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  1. Ego Imperium
  2. Ego Imperium
    In Order (Approximately) of Appearance (in my life)...

    Super Mario Brothers Mostly the first and third ones. Never got into the 2nd too much. (NES)
    Mega Man 6. Never actually beat it, but it was much fun. (NES)
    Sonic The Hedgehog. Mostly 2, 3, and Sonic & Knuckles. (Sega Genesis)

    Donkey Kong Country (SNES)
    Mega Man X-X3 (SNES)
    Killer Instinct. I think this one was a bit too influential on me in my childhood... I had some violent moments from it. (SNES)

    The 1st & 2nd generation Pokemon games. (Game Boy)

    Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. By far, this will be my favorite game of all time. It was a great game, with loads of memories attached to it. (N64)
    Donkey Kong 64. (N64)
    Mario Kart 64. Another one with fond memories. I recall before having an N64, my parents would rent one from a video store, as that was the fad back then, and my brother and I would play it for many an hour. Battles were always the most epic thing ever. (N64, of course).
    007 Goldeneye. The only first person shooter I've ever been any good at. (N64).
    Mega Man 64 (AKA Mega Man Legends). I need to find the Playstattion rendition of this one, since I feel the need to replay it. (N64... though it was also under the alternative title on Playstation).

    And that about does it. That's pretty much where I'd cut my list off. To me, anything that I've played on PS2 or anything after that falls in a period after my childhood, and particularly when video games pretty much started to evade my interest.
    Post by: Ego Imperium, Jun 2, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  3. Ego Imperium
  4. Ego Imperium
    I haven't listened to much of the new Linkin Park music; I'll admit that it's partly from what I've seen said through the grapevine by people whose taste is comparable to my own, and their opinions that LP isn't as great as they used to be. I pretty much lost interest in them after Meteora, though some of their new stuff I found after the fact. They'll always maintain the status in my life as being one of the first groups I ever really listened to with any serious thought and interest though (them and System of a Down share that, though the latter has since grown defunct). I doubt I'll get much into their newer stuff, mostly because of my newer, and ever-broadening window musical taste is pretty driving me to find things that maybe aren't as mainstream, and possibly even totally unheard of by most people. Besides, I thrive on listening to LP's earlier works, since it's that material that got me really listening to music in the first place.
    Post by: Ego Imperium, Jun 2, 2011 in forum: Music
  5. Ego Imperium


    I'd like to get a tattoo some day. Mostly, I haven't done it yet for monetary reasons. For a person with only about two hundred (US) dollars to his name and no steady job getting a tattoo isn't exactly tops on my priority list. Then there's the fact that I...

    A) Want to get into a bit better shape before getting my body marked.
    & More importantly
    B) Have been a relatively regular blood donor for the passed three years, and would feel a bit guilty getting some personal brand on my skin in lieu of donating blood (seeing as I'd have to wait like a year after before I could even donate again).

    Eventually I'd like to get one though. It'll probably be something I scrap up from personal experience from some walk of life or not; my personal conviction is that a tattoo needs to be relevant to my life story. Though I'm into music, I probably won't get something so simple as a clef or a staff with notes on it. Odds are I'll choose to go with an emblem/logo/meaningful image to some group I've been a part of.
    Post by: Ego Imperium, Jun 2, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  6. Ego Imperium
  7. Ego Imperium
  8. Ego Imperium
  9. Ego Imperium
    The best answer that you'll get with just these questions is that you're going through one of those times. Everyone has funks over something, or a lot of things. I can say this from experience: Hurting yourself will only place you in other peoples' "crazy" lists, and you'll only grow more distant from others. Getting into fights will only make you angry, and make you feel worse than you already do. Being anit-social and blocking life out will NOT do anything. The best thing you can do to feel any better is to find a healthy, non-destructive way to live through whatever is bothering you. Trust me, just getting out whenever possible, and just living is the best way to feel better.

