occ: I LOVE LinkinPark!!!! XD
My ear infection os gone! I can hear again!!!1 XD
Well you came to the semi good person. I'm a nice loyal friend! As long you don't tick me off. Warning you ahead of time.
Riku walked away. His doubts ovecame him, and he walked back to the market place. He sat down on a bench and fell asleep.
Hey, wat up!!
Helping a friend join the kh gang.
It did, I swear! And they ended not so well.
Hey this Riku from a life to lead....he a bit sad you never post.
It's called exagterating. It's more then one it was three at the max.
Sora stared at K. "Sorry, I'm already dating someone." He smiled sweetly. "But thanks."
Train just stared at Saya for a bit. "Oh sorry, what. UI've been bored out of my mind. You?"
Oh great ike THAT relationship went well the first 300 times.
Me and Bri, and it was today.
"Hi nomily. Oh, this is Naidia. How could I scare her?" Sora leaned in like he was about o kiss her. "Like this." He said breathlessly.
"I don't know the girl, but Riku is." He walked in and sat next to Riku. "Hey man."
We might have told Megan that she has to say yes if you asked her out. Maybe.
Train's smile widen as their hands tounched. The was a zap were she had tounched and it kinda lingered. "Th-thank you."
occ: Oh yeah!! Thanks svenny! :D Roxas stopped to catch his breath. 'Wh-what were they talking about? Who the hell is Sora? Ugh, my head hurts.' He stood up straight, and strted walking again. 'Where am I?'