Pfft. Riku. >_> SEE? I AM A STONE WALL! :D
Like that proves anythinggggg! :O XDD
>_> I don't know what you're talking about...
-.- You have issues..
O_O; Er... Okay then...
Holaz. I ish back. :D I didn't come back after church... I know.. XD
yeah.. I didn't understand a word of that.. XD 'cause i never thought you'd say that.. XD Well.. i g2g to church.. See ya later!
Uhhh... Sure.. Whatever... XD ^_^ Ehh... 'Cause i've been busy... February is like... Busy month.. >.< But other than that.. I've been good! ^^ LIKE. ZOMG. DEMI JUST SAID "AIN'T"!!! :O
O_O;; Oooh!!! I made a wallpaper yesterday! :D It got like... 14 downloads in one day! :D (You'd probably want to view it at download size.. :P)
O.O I see you already did......
I dunno if this is in the right section or not.... But... Everytime I go to the Cutscene Archive and the Video Portal, I keep getting pop-ups! I have my pop-up blocker on and everything... And it's just really really bugging me... >_> Is that supposed to be happening, or is it one if those unknown things?
NO! (fillerz)
Okay... I just have one question before i post anything else: Is Demi and coco still on the whole "switched gender" thing? ._.
Meep. ._.
i'm scared....
Oh..My...Gawd... *runs away like screaming maniac*
Y'all are scaring me.. *backs away*
O.O? I wasn't questioning anything...
^^ I don't feel like staying around too long... XDD But.. While i ish hereeee... HI! AGAIN!!! :D