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  1. Bite the Dust

    Vincent Antonio Zeppeli
    DAY: 41 - 2/4 | DATE: November 1st, 2013 [Friday] | LOCATION: Hotel in St. Petersburg, Russia

    The blond young man woke up with a yawn. He rubbed his eyes as he sat himself upright. When he looked over to the other bed, he saw that the person he was rooming with was already awake and dressed. Although, when he took a closer look, Vincent noticed that he was somewhat shaken and clammy. Did he have a bad dream? It must've been something really bad to have affected him like that.

    "Hey, are you okay?" He inched himself towards the edge of his bed to let his feet touch the floor. "You don't look too hot, right now."

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 41 - 2/4 | DATE: November 1st, 2013 [Friday] | LOCATION: Hotel in St. Petersburg, Russia

    The moment Sam opened his eyes, he was greeted by a painful feeling coming from his leg. He groaned as he turned over in his bed and held his leg to his body. The pain would be worse if he hadn't experienced it before, although only slightly worse. When he tried to stand up, the wound on his leg forced him to sit back down. Any weight placed on his leg would just make it worse.

    He forced himself to stand up again and limped his way to the bathroom. After letting the bathtub fill and taking his clothes off, he sat himself in the warm water and relaxed. "Ah, dammit. This isn't good. I've gotta destroy something soon or I might end up in a wheelchair..." He thought aloud. It seemed that Abaddon really was going to keep his end of the deal and continually destroy parts of his body. The injured man slid further down into the bath, the water reaching up to his nose. He closed his eyes and let the warmth of the water engulf him.

    After getting out of the bath and putting on a fresh set of clothes, he limped over to his bed and lay down on it. He stared at the ceiling and wondered about what he could do with an injured leg and shoulder. It would definitely impair his ability to fight or break things. His control over fire should be able to circumvent that, but it would still hinder his movement. It was such a pain in the ass to have to deal with this. He wondered if he should ask Hana to try doing that healing spell on him. Though, as he thought about it, that would entail removing his pants, and he wasn't sure if she was comfortable with seeing him like that. "Shit..." He really wanted to talk to her in private again.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  2. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 40 - 4/4 | DATE: October 31st, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: Warehouse ==> Hotel in ???, Russia

    After dealing with that puppet, which was called Sheer Heart Attack, he shrunk his sword back down to its shortened form. It seemed that despite the trouble he went through, the guy wouldn't join them. Oh well, the guy seemed a little creepy anyways. It might be good if they didn't have to stay around him.

    When they got back to the hotel, Abaddon scolded him for not destroying that damned doll. Afterwards, he took control of him and made a wound in his leg. When he seared it shut, Abaddon let Sam have control over his body again. The pain made him fall asleep, with a brand new scar.

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 40 - 4/4 | DATE: October 31st, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: Warehouse ==> Hotel in ???, Russia

    In the hotel, Joslyn started to think about what Azazel made her do to Adam. She had no idea how she could face him again, or how the others would perceive her now. Azazel herself was trying to calm the hysterical girl, though she made very little progress. The pale skinned girl was getting close to tears again, and the angel was starting to become a little more than annoyed. When the girl refused to calm down, Azazel switched to her angry mode and forced her to calm down. She certainly has a way with hysterical people. Afterwards, she talked her down and the girl started to feel a little bit better about herself. When everything was over and done with, Azazel let the girl fall asleep.

    Vincent Antonio Zeppeli
    DAY: 40 - 4/4 | DATE: October 31st, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: Warehouse ==> Hotel in ???, Russia

    As soon as Vincent got into his room at the hotel, he crashed onto the bed and fell asleep not doing much else.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Oct 31, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  3. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 40 - 4/4 | DATE: October 31st, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: Warehouse in ???, Russia

    As the sword pierced through the figure, blood splattered all over. It trickled down its mask as the figure stopped twitching. Well, whatever the figure was, it was definitely mortal. Anything that bleeds can die, and the wound he inflicted seemed to show copious amounts of the thick red substance. However, before he realized it, the figure had its bladed hand pointed directly at his chest. It was about to go in for the kill.


