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  1. Pinekaboo

    I finished X a while ago, so I loaned him my Absolite while I started on Y. His Absol can go Mega whenever it likes now.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Pinekaboo
    To those with corrupted saves; if you hold on for a few more days, you'll be able to recover them. GameFreak is working on a patch that will not only fix the error, but also un-corrupt current saves. It's due out next week at some point.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Pinekaboo
    Original and current impressions? Not that I really need to ask.
    Favourite Pokémon from each generation and why?
    What kind of Pokémon are you, how do you do the things you do?
    Favourite NPC trainer, not including Gym Leaders?
    Smell ya later?
    Hectormon digivolve to...?
    Favourite moment in Crossover Cove?
    Super Hero or Super Villain?
    What is the meaning of existence?
    Why is Nick such a disappointment to us both?
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 19, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  4. Pinekaboo

    Korrina (Pokémon X/Y)
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Pinekaboo
    Didn't do that, still got in.

    That one I did do.

    I did only one of those.

    Did do that.

    Did PR video, didn't get contacts until late, but was allowed in before.

    Didn't do that until the postgame today, I've been able to go in for ages.

    All I did was walk in wearing matching clothes. They were all the same brand and color of each other. They let me in.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 16, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  6. Pinekaboo
    And as an addition to that, I have permission to make the following reservation;

    Link (The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword)

    I would also like to invite Bushy Brow to play Skyward Sword's Zelda.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Pinekaboo

    Many of mine and Hector's reserves are discussed in private, as members of staff of the RP. Because of that, we often tend to forget or get lazy with our reserves, but nonetheless, since they're authorised by a member of staff of the RP, they are legitimate reserves.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Pinekaboo

    I believe HoT had first dibs on Alexa. You'd better ask him about that, if you haven't already.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Pinekaboo

    Wear clothes that are very colour coordinated, or otherwise match each other well. Eventually something will work. You only need to unlock access though; once you've been let in once, you can go in whenever.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 14, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  10. Pinekaboo

    It's always been the case. What you said is true, yes, but ultimately what decides whether or not a Pokémon is caught is the RNG. Which is why even if you fight the exact same Pokémon twice, it can be easy to catch one time, and difficult the next. It's entirely down to what the game decides to give you each time you throw a ball.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 14, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Pinekaboo
    As arranged, I'm putting up my Pokémon reserves now.

    For me;
    Calem (Pokémon X/Y)
    Viola (Pokémon X/Y)
    Siebold (Pokémon X/Y)
    Lysandre (Pokémon X/Y)
    Xerosic (Pokémon X/Y)

    For Bushy;
    Serena (Pokémon X/Y)
    Diantha (Pokémon X/Y)

    I think I'm happy with just those. Hector and Nick will have to confirm the reserves they decided on pre-release, then the characters not taken will be free for anyone as expected.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Pinekaboo
    Actually I will believe it, because Pokémon capture rates function entirely on a random number generator. Catching a legendary in one attempt isn't even close to being hard to believe. Unlikely, yes, but very capable of happening.

    But you're still not a man until you catch it with a Love Ball.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 14, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Pinekaboo

    Then do. Roller Skates are only used when you use the circle pad to move. The D-Pad still makes you walk and run as normal. You aren't forced to use them.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 13, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  14. Pinekaboo

    The bike is a separate item you can get later that offers the same range of movement but a little faster. It comes in either yellow of green depending on your preference, and has an off-road design unlike the street design of previous generations.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 13, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  15. Pinekaboo

    Both, but only started X. Y will be for my second playthrough.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 12, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Pinekaboo

    Go to Mystery Gift > Via Internet and just accept it. It's been made available for us.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 11, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  17. Pinekaboo

    Ditto this, same distance in, just got my Kanto starter. Starter with Froakie, now Frogadier, have the special Torchic, and a female Charmander.
    First thing I notice is that you can choose to have your rivals nickname you for a change. Your dreams of being called "Loser" again can all come true.
    Also Vivillion has like 4 different colours or more depending on where it evolves (I think), including grey, green, blue, and pink. Flabébé also has a few different colours, but they're all alterations to the flower rather than the Pokémon.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 11, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  18. Pinekaboo
    I'm not waiting.
    I have mine.
    Frogadier says hello. And licks you.
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Pinekaboo
    Post by: Pinekaboo, Oct 7, 2013 in forum: The Playground