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  1. Bite the Dust

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 53 - 1/5 | DATE: November 13th, 2013 [Wednesday] | LOCATION: Hotel in Taupo, New Zealand

    Joslyn got out of her bed with a yawn as morning light filtered through the slight opening in the curtains. She rubbed her pale fingers against her tired eyes as she shuffled over to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

    "Good morning, honey~" The angel greeted as the albino lazily swished the brush around her mouth.

    "Good morning~"

    "Well, I'm sorry to say that I wasn't able to really think of any ways to recruit the kid overnight."

    "That's okay~" The girl swished a bit of water around her mouth before spitting it into the sink. "I couldn't either~" She made her way into the room and put on a change of clothes before heading out to get breakfast. "We can't just leave and go back to the others without him..."

    "Exactly. That's the whole reason we split up this group even further. To get another angel. But him being such a little kid complicates things a whole lot." The fallen angel was in serious thought.

    "That doesn't mean we can just give up, though." The ghostly teenager pensively placed her fingers on her chin.

    "I know that. Man, why does this have to be so hard?" Azazel let out a frustrated sigh. "And even though we have the compass, it may not be the best idea to just show up wherever he is. That'll just make us look even creepier, and we don't want that."

    "I hadn't thought about that."

    "I think the best we can hope for is that we just randomly run in to him. At least that way, it won't seem like we're following him."

    "Okay, and then what?"

    "We wing it."

    "I was hoping you wouldn't say that. I'm no good with that kind of thing." She said as she nervously scratched the back of her head.

    "It's okay, I'll be here to help you out. You've been getting better about talking to people, so with my help, you should be able to do this, no problems."

    "You're right." With a sense of confidence she has never had before, she walked out of the elevator and headed for the breakfast area through the lobby. However, the sight of what stood in the lobby instantly dashed her confidence and made her a nervous wreck... again. "I-i-i-i-it's him!"

    "Seriously!? Of all the places to find him, he's right here in our hotel!?" The angel couldn't contain her surprise.

    "What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?" The girl nervously asked in a rapid-fire manner.

    "You gotta calm down first. I was not expecting to find him this quickly."

    "Ok, ok." She looked at the boy who stood in the lobby holding a piece of paper. "Ahh, no! I can't calm down! I don't know what to do! I don't know how to deal with this!" The girl continued to panic as thoughts of what to do chaotically danced around her head.

    "Oh, this is not gonna be easy."

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Dec 1, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  2. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 52 - 5/5 | DATE: November 12th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    She chocked back a sob. It felt so comforting to have his arms around her for the first time in what felt like forever. She sniffled and pulled her arms in close between their bodies. You stupid brute. You can't let this be a weakness. She lifted her chin and smiled up at him with tear - filled eyes. I'm glad you're okay. When you disappeared ... she trailed off.

    Hana turned her head the other way, spotting the other girl in the room. She swallowed a lump in her throat and regretfully pulled away from Sam. Alice, she started, I'm sorry for that. I know you weren't exactly prepared for it ... and it's probably really awkward. She cleared her throat and rose to her feet, holding Sam's hand. She took a shaky deep breath. We need to get out of here. They'll probably look for us in here. It wasn't far from Harbonah's room and it wasn't occupied by anyone. They would search these rooms. She bit down on her bottom lip. Hana looked back to Sam. They'll know we're together.

    "I'll deal with that when the time comes. Right now, we have to get you and your friend out of here." Frantically, he tried to figure out what he could do. Nothing he could think of would work. They could try hiding out, but there weren't that many places they could hide. No way was he going to try to suggest they hide in the dungeons either. That place looked very unpleasant. "Do you have any ideas?"

    Hana shook her head in disappointment. There really didn't seem to be any way out of here and they were wasting time. No. There's not anything I can come up with. The only way out is through one of the Dark Angels' mist portals and I don't see any of them creating one for us.

    "I guess that's where I come in." The angel casually said.


    "Since I am one of the Dark Angels, I can create those mist portals."

    "You can?"

    "Yes. However, it will require a significant amount of energy, and in your current state, you may be passed out for a couple of days. But, considering you'll be getting her out of here, you should be fine with these terms. Are you?" The dark angel posed the question almost as if he were mocking Sam.

    "Fine, whatever. Just do it." Sam really was willing to do anything to get her out of there. As long as it meant she was safe. "Alright, I can help with that, but we need to get to my room." Taking both Hana and the stranger, Alice, by the hands, he dragged them both over to his room. Since the flames weren't spreading to his room, it would still be safe. Hopefully the smoke in the hallway would provide them enough cover.

    Once they got to his room, he motioned for them to go towards the center as he shut the door. "Alright, for this next part, I'm gonna let Abaddon take over, so I won't be able to see you off. Just know that I still love you, Hana."

    Don't be ridiculous. You're coming with. There's no way I'm just leaving you behind.