    A cold voice echoed through the room as a hidden doorway revealed itself. From the entrance, a slender silver-haired man walked in. He stood there, his eyes closed with a smirk on his face. Was this the guy they were here for? "Who the hell are you?"

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Oct 30, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  4. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 40 - 4/4 | DATE: October 31st, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: Warehouse in ???, Russia

    After his punch connected with it, the figure fell onto the ground, where it flailed about. It flailed until it eventually got back on its feet and pointed its left hand at Sam. The barrels that made the fingers stared him down as its thumb reached for the trigger in its palm. He dashed in, pushing the hand aside and pierced the figure with his sword. "You ain't gettin' a shot off that easy."

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Oct 30, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  5. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 40 - 4/4 | DATE: October 31st, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: Warehouse in ???, Russia

    After Sam stepped in between the jester thing and Hana, it started to flail about and twitch like crazy before lunging at him. It brought its metal claws high up into the air before bringing it down on the unsuspecting man. He brought up his sword to block the attack. "Oh, this is gonna be good." With a forceful push, he shoved the claw aside and punched the figure in the face.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Oct 30, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  6. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 40 - 4/4 | DATE: October 31st, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: Warehouse in ???, Russia

    The warehouse they found themselves in was really old and very much rundown. If someone was hiding in this place, they must be in some really deep shit. He looked around in the dark and checked where he was stepping to make sure he didn't trip over something. There was rubble all over the place, and if he tripped, he might actually fall through the floor.

    Eventually, they got to a room where something was standing in the center. It was some kind of figure, like a jester or something. He wasn't sure what the hell it was, although it was pretty off putting that something like that was just standing in the middle of a room in an abandoned, rundown warehouse. It seemed like this set up was pulled straight out of a horror film. Hana had called out to the figure in what he assumed was Russian. Afterwards, she spoke in a manner he could understand. Is someone there?

    After staring at her for a while, the figure twitched a bit before pointing it's bladed hand at her. Instinctively, he put himself between her and the jester-like figure. He took his weapon from his pocket and let it take its sword form. Whatever the thing was doing, he didn't like it one bit. Its movements were definitely odd. "Does that thing count as a 'someone'?"

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Oct 30, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. Bite the Dust

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 40 - 3/4 | DATE: October 31st, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: Hotel in Moscow, Russia

    Adam stared at her, almost hurt, before holding his hand to his stomach. "Sorry, I figured that was a natural reaction when you saw someone who you thought was dead." He held his head and kept himself from looking at Joslyn. "Semyaza thinks I've gone crazy... I think she's gone crazy..."

    Azazel, through Joslyn, put her hand on his cheek. "Yeah, you have gone crazy." She pulled her hand away and slapped him across the face. "Look, I don't know who you think we are or how you think you can treat us, but I'm not gonna let something like this fly, you little shit stain." She wrapped her arm around his neck and started to squeeze tightly.

    "Oh god, wh-wha-what are you d-doing?!"

    "Sometimes, situations like this require force. It sucks, but this has to be done." The angel squeezed his neck even tighter. "And if you're gonna start sleep talking, little Adam dear, I'll just put you to sleep!"

    "Oh, he should've kept to himself."

    "Is... Is this normal for her?"

    "Well, it's generally a bad idea to get on her bad side. When she's in that mode, she's inclined to... get a little more forceful..."

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Oct 29, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  8. Bite the Dust

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 40 - 3/4 | DATE: October 31st, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: Hotel in Moscow, Russia

    The moment Adam turned his head to look at her, the expression on his face showed pure shock. It seemed like he had seen a ghost or something. After staring at her in disbelief for a few moments, he tightly wrapped his arms around her.

    "I thought you were... how are you... how?" The sleep deprived young man hugged her even tighter, refusing to let her go.

    "Aa-a-aa-ah-ahh! L-l-l-l-le-let me g-g-go-go-go, p-p-pl-please! I d-d-d-do-don't know h-h-h-h-h-ho-ho-ho-how t-t-t-t-t-to-to-to-to deal with th-th-th-th-thi-thi-thi-this!" The girl said as she squirmed in his embrace.

    "Calm down, honey. Just calm down."

