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  1. SoulboundAlchemist
    YES YES YES!!!!!!
    Finally we have proof that Square Enix intends to finish what they started! There were a couple things that irritated me though; first off, the animation. Yes I know, everybody is lovin' it, but I don't like it. For me when I see animation like that it automatically makes me think 'second rate game'. The second thing that irritated me was the platform its going to be for, but thats only because I didn't plan on buying a PS4. Other than that, I'm quite satisfied with this trailer. So happy they're bringing back flowmotion, that would have been a waste if they scraped it after DDD.
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Jun 11, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. SoulboundAlchemist
    Hey all, I've started writing a new story, crossing Pushing Daisies over with MLP. Please tell me what you think.
    Thread by: SoulboundAlchemist, Jun 10, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. SoulboundAlchemist
    Gotta say, I really love the Disney song choices that I've seen (entries 1 and 3) but in the end, I feel the need to vote for entry 3, since its a classic Disney song.
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Jun 9, 2013 in forum: Production Studio
  4. SoulboundAlchemist
    Sssooo, when is the thread for this round going up?
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Jun 7, 2013 in forum: Production Studio
  5. SoulboundAlchemist
    Don't forget, he hasn't given River his sonic screwdriver or his name yet, so they can't end the show until they tie up those loose ends.
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, Jun 2, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  6. SoulboundAlchemist
    Did anyone else notice the throw backs to Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan? (IE the way Kirk and Spock's roles were reversed, or the Daystrom Institute, or Section 31)
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, May 28, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  7. SoulboundAlchemist
    Personally, I have to say the Pumpkinhead Keyblade was the ugliest, with Crabclaw and Monochrome coming in close second.
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, May 28, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. SoulboundAlchemist
    Have you considered putting this on FIMFiction?
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, May 28, 2013 in forum: Archives
  9. SoulboundAlchemist
    Personally, I thought it was one of the best sci-fi movies of the year, although that will probably change when Ender's Game is released.
    Thread by: SoulboundAlchemist, May 28, 2013, 7 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  10. SoulboundAlchemist
    Sora: Easy tie between final Riku Replica battle and final Vexen battle
    Riku: If I'm not careful, Ansem Seeker of Darkness
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, May 21, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. SoulboundAlchemist
    No, you didn't miss anything, I just didn't put the reason in. The main reason she was doing that was because she was practicing a new spell she got. You'll find out more about it later in the story.
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, May 21, 2013 in forum: Archives
  12. SoulboundAlchemist
    Story update!

    Both the second chapter, aanndd a prologue. Enjoy :)
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, May 20, 2013 in forum: Archives
  13. SoulboundAlchemist

    D's songs

    I wasn't trying to copy that style, I was trying to make it my own by using elements of this style and mixing my own style and experiences in.
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, May 19, 2013 in forum: Archives
  14. SoulboundAlchemist
    Doctor Who: Shroud of Sorrow by Tommy Donbavand
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, May 19, 2013 in forum: Literature
  15. SoulboundAlchemist

    D's songs

    I try to do it in this sort of style
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, May 19, 2013 in forum: Archives
  16. SoulboundAlchemist

    D's songs

    You do realize that its short because the chorus is repeated right?
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, May 19, 2013 in forum: Archives
  17. SoulboundAlchemist

    D's songs

    Its not alcohol or drug bad, more like video game bad, but yeah, I'm a bit better. There are a few relapses some times though.
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, May 19, 2013 in forum: Archives
  18. SoulboundAlchemist

    D's songs

    Sorry it took so long to get back to you, but nobody taught me how to write like that; I sorta just observed what other Christian artists did, and winged it.

    Anyway, I wrote another song, please tell me what you think.

    Sitting in this room
    Surrounded by my broken memories
    I can't seem to forget
    I wish I would

    Why would someone like You
    Want someone like me?
    Broken and wasting away
    But You came and saved me
    This miserable wreck
    Forever I will worship You

    Sitting in this room
    Surrounded by addictions
    I can't seem to stop
    I wish I would

    Why would someone like You
    Want someone like me?
    Broken and wasting away
    But You came and saved me
    This miserable wreck
    Forever I will worship You

    You saved me!
    You raised me!
    You healed me!
    Forever I will worship You!

    Why would someone like You
    Want someone like me?
    Broken and wasting away
    But You came and saved me
    This miserable wreck
    Forever I will worship You

    Now I sit in this room
    Surrounded by Your love
    You sent Your son
    To save us from our sins.
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, May 19, 2013 in forum: Archives
  19. SoulboundAlchemist
    I'm gonna go for entry 1. Love the foreign language rendition of Reflection.
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, May 18, 2013 in forum: Production Studio
  20. SoulboundAlchemist
    I'm gonna assume you haven't read the book, cause its not about an alien invasion of earth; its about a human invasion of the alien home world 70 years after an alien invasion of earth.
    Post by: SoulboundAlchemist, May 8, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media