    "I'm sorry, but this is how things are-" He suddenly stopped mid-sentence before running his hand through his hair, slicking it back somewhat. "Sorry to stop this pathetic display of affection, Xathanael, but I'd really prefer it if he stayed here. Besides, when the time comes, you'll have someone on the inside to back you up."

    She wiped a few rogue tears on the sleeve of her shirt and looked up into Samuel's eyes. Abaddon. He can't stay here. Her lip trembled but her voice was unwavering. They'll know he helped us. This isn't just about emotions. Logically, he's going to be the first person they point fingers at.

    "Have you ever known me to be someone who goes down without a fight?" A wicked smile crossed his face. "I'm honestly disappointed that you'd think I can't handle myself or this moron of a host."

    Hana flicked him in the chest. Don't talk stupid. You know I'd never doubt your abilities to win in a fight. However, Sam is still human and they have already successfully exploited his mortal weaknesses to their advantage. I don't know what Danel's game is, but if he hadn't let us go then Sam probably would have ended up giving into this - this succubus he foolishly mistook me for. We can't always protect our humans.

    "Hmm, I suppose you have a fair point on that regard. This dumbass seriously considered it too. Honestly, I can't begin to fathom human hearts." Mist began to rise around their feet. "I can tell you won't give up on this issue, so fine. If it'll shut you up, we'll go too. Training will be that much more difficult now without free access to their training room, but I can make due." The mist rose even further up. "Oh, and just so you know, I have no idea where we're going to end up, so have fun lugging this moron around for a couple of days."

    A faint smile crossed her lips and she nodded at him, pleased. Don't you know? I just love surprises and dragging around giant morons. Those make up my two favorite things. She gave him a playful nudge to the shoulder as the mist crept up around them. Hana locked arms with Alice and grabbed Samuel by the hand. Let's go before anything else happens please. And Abaddon, she looked up at him with a sad smile, Thank you. And I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I don't think I ever got to tell you that after what happened last time. She pulled the pair of them close to her. I've never traveled this way before. Try not to pass out until we've made it to the other side.

    "Ugh, I hate how human you've become." The mist fully enveloped them, the sight of his room completely disappearing.

    When the mist lifted, the sight of an unfamiliar surrounding greeted them. Abaddon relinquished his control over Sam's body and after a few moments passed, he fell over on to the floor. The strain of using the portal assaulted him and he passed out.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Dec 1, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  3. Bite the Dust

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 52 - 5/5 | DATE: November 12th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Park ==> Hotel in Taupo, New Zealand

    When the little boy shouted out for his mother, Joslyn slowly started to go into a panic. "Ah! O-oh no!"

    "I was not expecting that at all..." Azazel said in a monotone manner.

    "Ahah! Wow, you guys couldn't have fucked that up any worse!" She hadn't heard Tessa's voice in a long time, though the sounds of her laughter and insults just sent her into an even bigger panic.

    "Ack! No no no no no no, this is bad!" The ghostly teenager looked around the park as more than a few heads turned to look at them. "Aaah! P-p-pe-people are l-lo-looking!"

    "Ok, I think this would be a good time to run."

    "Are you sure?" The panicked girl asked as she nervously looked around.

    "Very sure." This time around, Azazel sounded as confident as she said. Joslyn, along with the others, went back to the hotel they were staying at as quickly as they could. The entire time, Tessa was having a laughing fit.

    After getting back and taking a shower, she sat in her bed, tightly hugging her knees. "That didn't exactly go well, huh?"

    "Man, are you kidding? You guys straight up flopped. It's a wonder how you guys managed to recruit at all." The demon began to laugh at her own comment.

    "That's enough out of you, filth." Her tone dropped as she spoke to the demon. Joslyn hadn't heard her voice go that deep for a long while. It frightened her when the fallen angel got like that, though it did help in keeping the demons quiet. Well, quieter. "At any rate, seeing that the compass led us to a kid really threw me off."

    "Same as me. Though... Maybe he's more mature than he looks?"

    "It's possible. We definitely need to approach this in another manner. Trying the direct method isn't gonna work as well as we'd hope in this case." The angel went into deep thought.

    "What other ways could we recruit him?" Silence fell between them once again as they tried to come up with methods of recruiting.


    "What!? How can you say something like that?" The comment made Joslyn jump back a little. Just the way she said it really put her off, too. It was said in a very nonchalant manner.

    "Oh relax, I wasn't actually considering it. Although..."

    "You're horrible." She placed her head on the pillow as she pulled the blanket over her body.

    "I'm not exactly sure how we can do this, but we definitely need to figure something out. On top of that, we can't have it be creepy."

    "Fat chance of that happening."

    "Zip it!"

    "Maybe we should sleep on it."

    "I think that's a good idea. Good night, honey~"

    "Good night." After exchanging well wishes, the albino girl possessed by demons fell asleep.