    "I c-c-ca-ca-c-ca-ca-can't!" She tried even harder to get out of his grip.

    "Look, I know you're not used to this kind of thing, but-"

    "Aa-a-aaa-aaa-ah-aah! G-g-ge-ge-get off o-of-of me, p-p-p-p-pl-ple-pl-ple-plea-please!" Her face was thoroughly red at this point, and she was close to tears.

    "Ok, this is getting me nowhere." After a few more moments of struggling, the girl stopped and started to repeatedly punch Adam in the gut.

    "Let. Go. Of. My. Honey. Right. Now!" Each word was punctuated by a punch to the stomach.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Oct 29, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  9. Bite the Dust
    This RP Idea, I like it. ANOTHER!

    Edit: But yeah, I'm interested in this.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Oct 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Bite the Dust

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 40 - 2/4 | DATE: October 31st, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: Hotel in Moscow, Russia

    Several minutes after Hana shook her, Joslyn woke up in a daze. She looked around to see if the red-haired girl was still around. When the pale-skinned girl realized she wasn't, she got out of bed and went into the bathroom.

    "Good morning, honey~"

    "Good mooorniiing~" She said as she vigorously swished the brush around her mouth.

    "So what's the plan for today?"

    "I don't know~" The girl swished some water around her mouth before spitting it out.

    After finishing her business in the bathroom, she changed her clothes and went back to sat down on her bed. "Man, I'm really bored~"

    "I don't know what to do though." Joslyn started to play with a lock of her hair. Almost as soon as she said that, Hana came back into the room.

    She put her stuff into a new duffel bag before putting a hand on her shoulder. Jos, I think you need to talk to Adam. I don't think he's slept in a significant amount of time and you'll probably be the only one that can get him to sleep given your connection with him. She tapped her finger to the pale girl's forehead.

    "A-Adam? Uhh..." At the mention of him, she quickly looked down in embarrassment. "Umm... D-do... Do I have to?"

    "Hmm, I know I said not to talk to him for a while, but if it's to help Semy get him to sleep... I think we should..."

    "Yeah, but-"

    "Honey, I think we should really-"

    "But he has the wrong idea about me-"

    "Honey." The tone in her voice dropped. "I think. We should help. Semyaza. O. K?"

    "O-o-o-okay..." She reluctantly got up off of the bed and made her way over to the lobby. He was just sitting there looking completely out of it. How long had he gone without sleep? It didn't really matter she guessed, as long as she would be able to convince him to go to sleep. She took a seat beside him, unsure of what to say.

    "Well, you should probably say something, huh?"

    "I know, but what?"

    "Umm... Start by asking how he is. We can figure out how to get him to sleep later."

    "Okay." She took a few seconds to compose herself before asking. "S-so... H-how have y-you been?"

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Oct 28, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. Bite the Dust

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 39 - 4/4 | DATE: October 30th, 2013 [Wednesday] | LOCATION: Hotel in Moscow, Russia

    After getting into a hotel room, Joslyn sat down on her bed, thinking about what happened earlier today. When she finally saw Brandon again, she felt really happy. A wave of relief washed over her to see him standing there perfectly well, the same as always. She did feel bad about not being able to train with him at all before they got separated. He was so happy to have found a training partner and nothing happened with that.


    "What is it?"

    "Nothing, I guess~" A playful tone laced the angel's voice.

    "C'mon, what is it?"

    "Well, it isn't too much yet, so I don't even know if it's actually true yet, so I'll hold off on telling you. At least for now."

    "Aww... I guess I can understand that..." After that, she said good night to all of the voices in her head and to Hana before heading off to sleep.

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 39 - 4/4 | DATE: October 30th, 2013 [Wednesday] | LOCATION: Hotel in Moscow, Russia

    Sam went to his room and lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling. That Vincent guy really got on his nerves in the morning. Seeing his arm wrapped around her like that, it just really filled him with rage. What a womanizing creep, not knowing where to keep his hands. He would've clobbered him right there, but he knew that Hana wouldn't like that. Holding back was a little more difficult than he thought it would be. This was really messing with his head, and it was making his mood even worse. He could try to talk to her about it, if they ever got the chance to be alone again. After thinking about it for a while, he fell asleep.