    That's the best I can say without prying into your personal matters.
    Post by: Ego Imperium, May 31, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  10. Ego Imperium
    Put the story off until about a day before it's due in, assuming it hasn't been due already. Then you can weave together something to the effect of how slacking off on somnething leads to frustration, or something.
    Post by: Ego Imperium, May 31, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Ego Imperium
    For Some Listening Pleasure, If You Read This Post:

    PS - I know I've been gone a while, and pretty much way out of the loop, but I figured I might as well pop back in now.​

    “He must still be asleep, I guess.â€

    Diuccio’s eyes came open; his slumber disturbed by the sound a cackling voice speaking out beyond the darkness of his closed eyes. Yet even when he opened them, all he could see was an endless veil as black as the midnight sky blanketing his vision from anything that might have been. Perhaps, he considered, he had gone blind somewhere along the way, though how that could have happened when is wounds were centered to his chest and arms, he had no clue. When he considered his inability to see, despite clearly being someplace where there should have been something to see, then it was more than possible that something had happened to his eyesight in the journey from the landing strip to the Janina Infirmary. Maybe, he thought in slight grudge, they slipped me some bad meds, or something. Unless of course I’m not even at the Infirmary, or even in Janina; but in that case, where the hell am I now?

    “Oh.†Another cackling voice rang out through the pitch black, as though trying to get the other one’s attentions. “He’s awake now, you see? You see?â€

    “Yes,†said the first voice. “Yes, I see. But where will he go now?â€

    “Hello?†Diuccio called to the voices. As unsavory as their cackling words sounded, he had no choice but to take a chance in trusting that they might be able to help him. However, it came to no avail, as the voices, or the people who had them, if there were any, ignored him in their next banter.

    “Well, he certainly won’t be staying here, once he gets better.â€

    “Yes. But then, where would he go from here? Perhaps…â€

    “To the Shadowlands?â€

    “Oh yes! He’ll most certainly want to go there. He’s much purpose in it, and so much like those people. And his type end up there anyways, one way or another.â€

    Di had had with the disembodied voices. They were talking about him; he knew they were, that they had to be talking about him. Yet even at that, they seemed to refuse talking to him. But he would get their attention one way or another. “Oi!†He bellowed. “Whoever you are out there, you sure as hell better show yourself! I swear if I find you, I won’t be a happy camper. You’ve got till three, and I’m gonna knock you!â€

    “Oh. Such strong talk,†the first voice jeered.

    “Well,†said the second voice in harmony with the first, “we better show ourselves. We don’t want to get knocked. Do we?â€

    To his discomfort, and at the same time his relief, Di saw before him a pair of bright yellow eyes, staring from the darkness. “Who are you?†he asked forcefully. He received no words in reply, no jeers or even an evasive statement off the matter. What he did get was a bright flash as the two pairs of eyes merged together, glowing brighter, and whiter as they rushed towards his face. Suddenly, he was enveloped not by darkness, but a light that was blinding his ability to see with a purely white veil. With a subtle curse spitting from his mouth, he watched as the light itself faded, bringing a real sight into his vision.

    He was laying in a hospital bed, his eyes slightly dimmed from drowsiness that had overcome him in his sleep. He wondered how long he had been out for. He didn’t even remember coming into the infirmary, let alone even being put into a bed. He looked around the room as best as his injury and his back-laid position allowed him to. His was a small room, enough room only for his bedding, and a few machines for monitoring his condition. Off to his left, there was a small bathroom space for his personal use, once he was well enough to be allowed up to use them. The light entering through the small window above his bed told him it was around midday, and he assumed the day before had been when he landed, and that he had only been out for about twelve hours at best.