    Vincent Antonio Zeppeli
    DAY: 52 - 5/5 | DATE: November 12th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: In an Airplane

    With that horrific nightmare of an event finally over, and the new guy, Leon, safely with them, they made their way back to their companions. It would be a long flight, that's for sure. At least it would give him time to recover from that awful experience. Watching someone's fingers melt isn't exactly something you walk away with without a couple of mental scars, that's for sure. Still, it helped Vincent find out more about what he could do. His healing was a really convenient thing to have in that situation.

    He had to wonder about the other guy who had the herbs. Was he someone that the others had met before? He definitely knew Leon, though. That entire experience was just exhausting. As he sat on the plane, he fell asleep from the fatigue of the event.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 30, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  4. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 52 - 5/5 | DATE: November 12th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    Power seemed to radiate off of her and as her hands pressed against his chest, Hana used all her force to shove Sam back into the wall. Samuel Riviera, how dare you speak to me like that. I don't know what you think is going on, but I am Hana -- Xathanael, The Hidden One, The Sixth Angel. Abaddon, take care of your host before he gets us all killed. I don't appreciate being talked down to in such a manner, especially when I've put up with a bunch of your bullshit already. You will not lay another hand on me in any regard. I'm in Hell because of you. These mind games will not work on me and I'm coming to realize you never cared about me in the first place.

    Her feet left the ground and she was eye level with him. If you keep shouting, then they will find us. She waved her hand over towards someone, who was visibly panicking on the bed. If this is what you had planned the whole time, I would have rather you killed me in London. Are you enjoying this? What did they promise you in exchange for watching me suffer, because I hope it was worth it. Hana seemed to glow brighter with every word. Tears seemed to steam off her face. Hana gave Sam another shove. I blame myself for being stupid enough to believe you... If I hadn't told you about before ...

    As unbelievable as it was to him, there was no mistaking that this was the real deal. The genuine Hana that he loved. The one that he foolishly left behind in a misguided attempt at saving her. His eyes were locked on to her bright blue eyes as she continued to hover there in front of him. He was crying just about as much as she was at this point, which made him look away from her. Looking at her now, seeing how angry she was, how strongly she felt about what he did, it tore at him. "I... I just..." He grit his teeth as he tried to get it out. "I couldn't... I"

    "Oh, so now you're just a stammering mess? How utterly pathetic. Don't waste my time with this pointless drivel and get on with it."

    Sam straightened himself out and stood up straight as he cleared his throat. He still couldn't look her in the eyes. "That day... After our night together, I left you and the others behind on the condition that you would be safe. That no harm would come to you at all. In exchange, I have to do whatever work they ask of me." It didn't matter if she refused to believe him at that point. The damage was already done. "Danel gave me his word that he could keep you safe. And like an idiot I believed him. I regretted my decision almost immediately." He brought his hand up to his eyes, in a futile attempt to get rid of the tears welling up. "If you don't believe me, that's all well and good. I don't expect you to after all of that..." He started to laugh as he slumped down against the wall. "I mean, look at us. I hurt you again, even though I didn't want to... I really didn't." Slowly, he slid down against the wall until he was seated. In all of the commotion, his bandaging had started to fall off, showing each and everyone of his wounds. "I... I didn't..." A few sobs escaped him. "I didn't mean to hurt you like that..."

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 30, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  5. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 52 - 5/5 | DATE: November 12th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    Suddenly, without any kind of warning, he was dragged into a nearby room. The strange thing about that was he didn't feel anything grab onto him. He was just suddenly pulled away, perhaps one of the succubus's powers. Regardless, when he was brought into the room, the figure of Hana standing there locked the door before furiously assaulting him with her fists. What the hell is wrong with you? I don't care if this was all some game to you -- if you were just tricking me -- but don't you ever dare call me a whore you fucking bastard! Her bottom lip quivered until the tears started to rain down her face. Her whole body started to tremble and she fell into his chest sobbing. I hate you so much. How could you do this to me?

    How dare you ... If I - if I still had Luria, I would aim somewhere other than your shoulder. The succubus was really asking for it now. Using details like that to try to get back at him? All because he left her alone with a little bit of energy? Furiously, he grabbed her wrists and pushed her away from his chest. Absolute rage burned in his eyes as he stared down at what he thought was Manitos.

    "Where the hell do you get off?" He started, his voice calm. "Just because I left you alone in the Conference Room, you get the idea to start talking like you think she would? You conniving bitch, tearing at my heart like that. " Sam gripped her slender wrists even tighter. "You think that talking like her is going to get me!? I know you're not the real Hana! So to even think of using a tactic like this, you wretched little succubus, is absolutely unforgivable! Just acting like her won't change the fact you're a fake! You'll never replace her, no one will ever be able to!" His voice continued to rise in volume as he gripped her wrists tighter and tighter.

