower facilities.

    The hallways, being so long as it was, left the showers far off from the bustle of the Arena, but at a price that Di found particularly annoying: there was no direct route or shortcut from the showers to the upper floors of the school. In order to get to the dinning hall, or anywhere else in the school, one had to traverse back through the Arena. This was a fact that he especially found a setback after long days. He enjoyed the walk, and seeing students and teachers on the way. But it got annoying to have to walk such a long distance every night just to get from point a to point b. Still, he figured that was for the better, even if trying to the patience of people who needed to get someplace. That was the essence of the work they were doing: trying. When the urge pressed on him to curse the school’s design, he bit it back, literally biting his tongue in the process.

    However, as he made his way down the hallway towards the end out into the arena, there was one thing that he couldn’t hold his tongue about. The Arena’s main lighting had been turned on, something he was sure he had attended to just before leaving. He was sure that the only lights he had left on were the security lights to give him a bit of sight as he walked back through on his way back up to the main floor. When heard the muffled mumbles of voices beyond the archway, he concluded that one of two things were happening: someone was using the Arena for after hour sparring, or someone was trying to be funny. Either way, it was something that he didn’t much care for, especially not after a day like the one he had just had.

    As it appeared when he finally stepped through into the half-stadium sized room, his first assumption had proven the correct one: a group of people, students in fact, were readying to engage in a match. At the center of the unfolding events, standing at the middle of the arena, was Phisoxa, a younger student with a rather odd flare that many of the masters, including Master Zaal, the master who had taught, and often Diuccio, had been both aware of and startled by, as much so, or perhaps more so than other students. “Excuse me, Phisoxa,” he said, in a tone more so reminiscent of a student, “but I hardly think that right now is the best of times to be having a match here. We’ve a long day ahead of us tomorrow, and days only get longer around here. You should know that. You’d be better off getting some rest.”​

    ((Most likely my last until morning. If it's not too much to ask, I wonder... what time zones are people in? No need to answer me if it's much. I'm just curious as to how I should plot out my posting patterns and whatnot)).
    Post by: Ego Imperium, Apr 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Ego Imperium
  7. Ego Imperium
    Another long day's worth of work had passed by; another long, and trying day's worth of work. Mentally fatigued by the task of training the next generation of warriors took closing hours of his day to earn a few well-deserved hours of relaxation before finally turning in for the night. From the training arena, set up within the basement levels of the Academy, he strode down a narrow hallway towards a doorway at the end, marked by a small sign he knew to read "Men." Staring at the door as he made his way ever closer to it, he reiterated its inscription to himself, sighing out an exasperated "men." He found it interesting that the restrooms and locker rooms in a school were labeled "men" and "women." Of course, it's all part of the master plan, he thought as he walked into the large, echoing locker room. The students that went to the Academy always turned out tough, and independent, yet oddly obedient. The Academy was making them grow mature in ways that other schools, normal schools, could never do, for there, they were learning not just to live, but to survive when the heat was turned up.

    "And damn do they learn how to survive fast," he said out loud on his way into the showers. The day had been a rough one, and the students even rougher. They were growing strong at a rate that had even the higher masters surprised. But then, the masters rarely, if ever, had to witness their growth first hand. Being primarily vested as a combat teacher, Diuccio was the one of those teachers that got smacked around in practical lessons, which, as fate had had, were held throughout that day. It had thus been one of being smacked around by the top students. It wasn't very often that they got any hits in, for the most part, but when they did manage to land a blow, it hurt like a mother. But that didn't matter once he got into the shower. The dirt, the sweat, and the sore spots were washed away by the gentle, warm streams of water flushing down over his body. Relieved, he let out a deep sigh, and began to wash himself off.

    "You didn't have to let them get those hits in, you know that right?"

    Di looked out of the corner of his eye, finding a colleague of his, a young man by the name of Lan standing next to him, also washing off. "Of course not," he said. "They landed those blows fair on their own steam. Why would I have let them hit me? That wouldn't have been doing them any favors."

    "Just saying. It looked like you were a bit hesitant on the defense and whatnot."