    He then noticed something that, for whatever reason, he didn’t notice before. On his right side, aimed over the spot just below his right pectoral, where a heartless had pierced his skin, was a narrow, crystalline tube. Through this tube, a bright beam of light was focused in a laser point, streaming onto where the wound was, and even into his body. Around where the wound was, he noticed a char-like marking, a completely black spot that hadn’t been there before. “Darkness,†he muttered as a nurse entered his room.​

    ((If it’s not too much to ask, I could certainly use someone to NPC the nurse, and maybe just bring someone nameless face my way to help me get back on track with this. I'd play the character myself, but I'm really not up to RPing a thousand words of interacting with NPCs)).
    Post by: Ego Imperium, May 31, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Ego Imperium
    Outlaw Star
    Gundam Wing (At the Endless Waltz movie)
    Rurouni Kenshin

    Just to name a few of the few that ever got into. If I had to play the "bad parent" move, and pick out a favorite of them, I'd have to go with Outlaw Star. More so than the others, it's overall package was unique, but not too unique to be totally out there. It was set well, and it's main characters weren't just an assortment of random badasses acting tough; there were actually deeper matters touched in it, insecurities that actually made the characters seem more human than most animes depict. Not to mention, even though it only had like 30 episodes to its name before it concluded, it's still managed to leave a lasting impression (at least on me).
    Post by: Ego Imperium, May 31, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  13. Ego Imperium
    Hard to say what my favorite instrument is, seeing as they all sound amazing in the right hands (or lips, etc. lol). But for the most part, my favorites have always been the sound of large numbers of brass instruments (trumpets, baritones/euphoniums, tubas, etc), mostly because I've done drum & bugle corps for so long. Naturally, as a percussionist, I love the sound of things being hit with other things, particularly in the area of melodic percussion, and recently, the instruments used in Gamelans.

    Also recently, I've come to admire the ukulele. Pan flutes and the like also make for some very beautiful sonic experiences.
    Post by: Ego Imperium, May 31, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  14. Ego Imperium
  15. Ego Imperium
  16. Ego Imperium
    I'm noticing quite a bit of powerplayin' out there in the IC. A bit unsettling, to be honest.
    Post by: Ego Imperium, Apr 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Ego Imperium
    The hour had grown late as a battered ship, border lining being totaled made a sketchy landing on Janina. As one could have expected, the site of it was enough to draw attention to the managers of the landing port. Even though it was one of many other damaged vessels making hasty arrivals, it was still, in the minds of the port staff, occupied by at least one person that needed help in lieu of The Academy’s fall.

    Arriving to the sight of a small mass of ten, perhaps fifteen officials, Diuccio was the first person to de-board the ship. He lingered down the ramp with a bit of a limp, and his hands clutching at the right side of his torso, where in injury had been dealt to him in his escape. He was shocked to find out that news of The Academy’s fate had spread so fast, and aroused such attention in such a short period of time. He was even more shocked to find himself immediately flanked by medics, and someone who claimed himself a “counselor†to deal with any trauma that had been done. In an instinctual action, brought about by the teacher in him, he pushed the medics and the counselor away from his personal bubble. “I’ll be good with a bit of rest,†he said as he pointed back towards the ship’s ramp. “If you need someone to counsel and treat, they’re the ones that need it most.

    Slouching from the vessel at a hesitant snail’s pace, and with looks of utter disbelief smudged messily across their faces, a group of five young apprentices followed down in Diuccio’s wake. The five of them were essentially unscathed, as a result of Diuccio’s relentless guard of them while they fled to the ship. But their minds and hearts had been scarred from witnessing the defeats of their masters at the hands of the Darkness. Voice shaking, Diuccio explained what had happened with the five, and a bit of what had happened to him as well. I spoke of the apprentices rushing to him screaming of their masters who had apparently been killed, how he had stepped in to get them aboard their ship, and how the ship itself had barely made it through the Academy’s destruction, let alone the warp jump to Janina.

    “So, they’re the ones that need help,†he stated redundantly. I won’t fight going to the hospital. But I don’t need someone taking care of me from head to toe. Just need a bandage, maybe some food and definitely rest. But other than that, I should be fine. Just make sure the kids get good treatment.†By that time, another transport had arrived, this one meant to get Diuccio and the apprentices to the hospital. Despite his best efforts, Di found himself shoved into the transport and placed down in a mobile hospital bed. “I said not to worry about me,†he said in complaint as he rose from the bed. “Didn’t I say that --.†He was cut off be the force of a Light military officer pushing him back down into the bed.

