The mask might be best since otherwise he only has half his face showing. (Scarf) Although you could use Vincent. (Not sure if you have anything for that, but allot of his current appearance was inspired by Mr. Valentine, though not exactly copied.) His hair is blue, and so is his cloak and hoodie jacket. So mostly blue. Only one of his eyes is shown, and it's blue.
You're absolutely right. Which is why I made a point of saying it gave the impression. Furthermore, he did say "Someone else has set foot in your heart." Then made the statement about Eraqus. We could translate as Eraqus being the other person, or that Eraqus is the one who slipped the other person in. It is enough to make one wonder the exact events that are unfolding in Terra's heart. Still, I think it's a strong possibility it's Eraqus, as he was mentioned, and his body faded right into Terra's arms. Another possibility is that Eraqus slipped the aforementioned hypothetical person into Terra's heart before the events of the game, which means it would be a brand new character. Still, since this person is in Terra's heart, they might have a nobody.
Can I have one?!... wait... what would be done... eh... Idk...
Indeed, the blank points video does give impression he is still alive at the end of the game. Otherwise, why bother mentioning it? It should also be noted that Eraqus body faded the same way Sora's body did in the first KH when he gave up his heart. The same could said of Xehanort later in the Birth by Sleep. While not always true, similar effects -usually- have similar meanings. I hadn't actually thought of Eraqus having a Nobody before now though; that opens up many possibilities.
Steel rushed about the room, dodging swords and axes as he tried his best to cause a brief distraction to help his allies. He landed near the parlor door, and resumed attacking normally. His strength may not have been as high as Karina's but a few rapid jabs was more than enough to defeat the two gargoyle knights that stood before him. A nearby gargoyle warrior attempted an attack but failed miserably. Steel dodged the hit, and launched an opposing fireball at another knight not too far away. With it distracted, he turned back to the gargoyle warrior, stabbed his keyblade into the ground, and used it a as a pole to spin kick the heartless. He then landed in mid spin and used his momentum to fluidly pull his keyblade from the ground in another spin strike that sent the gargoyle warrior flying into the knight; eradicating them both.
I think this is definitely a question that deserves answers, and it could open up possibilities in KH3. I mean, the new Org. XIII is made up of different versions of Xehanort, so It's possible this could be one of them. It's really quite interesting to think about.
As a small field of mines surrounded Steel, he ran toward a Gargoyle knight. Upon reaching his target, some of the mines exploded, launching his opponent into the air. He twirled his keyblade a couple of times, successfully slicing the statue into submission. He turned towards Krowley and gave a thumbs up. "Thanks man." He stated rather simply. Inside though, he was glad that the other wielder had gotten up. Now that all 5 of them were active, this fight would hopefully go much faster. Though, he wasn't sure what he was going to do about Luna. He decided to take down to more Knights with his last strategy utilizing the remaining mines. After defeating two more knights he found himself near Luna, and, at a loss of what to do, just said. "Hey can you like, wake up?" Every second he stood there he was prepared to dodge a blow from her, or an adversary. "I know you don't exactly like me, but the others will need you." Hoping that would be enough to do something, He leaped back into the fray and stabbed one more knight a few times, erasing one more of the sixty existences they needed to eliminate.
Banned for not using a cannon or any other form of weapon.
Steel rushed to grab D'daear's fallen keyblade. He picked it up and threw it back to him, managing to defeat a gargoyle knight in the process. He turned around and went for another one, only to see Luna slice it in half. "When are we gonna be done with this?" he sighed. He waved it off, and just decided to avoid her for now; he'd figure out how to get her back to normal later. He performed a sliding dash through another knight. "Maybe I could eat he- No." He filed that thought away before sending more combos at his many opponents. He managed slice through one last Knight, then sent a fire spell towards a warrior, before following up with one last stroke. Four more down.