    His heart beat furiously as he continued. "Enough of this horseshit already, drop your disguise already you filthy demon! You aren't worthy of wearing that face, now or ever!" Tears rolled down his cheeks as he continued to shout. "And if I ever see you looking like this again, I'll tear you to thousands of little pieces that no one will ever be able to piece back together, is that clear you rotten slut!?"

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 30, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  6. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 52 - 5/5 | DATE: November 12th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    As he watched the flames burning, he could feel someone watching him. It was strange, but it definitely felt like someone or something was looking at him from behind. As he turned around to see what it was, he caught a short glimpse of red hair before it disappeared. "That damn Succubus, does she really need life energy that badly?"

    "I'd imagine so. They need to drain it from others, and you only gave her a small amount of it. She must be craving more."

    "Damn creature. If she wasn't the only way to see Hana, I wouldn't have agreed to this." He said with anger in his heart.

    "You really can't blame anyone other than yourself for this little predicament you're in. Honestly, I can't understand you. You agree to come here of your own free will and then start to complain and bemoan the fact you won't be able to see your precious loved one. I guess I'll never understand human hearts or their thought processes." The Destroyer said in a dismissive fashion.

    "You just shut your damn mouth!" It really got on his nerves when Abaddon went on his little rants. They really got under his skin and it made him loathe himself all the more.

    "Come on out, you little whore!" He said as he turned around and walked in the general direction of where he caught a glimpse of red. "I know you're there, somewhere! Let's get this over with," Sam sounded exasperated. "You're the only way I get to see her now, so get out here already!"

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 30, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 52 - 4/5 | DATE: November 12th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    As he locked lips with the image of Hana standing in front of him, a siren sounded throughout the palace. He pulled away from her in surprise. "What is that?"

    "It's nothing, don't worry about it." The false image of Hana tried to bring him back into a kiss but he refused to go for it. A siren sounding seemed too serious to just be nothing.

    "Yeah, sure," He said as he made his way out the door and looked around to see what was going. It didn't matter to him if there was someone that looked like the woman he loved, if something was going down, he needed to be prepared for it. As he ran down the stairs, he saw violent flames bursting from a room. At first, he thought it was his room on fire, but upon getting to the room, he saw it was the one next to his. That was a relief, kind of. "What the hell is this!?"

    "It's clearly a fire." The angel said with a deadpan tone.

    "No shit, Sherlock, how the hell'd it start?" Sam said as he backed away from the fire. "Oh damn, is it burning my room?" He frantically made his way to the door of his room and swung it open. To his relief, nothing in his room was set ablaze. Since it didn't seem like it was spreading, he had to wonder what the hell happened. He stood outside of his door, admiring the flames as they continued to burn.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 30, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  8. Bite the Dust

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 52 - 4/5 | DATE: November 12th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Park in Taupo, New Zealand

    "hm yes... I am alone..." The boy said calmly as he opened his big red eyes and stared up at her. "and what can I do for you?" He asked as he crossed his arms and leaned against the bench.

    "W-well... uh..." Joslyn stopped to think for a moment. "What do I ask?"

    "Hmm... Yeah, that would've been a good thing to figure out before starting a conversation..." The angel muttered in thought. "Shoots, I can't come up with anything."

    "Neither can I." The ghostly girl started to panic as she tried to think of something to ask.

    "Umm... maybe... Maybe ask him how old he is? That should be a good start."

    "Are you sure? The pale teen didn't think Azazel sounded too confident in her decision.

    "It's better than nothing." The fallen did have a point. With nothing else to go forward with, she asked the question.

    "U-um... Well... F-f-first off, w-would you m-m-mind t-telling me how o-o-old you are?" She laughed sheepishly, unsure of how he would react to the question.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 29, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  9. Bite the Dust

    DAY: 4 - 1/5 MOOD: Displeased as usual LOCATION: Breakfast Table

    Being able to read to his heart's content was doing wonders for his mood. He had been significantly happier reading in relatively silent peace. There had been some sort of clamoring here and there, nothing that was too bothersome for him. The books he had at hand were far more interesting than whatever was going on with those no good morons in the house. Having the others there in the house was a gripe for him, but since he rarely ever saw them it wasn't much more than a minor nuisance. Reading through the Percy Jackson series was a great way for him to kill the time. They even had House of Hades there, which was shocking. He knew that it came out fairly recently, so seeing it here in this dream library was a pleasant surprise. It was definitely a great read, that was for certain.

    It was morning now, and it was just about time for breakfast. He had been slowly losing track of what day it was as this dream wore on. Constantly reading in the library certainly didn't help that either. The well-read sadist made his way to the breakfast table where other people had already gathered. And just like that, at the mere sight of the others, his displeased mood came rushing back. The faces of the others reminded of him why this wasn't exactly a dream as he took his seat away from the others. As he sat there, he started to wish that they'd just disappear. All at once or one by one, either would do as long as they were just gone.