    “If it were up to me you’d be walking, considering your talk,†the official said. “But procedures are clear to me: we’re not to leave anyone who’s been injured to fend for themselves. Apparently someone up top wants the survivors from The Academy in one piece. And by the way, I’m obligated to inform you that you’re presence, Junior Master Diuccio Guerrio,†is requested at the seat of power, once you’ve been treated properly.â€

    “What for?â€

    “No clue. I’m just the messenger. Someone up high wants to meet with people like you. I guess this whole Academy thing has gotten everyone on edge, or something. I’ve been hearing rumors of crazy things, like conspiracy and whatnot. But who the hell knows? Am I right? But anyways, you need rest, and these five students need some counseling. So don’t think about skipping on over to the capitol before you’ve been cleared by doctors. Otherwise, it’s their jobs on the line. Got it.â€

    “Fine,†Diucio said in disappointment. There was still so much left to do and figure out, and he had to wait for an indeterminable amount of time in a bed.â€​
    Post by: Ego Imperium, Apr 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Ego Imperium
    This seems the right time to say I'm gonna be gone until the 10th (April). That being said, anyone who, by chance, sees fit to follow in tow with my front on the IC (IE - escaping via Gummi vessel), please kindly just acknowledge Di's presence. Otherwise, I'll just hope that I don't have to play too much catch up when I get back.
    Post by: Ego Imperium, Apr 8, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Ego Imperium
    What a time to run into this. Always when you least expect it, Darkness pops in as one of its many guises. Despite the bleakness of his situation, and the situation of the Academy as a whole, Master Zaal took stride in pride and power. It was important in his mind to not break under even these pressing circumstances, for if he broke, everything he and the others had worked for would be compromised. However, he had hoped that the Darkness wouldn’t lock onto him until he had put more distance in. Determined to see through the task at hand, he summoned out his Keyblade, and provided a forceful slash at the wisps in front of him. “You beasts won’t have my Heart just yet,” he stated stubbornly.

    Triggered by the slashing motion, the end of the Keyblade struck out a beam of pearl white light that extended out some ten feet in the front of his path, cutting through the thinly massed wisps like a knife through cheese. Maintaining pace, he proceeded down the corridor, periodically applying a quick, confined slashing motion to the blade to ward off any other threats. This action, he undertook entirely with his right hand. His left hand had been cupped over his mouth, as though he were avoiding breathing in some airborne toxin. In fact, he was whispering into that hand like a two-way radio, muttering his plans for the escape.

    When done, he released his hand from his mouth, letting loose another concentration of light. This, however, manifested as an orb, and was hardly typical as a move. It was a messenger of sorts, or rather, several messengers, all carrying the same message in code he was more than confident that only those the message was assigned to would understand in connotation. The single orb split apart, into several orbs, the single messenger becoming a small team, which proceeded to bolt with unrestricted, weightless speed through halls to those few trustworthy recipients that dotted the besieged building. So long as at least one message could reach its destination, it could be assured to reach the others in sufficient time.

    “Now that that’s taken care of, there’s no need for me to be running anymore.” He halted in the corridor, and spun himself around in a full three-sixty, leaving the gathered light of his extended blade in a formation around his grounded stance. With but a snap of his fingers, the smaller concentrations partitioned out, firing streams out in a fashion comparable to laser guns. “At the very least, that should hold it off. As long as Diuccio succeeds to any degree, a sacrifice here will not be in vein.”​
    Post by: Ego Imperium, Apr 8, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Ego Imperium
    I may be standing alone in this belief, but I daresay that the Masters of the Academy would be fixed to steak themselves up to get the students to safety. Plus, a dramatic escape scene would be fitting.
    Post by: Ego Imperium, Apr 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home