    Vincent Antonio Zeppeli
    DAY: 39 - 4/4 | DATE: October 30th, 2013 [Wednesday] | LOCATION: Hotel in Moscow, Russia

    As he lay on his bed, he thought about the people he had just met. One of them, Brandon, was a really upbeat and energetic fellow. He seemed like the type to make friends easily, though he could mess up what he was trying to say quite a bit. That was something that he'd need to get used to if he was traveling with him. Then there was the man and his wife that the boy was accompanying, who seemed, less than sociable. As it turned out, he was being possessed by the angel inside of him, which wasn't a good thing, judging from how Hana reacted to him. He had so much to learn about that stuff, but he could take his time with that, he thought.

    Speaking of Hana, he'd need to watch how he conducted himself around her with that Sam guy around. Or, if he was really telling the truth, around girls in general. That would be very difficult for him if he really did need to watch himself around women. He couldn't help flirting with girls, it was something he did so much that it has essentially become second nature to him. Maybe if he could befriend him, it would help things somewhat. He hoped. With that in mind, he fell asleep.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Oct 27, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  12. Bite the Dust
    The product of not sleeping for 20 hours and making it the day before. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Oct 26, 2013 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  13. Bite the Dust

    Vincent Antonio Zeppeli
    DAY: 39 - 2/4 | DATE: October 30th, 2013 [Wednesday] | LOCATION: Hotel in Padua, Italy

    Vincent woke up feeling rather sore on this particular morning. Probably something to do with all of that rowing he had to do. It was a pain to get out of the bed, to say the least. He rifled through his bag for some clothes to wear before going into the bathroom. Despite hearing that things like the flood tend to happen to them, he had really hoped they wouldn't have to deal with more things like that. At the very least for his own sake. Dealing with that kind of stuff on a regular basis could kill him.

    After changing his clothes and fixing himself up in the bathroom, he stepped out of his room and into the lobby. As soon as he saw Hana standing there in all of her crimson beauty, he made a bee line straight for her. "Well good morning, beautiful. Hopefully you're doing well this morning?" He placed his arm around her. "And, umm... hopefully no flood shenanigans today?"

    "Hey, asshole," The voice came as a hand fell on his shoulder. "Keep your hands to yourself."

    "Ahahahaha... forgive me. I had no idea this was your girl." He said nervously.

    He was silent for a few moments before answering. "It's nothing like that. I just hate it when guys get too comfortable with chicks is all..." The muscular man protested.

    "Right, and I'm into guys." He spoke under his breath.

    "What was that?"

    "Nothing, nothing," Vincent said as he made his way away from the clearly irritated male. "Nothing at all." Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead. There was no way he would want to get into a fight with a guy like that. Just from a glance, he could tell that this man could pummel him in a matter of seconds. "Oh, I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting before. My name is Vincent Zeppeli, what's yours?" The Italian man extended his hand to shake his.

    "Sam." He just stared at him as Vincent held his hand out. After a while, he awkwardly pulled his hand back.

    "Right. Well, nice to meet you."

    "Yeah, whatever." Sam walked over with his bag and plopped himself down on one of the seats available. Definitely someone he wouldn't want to piss off. Though he would like to be friends with him, considering that it didn't seem like he had very many of them in the group. In fact, it seemed that he didn't have any at all.

    "Ok. So, umm... What's the plan now?" He scratched at the back of his head awkwardly.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Oct 25, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  14. Bite the Dust

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 38 - 4/4 | DATE: October 29th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Hotel in Padua, Italy

    As Sam sat there in the lobby, a towel draped over his head, he tuned out the others in the room. They started talking about hobbies, or something. Nothing that really interested him.

    "Don't you remember what I told you yesterday?"

    "Lay off, I haven't had a good opportunity."

    "Then slip out right now and find something."

    "And what are you gon-"

    "You know exactly what I'm gonna do. I'll even do it in front of all of these people, it doesn't matter to me who sees." He let out a discontented groan as he pulled the towel off of his head and made his way outside of the hotel. It didn't matter to him if the others saw it as rude to leave in the middle of a conversation, he didn't want to have more of his body destroyed.