    The scent of breakfast wafted through the air, and even though it should've made him want to eat more, he felt a strange tingle in his spine. Something just felt really off about the smell of the food, even though it was to die for. There was just something about it that made him dislike the scent. For the life of him, he couldn't say what it was. As he stared down at the proffered plate of breakfast, he couldn't find anything that seemed strange about it. Nothing he could think of that was out of the ordinary was on the plate. Just a good looking meal.

    He picked at it with a fork repeatedly before finally deciding to take a bite. Much like the scent before, the taste was great, but putting it in his mouth just felt really off. It was just so bizarre, it was good, but at the same time it wasn't. The conflicting messages in his head started to give him a headache as he continued to eat. Perhaps he was over thinking the whole thing. He had really hoped that it was all just in his head. Still, the feeling that something was wrong with the meal just wouldn't leave him.​

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Bite the Dust
  11. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 52 - 4/5 | DATE: November 12th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    After cutting down the last werewolf projection, he fell onto one knee, supporting himself with his sword. Blood trickled down the entirety of his body as numerous wounds covered his body.

    "For your first day, you didn't do half-bad. You got slashed a significant amount, but nevertheless, you performed adequately." Sam scoffed at the angel's condescending compliments. He really didn't care for any of what he was saying. Through the pain of it all, Sam forced himself to stand up. He had no idea how many of those monsters he cut down, he lost count after twenty-five.

    The heavily injured man made his way out of the training room and tried to go to the operating room. He'd hoped that there would be bandages there. There was sure to be some way to heal him up, but he didn't want get rid of the slash marks. He wanted to keep them as a reminder. For what, he couldn't exactly tell you. Though maybe it was as penance, his way of trying to make it up to Hana. He knew that he'd probably never see the actual one ever again. But maybe, just maybe, he'd be able to one day. Somewhere deep inside his heart, a small sliver of hope remained that they'd meet again.

    As he walked down the hall to the operating room, he fell against one of the doors. He propped himself up against it, his breathing heavy. "You are in such a pitiful state right now."

    "Shut up..." He answered in a delirious manner. "Just shut your damn mouth."

    "What, thinking about Xathanael now?" The angel mocked him.

    "I want to see her again... I really want to see her..." Sam tried getting up before ultimately falling against the door, letting his blood run down it. "But..."


    "I don't know if she'd ever want to see my face again," he said in a melancholy tone. "You heard that bitch... She said Hana looked so betrayed... Hurt..."

    "I'm beginning to grow tired of this pointless yammering. If you know that you'll never see the real one again, then just settle for the fake one. That succubus can take on her appearance. That's the only way I can think of that will allow you to see her. You haven't very many options." Abaddon spoke in annoyance.

    "If I could... I'd just say sorry... Just... Apologize, and maybe try to explain why I left." Sam continued despite the Angel of Destruction's clear disdain for the topic.

    "Weren't you getting bandages?"

    "Yeah, yeah, shut up, you heartless angel." After recovering enough, he stood up and made his way into the operating room and obtained the bandages he needed.

    When he finished wrapping himself up to the best of his ability, he made his way to the upper floor and into the conference room where the succubus said she'd be waiting.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 29, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  12. Bite the Dust

    Vincent Antonio Zeppeli
    DAY: 52 - 4/5 | DATE: November 12th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Leon's Residence in Paris, France

    Another combination of herbs, and this time he awoke in agony as his fingers began to melt. "OH SHIT!" He grabbed the poor man's hands, hoping to stop the melting.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 29, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  13. Bite the Dust

    Vincent Antonio Zeppeli
    DAY: 52 - 4/5 | DATE: November 12th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Leon's Residence in Paris, France

    After healing him, they administered the next mixture. When the stuff was given to him, he seemed to just stop moving. Fearing the worst, Vincent checked his pulse and found nothing. "OH GOD, NO!" At that moment, he began to administer CPR in the hopes that this, combined with his healing power, would help him out.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 29, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  14. Bite the Dust

    Vincent Antonio Zeppeli
    DAY: 52 - 4/5 | DATE: November 12th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Leon's Residence in Paris, France

    At the sight of the blisters and sores popping up on this stranger's body, he knew that the combination was slightly off. This was serious business. His fate was in their hands, and he did not want to be responsible for someone's death.

    After trying another mixture, the poor guy started to choke and collapsed on the floor. "Oh God, oh God!" As he panicked, he went up to him and held him up. "C'mon guy, don't die on us!" His healing touch started to have an effect on him as the blisters disappeared and he had regained consciousness.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 29, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  15. Bite the Dust

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 52 - 3/5 | DATE: November 12th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Out and About ==> Park in Taupo, New Zealand

    As they wandered about Taupo in search of the next fallen angel, Joslyn started to get lost in thought. It felt weird to have the dwindling group split up into smaller parts, though it seemed like that was their best course of action. Hopefully the group that stayed behind in Westport would have better luck at convincing Cora to join. It was a stretch, but hopefully they'd be able to do it. Though, the more she thought about it, the more she got worried. This wasn't good at all. She needed to have more faith in the group over there. No matter how much she told herself that they could do it, though, a little bit of doubt still clung to her brain like a parasite.