After consideration, I have decided to spend 1 point on power, and one point on Heart for 2 plus strength. Str. +3 = 10(+5) HP +1 = 32
Okay, here is a description that I put up on the wiki; it's the most up to date one. Steel has Dark Bluish hair that goes slightly past his shoulders. One eye is blue. the other is covered by his hair. he wears blue jeans and a white t-shirt under a dark blue hoodie, he has a cloak colored black with blue streaks and veins on it which he wraps around his lower face and neck like scarf, and covers the rest of his body, which leaves his right eye (the one not covered by his hair) the only part of his body showing. He wears Elbow Length Silver Claw Gloves and Silver Clawed boots. He wears a belt with exactly seven loosely hanging silver cross charms; each hanging individualy in a circle around his waist. He sometimes wears a mask of the venitian carnival variety, Volto to be specific, which is what he first appears in. there is a faint light underneath his clothing where his heart is. Though his actual age is unknown he appears to be 16. He is somewhat masculine. I could also give you the specifications I had wanted for the original commissions, but I am too lazy to hunt them down right now, and I'm sure that you would like freedom to do with it as you please. If not, you can give me a shout. Oh, though you might want to at least draw the mask separate from his face. Like, have him holding it or something... yeah just... as you will. Thanks.
I think I shall vote for Cstar as well. She is doing a good job of keeping things on track with all of the people she has to deal with right now.
Gust blaster dragon... sounds about right.
Steel sent a few more hits into a gargoyle knight, effectively eliminating another foe. Joce still seemed down for the count, and who knew when Krowley would help. He sped up to a warrior still affected by his stop spell, and sent several more deft strikes. He heard Base shout out, and his spell take effect around Luna and Krowley. "Base!" he shouted. "You don't have to worry about them; physically they're fine!" He sensed a warrior come up behind him managed to just dodge the blade. "Focus on the enemy for now, they'll help when they can." He blocked the second hit and dodged a few more. He was very quick, and the stone heartless were particularly slow due to their material. However, he was distracted when he saw one of his opponents sneak up on Base. "Look Out!" He shouted. While he was distracted, the gargoyle warrior he was fighting breached his defenses and sent him flying toward a pillar. He felt pain and heard a thud as he made contact. He sank to the ground slowly as the heartless hopped over to him. He glared up at his foe as it readied its Weapon. As it swung to slice at him, he lunged to avoid the blow. Trusting that Base was holding his own against the gargoyles, he performed another combo on his opponent, ending in an upward slash that knocked it into the air. Another warrior approached and swung it's axe down. He leaped backwards to dodge the blow. In front of him, the axe embedded itself in the floor with a loud crack. Using this as an opportunity, he ran forward, up the axe, jumped off of the gargoyle warriors head, and gave a final slash to the one he had sent into the air. It evaporated into rocks and smoke as they both hit the ground. In a final movement, he turned around to the Heartless still struggling to lift its blade out of the floor. He pointed at it with his keyblade and shot out a beam of light. The statue was paralyzed, and a ball of black smoke appeared as the heartless tried to regain control of the body it had chosen. He turned the keyblade as if it were in a lock, and a large burst separated the heartless from the statue. The black ball of smoke took full form and floated away with a hissing sound. Ignoring the already defeated possessor, he turned his attention back to the ongoing fight.
"Oh Yes." Steel muttered sarcastically as Aux vanished. "Giving into the darkness and running like a coward are much more rewarding prospects." He barely seemed to notice the chaos that began to ensue around him. That is, until a Gargoyle warrior that had snuck up on him inexplicably found a Keyblade protruding from it's chest. "Hard as rock, aren't you?" He stated sarcastically. He removed Stroke of Midnight, and erased the first of his foes with a quick combo. He saw D'daear in trouble with a Knight and quickly rushed to block the move. After this he attacked with a quick upward swipe and a few more strokes. Two down. He nodded to D'daear and readied a spell. "Stop!" He shouted. A nearby group of Gargoyles were targeted. A few Knights were immune to the effects, but several warriors fell victim to the incantation. He nodded towards them. "Free targets." He said to D'daear before leaping in to eliminate as many as he could at once. He sliced through two more Warriors as he glanced over toward Krowley... or Hikaru as his name apparently was. He shrugged; The rules of the order stated he would still be called Krowley. The man had barely moved. "He better pull it together soon." He whispered as he dodged an approaching Axe. ((OOC: I wanted to add more details, but am in a bit of hurry.))
... BANNED .. .