OOC:You do that but for now I'll start this takes place in Frost Harbor. There's a futuristic city built over the kingdom so expect flying cars and such. "Equality." Wolfbane said to himself as he was running on a roof. "Equality in the form of exchange is a matter of give and take. 3." He counted the 3rd roof he jumped onto. He bounded off that one landing on another as he ran again. "I received an offer from Krugthor. Telling me he would give me all Oni for a sample of my blood. He called it an example of....Equality in the form of exchange. And there's a ride." He said jumping off a building diving into a convertible flying car sitting next to the driver. Jason groaned when Wolfbane dropped in his car. "Dude these are suede leather seats you can't keep plopping on it!" He let the car drift down outside his house. He walked in and shut the door pressing a button on the wall to start dinner. "Computer! Cook up beef stew." He then looked at nail messing with the television. "What are you doing?!" Nail looked back to Jason and brought up his shoulders and sighed. "I can't get this darned Plah-sta-shun 6 to start. I even took apart to picture box." Jason groaned and remembered they were from centuries ago. "First of all its called a Playstation 6. And second of all why not try the "Power" button." He said shaking his head. "Television repair." Within in seconds a Helper bot was down and repaired the T.V. "Now try." "Oh." Nail said pressing the button and letting the machine start. "Right you are."
Koroshi reached a manhole and pulled the top off and threw the man in. "Well that's that." He said to himself taking off the gloves he was wearing. "Another job well done."
"Heh don't be like that. If I remember correctly you didnt want me to get off you because I was warm." He said chuckling. He pushed hair out of his eyes and laid back staring at the sky.
Jason sighed and came back sitting next to Jordyn. "Doing okay there?" He said looking at the sun.
Koroshi dragged the body towards the edge of town passing Advent and Terri. "How are ya?" He said still dragging the body as he walked.
Koroshi stabbed the airbag and pulled the rest of his weapons out of the car and put them on him the sword on his back and the daggers in a sash. "C'mon you bas tard." He said pulling the man out of the trunk.
Koroshi now drove with the man he attacked in the trunk. Driving as fast as he could he drove into the forest. He swerved dodging a deer and drove into a tree. He stepped out of the car and dusted himself off. "Well looks like driving is out."
OOC:Now this is Badassery at its finest Koroshi was driving wildly he took out a fire hydrant and a stop sign.Wind was blowing through his hair as the speed was exhilarating. Usually he wouldn't drive this crazy but this target was special if this hit went off perfectly his brother would promote him. He sharp turned a corner hitting a stray kitten and stomping on the gas when the turn was over. When he reached the house he jumped out of the car letting it fly into the house.He walked up the lawn pulling out two daggers and killing the two people guarding the house. "Congratulations you just won a brand new car!" He joked as he stepped through the hole in the house.Stopped by the sound of a shotgun cocking. "Don't people use the door anymore?" The man said on his side holding a gun to his head. " You owe me for that wall. That was traditional Aztec made bricks. You came again. Looks like I'll have to teach you a lesson!" He swung the shotgun at his head. Koroshi ducked and swift kicked the man in the legs."Your getting rusty there." He quickly drew his sword and drove it down at his head. The man rolled out of the way and kicked a door. Then about ten men came out immediately shooting at Koroshi. "Looks like it's over for you!" The man yelled back running out the back door. Koroshi growled pulling out a lighter and blowing a hole threw the ceiling and blowing fire at the troops. He heavily kicked a man in the gut causing him to get down on all fours. He jumped off the man's back and climbed through the ceiling jumping off the roof onto the man's shoulders putting his foot on his head he made the man land face first with him riding the way down. " I got ya now."
Koroshi jumped from roof to roof. He had a serious target today so he was very aggresive. He jumped off the top of a building onto the roof of a car slicing it open and sliding in. He kicked the driver out closed the door and started driving. "Look at the bright side, I didn't kill you!" He yelled back to the man he kicked out. Berial sat at his desk finishing up a meeting and looking at his watch. His brother was late with bringing in his finished contract. "He better be finishing up." He sighed to himself putting his feet up.
"How am I supposed to help. I can't do any weird stuff like you." He lied. He spun his car keys around his finger and jumped up climbing over the wall. "And the name's Jason I'm not that emo!" He the started to walk away
"And I'll be there to video tape that ass-kicking!" Mark yelled over chuckling to himself. He layed back on his car and stared at the two
Jason looked down seeing how the girl got saved. "Looks like I'm not needed. And am I the only person who doesn't wan't people to know he has powers." He said to himself walking away.