    Speaking of groups, she felt a little more than odd having the two newcomers in the group. It was comforting that Leo came along with them, though she would've liked it if Brandon had come along. At least she was more comfortable talking to him or Leo than the rest of the group. It was true that she hasn't really tried to talk to the others, though she would like it if she could talk to them normally, without all of the stammering. Even though Victor and Tessa don't plague her thoughts as constantly as before, she still felt uncomfortable talking to people. She had become so used to keeping to herself and trying to ignore the two that trying to actually talk to others normally seemed impossible. Hopefully Azazel would be able to help her overcome that seemingly colossal barrier.

    "Honey, where is your head at? You should be focusing on the compass right now." Joslyn jumped at the sound of the angel's voice.

    "What? Oh, sorry... I just... got distracted, is all." Her voice trailed off as she brushed her thumb against the hidden compass's cracks.

    "Are you worried about the others?"

    "Something like that." As she spoke to Azazel, the ghostly teenager continued to stutter out directions to follow.

    "Is it Brandon?" A playful tone tinged her voice.

    "Wha-what?" The girl's pale face took on a light shade of red.

    The angel giggled at the reaction. "Just joking around, honey." Her cheeks burned even redder after that. "Well, at any rate, we need to find this angel and regroup with the others quickly. I've got a bad feeling that something is gonna happen soon."

    "Oh no... Though, bad things happen to us a lot, so this wouldn't be new..." The albino said with a somber tone.

    "We need to be extra careful. Keep our guard up at all times."


    After a long time, the compass led them to a park. They had to be close by at this point since it was heating up quite a bit. To her surprise, what the compass led them too looked a lot younger than what they were expecting. In fact, the person that it was pointing to looked no older than nine years old.

    "No way, this kid is a fallen?" Azazel was just as shocked as Joslyn was. "Well... If the compass says so. Try talking to him."

    "U-umm... E-excuse m-m-me," the nervous girl started. "A-are you by y-y-yourself h-here?" As she spoke, thoughts from earlier fluttered around in her head. She started wonder if Brandon was safe right now.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 29, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  16. Bite the Dust

    Vincent Antonio Zeppeli
    DAY: 52 - 3/5 | DATE: November 12th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Leon's Apartment in Paris, France

    Everything seemed to be getting worse and worse as their little visit to this "pretty boy's" residence went on. First, when they went in, they were greeted by Temeluchas who was waiting there for them to show up. That was a surprise, to be sure. Then, the pretty little asian girl decides to run off into the back, leaving Sal and him alone with the bandaged up girl. Considering that he himself lacked combat abilities, and the fact that he had no idea what the other was capable of, the probability of them standing a chance was a little closer to zero than he would've liked.

    His hunch about their chances proved to be right when they were suddenly trapped with no way to get out. And then the girl came up to them and placed some kind of spell on them. When he tried to make a sound to alert Hay Sun of what was happening, he found that he wasn't able to project any kind of noise. As luck would have it, that cunning girl wearing the bandages had already thought of that and silenced them. Great. Just great. Now they were really screwed. Thankfully, her red-haired companion seemed to make comments that just pissed her off and she trapped him too. Her attention was focused on him, though that didn't stop her from cutting them up a bit.

    She continued to have her way with the well dressed man that was with her, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of relationship they had. Vincent was fully aware that the possibility of their death was very high. In fact, he was pretty sure that the whole lot of them, including her mystery companion, were as good as dead. That being said, he started to let his mind wander and think of what bond those two shared. It was definitely complicated. About as complicated as a Rubik's Cube, or unhooking a woman's bra. The damned things never want to cooperate the way you want them to.

    His thought process was interrupted by the sight of her pulling out his heart and her own. The sight almost made him want to hurl all over the place. As he watched her fiddle with the still beating hearts, he couldn't help but feel the beat of his own grow louder and louder. Was that the fate that awaited them? To have their hearts torn out of their chests just like in Indiana Jones? He had really hoped that this wouldn't be the case. There were so many things he wanted to do. So many more foods he wanted to try. So many more women out there to flirt with.

    When she was all done messing with the hearts, a brown-haired man with wings suddenly appeared behind her and violently pulled her away from the dead man on the floor. "What did you do?" he demanded to know. The bound Italian man couldn't exactly tell what was going on, though he seemed to be in a panic. The girl was about to make a response when he raised up his finger to stop her. "Lu you left your ring on. You need to go. He wants to see you now."

