YA I finally started playing KH1!!!! I love your Sig sadden Garra rocks
Hey anyone on?
No takers for the chocolate milk, well OK then... *Looks in fridge for chocolate milk* NNNOOO I can’t find the chocolate milk...! Well I guess I should get some sleep. Talk to you later.
Ha, I finally got my brother to read it he is on book 2 now.
Ya at a time like that, there’s nothing else you can really do about it, hey, I’m out of chocolate milk, and anyone else want some more, *heads to kitchen*.
It is better to have loved and lost then never loved at all, or something like that.
Ya, you did the right thing... it’s hard to do but necessary, you don’t want someone unfaithful.
Did you mean single, did you split up. *Gives huge*
*take step back as eye twitches*
Bleach Episode 146 haven't got a chance to see 147 yet though.
Bleach like the anime, I love that show, poor Hitsugaya Toushiro always thought of as short.
Chocolate is good... *Drinks more chocolate milk*
CHOCOLATE *goes and gets chocolate milk* I’m not too bad, my bro. rocks, he won’t tell me his rank cause he is playing W.O.W. at the moment.
Hinata rocks "Thank you... I have been lost in these halls forever, do you know what is going on with the principal, I don’t even know who it is anymore." Hinata started to follow Sakura.
*Gawking* All I have is a 360 that I can never get on because my brother hags it 24-7.
You have a DS *in awe*
I'm confused...
"Sakura... Umm, do you know were dorm 5 is." Hinata stuttered out, slightly startled by her sudden appearance.
OH, srry I distracted.
Ya, it did, talk to you latter.