    "You're a real pain in the ass, you know that?" There was an alleyway nearby that he went into.

    "And you're just a worthless criminal who was lucky enough to be let out. A shell like you should mind his manners when addressing me." Sam stopped in front of a dumpster that was in the alley. "Is this what you intend to destroy?"

    "And if it is?"

    "I'll let this first one slide, but you should find bigger things to destroy next time around." The infuriated criminal clenched his fist tightly. His shoulder still hurt, and his other arm was essentially rendered useless for awhile. This would mark the second time his arm was put out of commission. Although, the first time was considerably worse.

    With the lid closed, he brought his fist down on the dumpster, warping its shape. He pulled his fist out of the metallic mass before slamming it down again. The repeated action of smashing the dumpster sent a rush down his spine. He had forgotten how good it felt to be breaking things. How good it felt to actually hit something. It was a marvelous feeling.

    When the dumpster was nothing more than a pile of metal, he started to step on it. He furiously brought his foot down on it, repeating the action over and over and over and over. A smile had crept across his face as he did so.

    "Hmph, I can see you're really getting into this." There was no answer as he continued to step on the dumpster.

    After he stopped, and the dumpster had been converted into little more than a sheet, he leaned against a nearby wall. The smile still lingered.

    "Well, for the first thing you've destroyed in a while, that was acceptable. I would've left nothing but dust, but this is a good start." Abaddon pointed out dismissively. "I guess I'll throw you a bone and teach you something about my powers you've never thought of."

    "How generous," Sam remarked sarcastically.

    "Cute. At any rate, the flames that you control are the Flames of Destruction. Whatever they touch is marked, after which I can destroy said object at my leisure."

    "How exactly?"

    "To put it in a manner you can understand, you can blow up whatever the Flames of Destruction touch." Sam made his way out of the alley as he continued to explain. "Explosions are a great way of causing wide spread destruction very quickly. And, of course, they come in handy when in a fight. When fighting, you can decide how massive or contained the explosion is. But bear this in mind when you do use it in a fight, your explosions can hurt you too. Granted, the damage is reduced, but you will still receive some on your end if you are close enough."

    "Thanks for the lesson, professor. I'll be sure to keep that in mind." By the time Abaddon had finished explaining, Sam was already in his room and lying on the bed. As he lay there, staring at the ceiling, Sam rubbed his injured shoulder. The pain was still there, reminding him of its existence. It was really annoying, and it pissed him off to no end that Abaddon did that to him on a whim. Though to be fair, he had stopped wantonly breaking things. Something that he enjoyed deep down inside, even without his influence over him. As these thoughts floated around in his head, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

    Vincent Antonio Zeppeli
    DAY: 38 - 4/4 | DATE: October 29th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Hotel in Padua, Italy

    When he finally got into his room, he immediately plopped onto one of the beds. He had barely gotten any sleep the night before thanks to the sudden flood. Not to mention he was totally exhausted from rowing the gondola and bailing. It was tiring, to say the least. His arms burned a little as he lay there and tried to not move them. To think that it has only been four days since he met them. Only four and there was a flood. Hopefully, they wouldn't have to constantly deal with things like that. Otherwise, he'd think his heart would give out from the intense stress of having to deal with things like that day in and day out.

    Eventually, fatigue overtook him and he fell asleep.

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 38 - 4/4 | DATE: October 29th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Hotel in Padua, Italy

    After getting into the room she shared with Hana, she went to lay down on one of the beds. She thought about what she had said earlier and turned as red as a strawberry. The pale-skinned girl curled into a ball and put her hands over her face. "I can't believe I said that..."

    "Aww, it's alright, honey~ You didn't know what you were saying... shockingly..."

    "To top it all off, that Adam kid totally thought you meant the other thing." Tessa started to laugh as Joslyn squirmed in the bed.

    "Alright, shut it. But yeah, it's okay. I don't know how Semy deals with that kid, but I'm sure he's just... yeah..." It seemed that the angel had no idea what to say about him.

    "He seemed nice when I talked to him, but I don't know what to think of him now. Especially after he... he..."