    "But I'm not do --"

    "Now Lu. You know how he gets if he's kept waiting, especially after killing Azrael for the second time. Go," he egged her. Though most of these things flew over his head, he did catch that this was apparently not the first time she had killed the man with the red hair. How that worked, he had no idea, but he certainly didn't want to find out.

    Soon after Temeluchas left, the man with the chestnut hair started to do the same thing she did. This time, Vincent saw that he was giving half of his heart to the dead man. He didn't really see how that would help, but sure enough, after replacing the heart, his chest began to rise and fall once more. It was too good to be true, but it happened right in front of him. He had just revived the red-haired man. The shock of what he had just witnessed made him completely forget that he was bound by some kind of mist. With the snap of his fingers, their bindings were released and they were home free. As unbelievable as it seemed, they had survived the ordeal with minimal injuries. Well, minimal compared to dying, he thought.

    He went over to check on the man with the blood-soaked clothing after the Winged man left the room. Immediately, he grabbed his wrist and checked for a pulse, just to be absolutely sure that there was nothing wrong. Everything seemed to be fine. Unbelievable. He stood up dumbfounded by the events that just transpired.

    "This is way more than I bargained for..." He said to no one in particular. It took him a while to regain his composure as he looked around the room. After getting his bearings, he remembered that Hay Sun was also with them and that she had run off to the back room. "Right, uhh," he had started towards the back room when he remembered that someone needed to be there for when the mystery man opened his eyes again. "Sal, could you tell us when he's awake? Thanks!" With that taken care of, he made his way to where the black-haired Asian girl had run off to.

    As soon as he made it to the room, he walked through the door and made his presence known. "Okay, what's going on? Anything serious?"

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 28, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  17. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 52 - 2/5 | DATE: November 12th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    The girl sighed and rose to her feet, dusting herself off. Manitos pushed the tip of the blade away from her face and shook her head, pinkish-red hair flailing back and forth. "I was just trying to do you a kindness. No need to get so testy. Let's be honest, it's not like you're going to get to see her again. This benefits the both of us. I get a wee bit of life force which you won't even notice gone because you're an angel so your strength will build back up quickly, and you get your love in the only way that you'll ever be able to see her again. You went with Danel and came here. You're stuck here now and even if you were allowed to return to her for whatever reason, she wouldn't want you. Just by what Mammon told me, he said he had never seen someone look so utterly betrayed before and we're demons -- betrayal is kind of our bread and butter." She shrugged and slipped her thumbs through the belt loops on her jeans. "Think about it. You're going to get lonely. Abaddon, I promise not to interrupt anymore training. And Samuel, if you change your mind I'm temporarily occupying the conference room upstairs." She nodded and gave a salute before leaving the room.

    "What a nuisance." Though Abaddon was completely unfazed by what she just said, Sam was very clearly affected. His hand holding the sword hung limply by his side as he stared at the door.

    "Betrayed..." The word kept repeating itself in his head. He had betrayed her, and it was clear as day to see on her face. It was his bread and butter.

    "Oh come now. Don't let that little harlot get to you."

    "But... I..." Sam was at a loss for words.

    "As I recall, you and her weren't always this close." Unpleasant memories started to resurface as Abaddon continued to speak. "In fact, I distinctly remember you choking her to near death, much like we did to that little succubus just now." The mention of that event caused his blood to boil. He gripped the blade tightly as it played out in his head. "You can't fault me for stating the truth. It happened, there's no denying that it did."

    "Shut up..."

    "You know, had you actually stabbed her with that Obsidian Knife, none of the things that happened between you would have happened. Though you would still be here in Hell."

    "I said shut up!"

    "Oh, getting angry now? That's good! Very good! Use that anger as you train. Take it out on the enemies that come!" Another projection started to manifest itself in the room. Once again it was a wolf man, though this time, its fur was white, the skin underneath it just as pale. Its eyes were a vibrant crimson color and it seemed to be much stronger than the last one. The werewolf let out a howl as it charged straight towards the angered man.

    With a swift motion, his foot met the lycanthrope's muzzle with great force, knocking it down to the floor. Crimson flames engulfed Sam's hands and blade as the feral beast stood back up, snarling as it stared him down. Unable to wait any longer, the monstrous wolf lunged at him again. Sam quickly swung the blade upwards, cutting off one of the werewolf's outstretched arms. He grabbed the wolf by the neck and clenched its throat in his hand as he held it in the air. The wolf man thrashed wildly as it tried to free itself from the Destroyer's burning grip. As it flailed about, it managed to use its remaining arm to slash him across the chest. Sam flinched as it dragged its claws through his body, furiously tossing it against the wall behind him.

    With a boisterous cry, the enraged Sam ran at the fallen wolf man repeatedly cut into the projection before it fully faded away. He stood upright, fists aflame as he continued to stare at where the werewolf used to lie. "Another."