    It's kind of hard to match up against Keybearers," Di spat back as he walked out of the showers. "They're a talented bunch, some of them. They're gonna put in a good hit or two in a battle against a master, even the lower ranks in the classes. If I recall, I got a good hit on you when I was training. Hell, I even landed a good blow against Master Zaal. Anyways, I'm done with this talk. I'm starving. I haven't eaten a thing since lunch." In a rush, he got himself dressed in suitable night clothes: a pair of sweat pants, slip on shoes, and white t-shirt. Heh. Maybe that was why I got beaten up today. Gotta start having that midday snack again, I guess. Fully dressed, he left the locker room, quickly making his way to the dinning hall, mouth watering for whatever sort of military feast the Academy had cooked up for the night.​
    Post by: Ego Imperium, Apr 6, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Ego Imperium
  9. Ego Imperium
  10. Ego Imperium
  11. Ego Imperium
  12. Ego Imperium
  13. Ego Imperium

    Name: Diuccio Guerrio
    Nicknames: Referred to as "Di" by those he has admitted as being closest to him.
    Age: 20
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Side: Light... for the time being, at least.
    Occupation: Junior Teacher At The Light Academy
    Relationships: Between the latter portion of his student days, and the period he's spent as a Junior Teacher, he's worked with several of the students, and is on friendly terms with them. He often forgets that he is in fact in that he's essentially a teacher when around those he brushed shoulders with as a student.

    Diuccio Erects himself at a height of 5'10'', and walks with an ever present stride of a level of confidence fitting to his position, and one of an almost cocky pride, depending on who he's displaying himself to. His complexion is particularly dark, as far as fair-skinned goes, owing to a deep, red-hinting tan that is a near constant in his appearance. In build, he's pretty lean, but borders towards being a bit bulkier than his height would necessitate, though it's not so much of an impairment as much as it is a visual standout. With a roundness evident of a rough, slightly distorted sphere about his head, he comes off, facially speaking, as a bit rough in expression and appearance. The lower portion of his face is glazed over by short strands of beard fuzz. His eyes have a look about them that is typically evident of him being on edge or excited, even if he's feeling just fine.

    Twin Short Swords - Diuccio's typical weaponry consists of a pair of short swords that have been his family's primary heirlooms for as long as he can recall. The blades share a exact design with each other, and are reminiscent of a Romanesque style of sturdiness, simplicity, and effectiveness. With little decoration to them, the blades are made all the more efficient and likely for use in battle. As far as actual design goes, they consist of hilts at their bases, which at roughly five inches in length, offer little space for the blades to commandeered from the hands of their wielder. Save for a short, rounded bulge of a hand guard, the blades of the swords extend seamlessly from the hilts, measuring at roughly two feet in length. The length of the blades is a generally smooth run, though not exactly straight, as both bear a slight outward curvature towards the top, which resolves into a nail sharp tip.

    Keyblade - Rapture; The fact that Duccio even wields a Keyblade, or ever did wield one at any point is a fact that his master was sure to keep under wraps from day one. Rapture came about as a result of some powerful emotions that nearly lead to the complete breaking of Duccio's being. At the time, or perhaps just in that moment, his clarity wasn't enough for him to effectively wield the power of such a formidable weapon. Over the years, the fact of Rapture's existence in Diuccio's hands has been a secret maintained by his master, and one that has been known mostly by the masters. It was a decision made for the sake of keeping him manageable, and keep his aggression low key, as the weapon at a tendency to bring out the "Darkness" within him. He's gotten better at using it, though it still tampers with his head and heart to use it. While the secret keeping has official been labeled as unnecessary, it is still a matter that is kept behind curtains, and Diuccio strictly keeps it under wraps for the sake of learning to not rely on its power too much (and also in the hopes that he can surprise people with it someday when its power is truly needed).​

    Diuccio's life story follows that well-beaten path of the one who lost everything in order to find everything in turn. He had lived on a world out on the edge of the light, bordering the Darkness. Being that they were as close to the Darkness as they were, the people of his world had brought themselves up with defenses in mind, and thus, sprouted a rather glorious chain of warrior families that helped the Keybearers protect their world from harm. However, as the power of the Realm o Darkness continued to pound into their world over the years, the armies began to falter, and in response, there occurred an influx of Keybearers from the Light, in the hopes repelling it entirely. But it amounted to very little, and eventually, the world fell in one, massive fell-swoop. Chaos erupted as the world fell into its state of consumption, and it's armies fell with only the most meager of fights, causing the Keybearers to call in for an evacuation.

    Caught in the midst of the final onslaught, Diuccio, at the age of thirteen, scrambled through his home to retrieve the only objects that meant the world to his family: the twin short swords, which had been used in battle by the family for several generations. But in his attempts to reach his family, he was cut off, not by the Darkness, but by a Keybearer rushing by, who scooped him up as he watched his family get swallowed whole in the collapse of their world. He found himself in the world known as Radiant Garden, kneeling before a Keybearer, who went by the name of "Zaal Faleski." Faleski, seeing the blades Diuccio had held onto with relentless determination, opted to train the young boy in their proper use, a process which would lead to Diuccio wielding a Keyblade of his own, and consequentially, having to keep it a tight secret from others. At age 15, he traveled with Master Faleski to the Academy of Light, wherein a commenced a tenure as a student, eventually being deemed skilled enough to be considered a Junior Teacher, a position he took up at the age of 19.​

    Theme Song:
    Main Theme -
    Battle Theme -
    Post by: Ego Imperium, Apr 6, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Ego Imperium
    Profile Post

    So.... 'sup with you?

    So.... 'sup with you?
    Profile Post by Ego Imperium for Love, Mar 6, 2011
  15. Ego Imperium
  16. Ego Imperium
  17. Ego Imperium
    Profile Post

    Hello there.

    Hello there.
    Profile Post by Ego Imperium for Love, Feb 7, 2011
  18. Ego Imperium
    I doubt that I could mentally handle the loss of any of my senses, even taste. Senses are the ways in which living things take in their surroundings, and process information. Being mute, if I had to choose between the options given, would be the desired affliction. Speaking is but one form of externalizing thoughts, and displaying emotions. There are others that I can use in lieu of that though; I can write, I already have a tendency to use body language (though crude at times). Not being able to speak would ultimately be a minor loss in my eyes.
    Post by: Ego Imperium, Dec 18, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Ego Imperium
    I wonder, are there any people around here familiar with, or involved in drum & bugle corps? IE - Drum Corps International/Drum Corps Associates?
    Thread by: Ego Imperium, Dec 17, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  20. Ego Imperium
    Indeed; in fact, there was one year that we actually had two trees, since my dad didn't like the first one we got, and decided to pick out a second. My mother dislikes it, and has officially sworn herself out of any shade of involvement in the selecting and cutting down of said tree. I would do the same, if it weren't for the fact that my dad and older brother would never let me skip out on such a "joyous" occassion. They usually bring me along so that they don't have to hit the ground to cut the tree down. I disklike it, mostly because it winds up being me getting yelled at. I am, however, more than up to the task of decorating it once it's been put up.

    As for Christmas traditions, my family's have been waning over the years, especially, I've found, since my grandfather passed away a few years ago. I mean, we still do what we can around the holidays, but it's just no the same as it used to be. Unrelated to that matter, Christmas time used to see my house (or my aunt's house at times) become a cookie factory, as my mother would always make loads of special Christmas cookies to give to friends of the family, and to have for our Christmas Eve/Christmas Day festivities with the family. That tradition has since been declining from its former excitement. Christmas Eve often involves hanging around the house during the day, for me mentally preparing myself for the onslought of activity to come. That night, we usually go visit my grandmother, and have a small get together where we get a few gifts. In the passed, we would go home, and take the time to put Christmas lights at the last minute. Fortunately, we've already got most of our lights up already, so we won't have to worry about doing any on Christmas Eve this year.

    Christmas day consists of sleeping in, and then waking up. Last year, my mother mixed for me and my brother this drink with champaign and orange juice which was pretty good, if I say so myself. We usually wait around for a few hours before we decide to do anything. Most of the time, we don't open gifts until that night. In liue of opening presents, we tend to bicker with one another most of the morning, and then we pack up the car, and visit my aunt's house where my mother's side of the family congregates in large masses. Sadly, my father's side of the family hasn't been to keen on having us around for the holidays the passed few years (like I've speculated, the grandfather passing away probably is probably what lead it to this). After several hours with the extended family, we return home.

    That's when the gift unwrapping usually commences. We take it in turns to open what we've gotten, and make whatever witty and sarcastic comments we have to go along with them. My mother usually gets a bit annoyed at this point, mostly saying that no one needed to get anything for her. My cats would always be around for the occassion of course. One of them (who will be missed dearly this Christmas) would either be underneath the tree, or somewhere near my mother. The other usually breaks out into random fits, and stampeded from room to room; I've often suspected that he suffers from some sort of post traumatic stress disorder.

    So yeah, for the most part, I observe the holidays from... well, not really a consumer standpoint, but from a secular standpoint. It's more about the atmosphere and being arond the family, and the tradition, as opposed to actually celebrating a religous event. In fact, I haven't been to chruch for Christmas (or in general) in about six years now. Most years, esepcially recently, I haven't been too picky as far what I've wanted for Christmas gifts, and mostly tell people to "surprise me." other than that, I try to stay from asking for indulgences, since I am more than capable of attaining those for myself.

    New Years/New Years Eve, for the most part, either consists of me being my parents' shadow for a night, and going either where ever they're going, or to where ever they tell me I have to go, or just sitting around the house by myself wondering why my so called "friends" have managed to forget about me yet again. One year, one such "friend" even went so far as to lie to me about a party that they were having.

    So yep, that's my holiday tradition right there.
    Post by: Ego Imperium, Dec 17, 2010 in forum: Discussion