    "It's okay, honey. That could happen to anybody, especially in the morning. Just brush it off and you shouldn't have a problem."

    "I know you said that, but... Now he has the wrong idea about me, and he saw me like that..."

    "Alright, alright. Let's just leave him alone for a little while and then see where that leaves us afterwards. I'm sure there's... something going on with him.... I hope."


    "C'mon, honey. You need to get some sleep. You barely got any because of that whole flood happening." The dejected girl nodded her head silently at the suggestion and readjusted her position on the bed. "Hopefully, things will be better tomorrow, so try to cheer up, ok?"

    "Okay. Good night, Azazel."

    "Good night, honey~"


    "Niiiiiiiiiight~" After that little exchange of words, Joslyn quickly fell asleep.

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Oct 22, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  15. Bite the Dust

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 38 - 3/4 | DATE: October 29th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Hotel in Padua, Italy

    After Hana had told everyone about Hay Sun, the guy who had been questioning her suggested they do some team building. He said that everyone should share their hobbies. "Hobby?"

    "You don't know what a hobby is?"

    The white-haired girl shook her head as she continued to dry off her hair. "Uh-uh."

    "Oh, honey, you're so sheltered. A hobby is something you like to do when you have the time to."


    "If you don't have one, it's alright."

    "Well, does playing count?"

    "Playing what?"

    "With myself." After a moment of silence passed, both Victor and Tessa burst out laughing. Confused, the girl stopped drying her hair and let the towel hang off of her shoulders.

    "Uhh, honey..." Azazel started. "I, um. I don't think- HEY, SHUT UP, YOU TWO!" The laughter died down a little bit.

    "Haaaahahaha, oh man~ That was just too good to not laugh."

    "Well now, can you really blame us, Azzzzzaaaaaaaaazzzzeeeeelllllll~?"

    "I really can't, but you should still shut up," The angel said curtly. "Anyways, as I was saying. I don't think that's a very good... umm... choice of words."

    "What's wrong with saying I like playing with myself?" The two demons in her head burst into laughter once more.

    "Honey, honey. You really shouldn't say that out loud."

    "How come?"

    "Well, it's just that... Ummm... Do you... Do you really not know about, you know, sex stuff?"

    "Huh?" Joslyn became even more confused. "What does that have to do with this?"

    "Wow, you really are sheltered. Ok, well, as you probably haven't heard, there's a thing humans do called masturbation." The girl merely nodded. "Masturbation is when a human puts their hands on their private part down there and then, umm, repeatedly touch themselves down there."


    "Yeah, and when someone says 'playing with myself', they usually mean masturbation."

    "I see..." The girl started to turn red thinking about what she had just said. Thankfully she hadn't spoken loud enough for everyone to hear.

    "So, for your own sake, I suggest you say something... less suggestive." Joslyn remained in thought for sometime as the laughter in her head died down. She tried to think of something she could say as her hobby.

    "Umm, w-well," This time she spoke louder for everyone to hear. "I-I like t-to shower?"

    "Okay, that's better."

    Post by: Bite the Dust, Oct 21, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  16. Bite the Dust

    When Joslyn woke up, she was completely unaware of what was happening, but people were knocking on doors and telling them to get out. Grabbing her things, she tiredly made her way outside, where she was bombarded by the heavy rain. It was quite the sight to see such a frail thing being hit by such a heavy rainfall. She stood there waiting to see what to do. However, before she could even let out a sound, she was helped onto some boat by Leo. Still confused, she sat there, helping to scoop out water from the inside of the boat because Vincent asked her to.


    Sam woke up with an angry look on his face. Moving out of the bed was painful thanks to the little present Abaddon gave him. He gathered his things and made his way outside and into the torrential rain. The pain in his shoulder was accentuated by the rain falling onto it. He saw the Italian guy from that restaurant in a boat with a few of the others from the group. Sam made his way into the boat before realizing that Hana wasn't in either of the boats. He started to get worried.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Oct 19, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  17. Bite the Dust

    Vincent was roused from his sleep by the heavy rain. When he went to check outside, he saw that it was flooding outside. This was bad, this was really bad. He had to get out of there and meet up with those people he had promised to go with. Unfortunately, they never told him which hotel they were staying at, which made things even worse. He figured that they'd probably be in a hotel close to where his restaurant was, so that narrowed it down a little bit. It was a good thing that he knew how to get around Venice thanks to his skirt chasing. The big problem was that it would be difficult to traverse the city with the water rising so quickly.