    "Oh? You're really getting into this, aren't you?" Another werewolf appeared in the room, this one with orange fur. "Well, since you're so into this, why not try something new?" The wolf snarled as it lowered itself to the ground, supporting itself with one hand. "Try gathering flames into the palm of your hand."


    "Just concentrate on your palm." He did as the angel instructed, and as he concentrated, fire pooled together to form a ball. It looked much like a miniature sun in his hands. "Now throw it." Once again, he did as he was told and tossed the fireball at the wolf projection. It exploded upon impact, engulfing the werewolf in crimson flames. As the lycanthrope howled in agony, now covered in flames, Sam motioned towards it, causing it to explode into nothingness. "Excellent!"

    "More." Sam said with an unsatisfied tone.

    "Hmm, looks like I'm going to have to up the ante here." At his bidding, five more werewolves appeared in front of him, each one a different color.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 27, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  18. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 52 - 2/4 | DATE: November 12th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    After releasing his grip on her, the being that pretended to be Hana started to flicker between her and their original appearance. It turned out to be the girl that had been helping him dig in the tunnels. After a while, the girl maintained her true form.

    "Wha... I..." Sam was at a loss for words.

    "Imbecile. I told you it wasn't her."

    "Abaddon," she rasped. "You didn't let me explain. I was going to tell him that it was me. Samuel's been so gloomy -- I thought - I thought it might make him feel better to see her." She clutched her throat and pulled her knees up to her chest. "I can't take him to her, but I thought ..."

    Abaddon simply scoffed at her. "Forgive me if I'm not inclined to believe that is the truth, Succubus." His dark gaze fell upon her. "I don't care if you need to drain life force from this worthless husk of a host, but don't get in the way of his training." Sam fell backwards onto the floor after the angel had relinquished control over his body. He forced himself back up, staring daggers at the girl before him. With the blade in his hand, he pointed it at her, its tip right in her face.

    "If you ever try this shit again, I'll skin you alive."

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 27, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  19. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 52 - 2/4 | DATE: November 12th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    A flash of silver passed him as it dug itself into the werewolf's skull. When he turned to see where it came from, he found himself utterly shocked. "What... the...?"

    "Hello there Samuel." The familiar voice rang out as he looked at her. It was Hana. But how? Why was she in Hell? What the fuck was going on here?

    "Dammit, she ruined my training session." Anger tinged his voice as he spoke. It was clear that she was not a part of his plan. Sam started to reach out to touch the figure in front of him. "Keep your hands to yourself, mongrel!"

    "H-how...? How... Why? Why are you..."

    "Shut your mouth, moron. There is no way this is her."

    "But... She's right here..." Just as he reached out to touch her again, the pain from his wounds shot through him.

    "Just how thick are you?" Sam suddenly stopped before reaching out again. His hand rose up higher and wrapped around her neck.

    "What the hell are you doing!?"

    "I don't know what you're doing here, and I don't care why, but interrupt me again, and I'll make sure you regret it for the rest of your natural life." He brought her closer to his face as he held her in a choke hold, tightening his grip on her throat. "Do I make myself clear, whore?"

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 27, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  20. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 52 - 1/4 | DATE: November 12th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    The tired man slowly lifted his body upright, cracking his neck as he sat there. What they had him doing was nothing too complicated. He stood up from his bed and stretched out his arms and waited for Chicken Wings to bring him to the tunnel he'd been working in for the past couple of days.

    "What are you doing?" The angel's voice rang out in his head.

    "Waiting to go to the tunnel."

    "We're not going today."

    "What?" Sam asked, unclear on what he meant.

    "It's as I said: We are not going today. I have different plans."

    "And what would they be?" He didn't like the sound of where this was going.

    "We're training today, so prepare yourself." Great. Just great. Now Abaddon wanted to get into the swing of things by training him. "Quit dawdling and make your way to the training room." At his command, Sam made his way from his room to the training area. He had no idea what was going to happen now. "Good, let's begin." As soon as the angel spoke those words, a figure started to manifest itself across from where Sam stood.

    "What the hell?" The words escaped him as he watched the form take shape. Snarling came from the large, bipedal wolf standing across from him.

    "You'll be fighting this as a starter. If you cannot beat him, then I'll have to train you even harder before I even teach you to wield more of my powers." The wolf man inched closer as drool fell from its gaping maw. "Well, what are you waiting for? Draw your weapon!"

    No sooner did he draw his sword did the lycanthrope lunge at the man standing before it. It gnawed at the blade that blocked him from sinking its fangs into flesh. Sam pushed it away before running towards the wolf man to cut it down. However, the wolf swiftly dodged his blade before slashing at him. Its claws sank into Sam's skin, dragging across his arm and leaving four parallel wounds behind.

    "Injured already? It hasn't even been five minutes. How reckless of you." The Angel of Destruction commented. "If this is how you fight, then I'm surprised you've managed to live this long." Sam braced himself as the werewolf came at him once again.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 27, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame