O_O ... Pretttyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.........
You just have to be nicer to him. That's all!!! :D
hi family!!! I ish back form the evil world of dishwashing!!! ^^
._. .......... Yeah. I probably should go do the dishes unless i wanna get in trouble... BYE DEMI!!!!!!
Not exactly what i meant. But if that floats your boat!! ^^ XD ... He does!!!!!
^__^ Awwww... *patpat* I have a plan for an AMV if i ever download "Kairi Goes To Twilight Town" Mwah. >D The more boys Kairi meets, the more she loves Pluto!!!!! :D (Song- "The More Boys I Meet" by Carrie Underwood) The more boys i meet, the more i love my dog! :D Lol. It wouldn't/shouldn't be taken in a serious way! ^^
^_^ ... YAY!!! *hugs* Can you PM it to me when it's done? 'cause i ain't gonna be on all day.. I'm actually supposed to be doing dishes at some pointtt.. SNOW DAY!!! :D I went out about a 1/2 hour ago in my PJ's, tennis shoes and started picking up snow! xD Now my feet are still coldd... T.T
Uhmmmm... Idk... uhhhh Uhm... Something with Roxas!!! :D ... and it can have my name! Uhmm... Yeah... xD
O.O Okay. But whatever you do.. Can you make the main color of it blue so it matches my other stuff? (Sorry.. I like things to match! xD)
Uh.. Okay. XD Coool. ^^ MAKE ME ONE!!!! :D :D (You don't have to. xD)
((Sorry... Meh computer kicked me off the internet)) I don't get it... O.O
^^ ??????????
*hugs* Ish teh rep thought that counts! Yeah... I don't wanna randomly rep ppl either! You ish a nice person too... Even if you DO support yaoi! xD Wow. O_o
T.T Yeah. I tried repping you the other week 'cause you were being nice... But it wouldn't let me since i'd repped you before... *cries* O.O .. I wish i could make a sig... I might.. idk... If i do... I have to use Paint... -.-
YAY!!! Wait. THAT MEANS YOU HAVE MORE REP THAN ME!!!! *cries* Mine hasn't changed since i got repped and became a 'distinguished road'... O.o
Yep... It's a sad day when he tries to fly. :D OMG!!! DEMI!!!! YOU'RE ON A DISTINGUISHED ROAD!!! *hugs* YAY!
^_^..... thank youuu!! :D Yep!!! ^^ It was the only "inspirational" thing i could think of.. xD I'm better at the funny ones. ^^ Like this one: http://greetings.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=93364 And this one: http://greetings.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=94721 (Poor Roxas!!!)
O__O *passes out* I made a new video(my introoo) and a new e-card!!! ^^ Note: Video contains lots of white flashes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NINPrOhnLjk Purdyful e-card. :D :: (inspiriational... So it isn't funny like my other ones are) http://greetings.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=96859
O__O ... HOW BAD IS IT THOUGH? *goes into mother-mode* xD