    With the things that he packed on his back, the Italian made his way outside, where he was immediately pelted by the falling rain. He had no idea what he would do until he saw two nearby gondolas. This was great, he'd be able to get to the hotel a little bit faster that way. After apologizing to whoever owned it, he got into one of them, attaching the other by rope, and made his way to the area near his restaurant. With all of the rainfall, he'd need to bail out every once in a while to keep himself afloat.

    After making his way to the area around his restaurant, he looked around for the hotel he thought they'd be at. Hopefully he was right about that, he wasn't sure if he had the energy to every single one of the hotels. Coming to a stop in front of a hotel, he got out of the gondola to check if any of them were there. At the front of the hotel was an oddly calm looking kid. "Umm, you're friends with Adam and Joslyn and the red-haired beauty, right?" That was excellent, he was right on the money. "Look, I've got a couple of boats we can use, get everyone of your group out here, okay?" Without waiting for an answer, Vincent made his way back to the boat to keep bailing and make sure the gondolas stayed afloat.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Oct 19, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  18. Bite the Dust

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 37 - 4/4 | DATE: October 28th, 2013 [Monday] | LOCATION: Hotel in Venice, Italy

    After getting back to the hotel from her little trip with Adam, she decided that she liked the time she spent with him. Whether or not it was because of the whole Azazel and Semyaza thing was still a little iffy. Even so, she genuinely enjoyed their time together. They said goodbye before she went to her room.

    When she got back to the hotel room, Hana was already asleep. Because of that, she decided that she should go to sleep as well. This was the second time that she came back to see her sleeping before her. After saying good night to the extra people in her head, she quickly fell asleep.


    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 37 - 4/4 | DATE: October 28th, 2013 [Monday] | LOCATION: Hotel in Venice, Italy

    With Abaddon's decision to show up, he realized that things would probably get a lot more painful if he didn't start breaking things again. It really sucked that it happened like this. Right after Hana had come up to him to talk about their relationship. That certainly killed the mood. To top things off, his shoulder was injured yet again. For some reason, his shoulder received a lot of punishment. Whether from outside influence or inward, it was always the shoulder. The pain rang throughout his body as he lay on the bed. He had no idea how to brush off the scarring to Hana, but he would deal with that when the time came. With the pain still resonating through his body, he fell asleep.
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Oct 19, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  19. Bite the Dust

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 37 - 4/4 | DATE: October 28th, 2013 [Monday] | LOCATION: Hotel in Venice, Italy

    "I don't know..." Adam blinked and then looked away from her for a moment. It seemed like he was deep in thought for a while there. Maybe he was talking with Semyaza. After several moments passed, he finally spoke again. "I guess- If he was willing... are we leaving from here soo- AH NO." He interrupted himself. Adam scratched the back of his head as he spoke. "We've been here four days, I left Rubbish food for only two... I need to run over to the airport somehow or he's gonna- why are you so focused on that animal?" The last part seemingly came out of nowhere. Especially since Adam himself looked a bit shocked that came out of his mouth. He tried to play it off. "I um... I'm a really big cat person okay... it's my grandfather's cat..."

    Joslyn just watched him as he spoke, though she had no idea how to respond to that. It was a situation she never found herself in. Would she disregard it, like she was trying to do with the whole incident that just happened with her? Or does she mention it casually and grill him about it? She really had no clue how to interact with other people.

    "Alright, honey. We should just act like this is normal and just keep the conversation rolling."

    "Are you sure?" She whispered to Azazel.


    "Alright, if you say so..." The white haired girl cleared her throat before speaking to Adam. "O-oh, I see. Umm..."

    "Ask him about the cat."

    "S-so... umm... H-how long h-have you had the c-c-cat?" She twiddled her thumbs awkwardly as she continued to shift her eyes about.

    "Ok, we're making progress."
    Post by: Bite the Dust, Oct 18, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame