any1 like ozzy?
u like ozzy osbourne, anyone?
ur welcome *ozzy's i dont wanna stop goes on*
ozzy osbourne rocks!
sure! *blares 3DG's Pain music*
look at JT's lovestoned, near the end it helps near the end JT looks like he is trying 2 comfort u. it makes me happier. es. after looking at that pic!
i dont no why they would do that! *crys,hugs axel&roxas plushie*
Omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Evil People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Willll Yellll@them!!!!!!
Liam Lynch, The Happy Song, can someone get that song in an AMV for me?
*gets up* ugh... kh2 character...Roxas...Axel...Halloween EDIT:Liam Lynch, The Happy Song...can someone get an AMV with that song for me?
yaaa...yyyy*drops down*
yeah, i noticed. i was on but i had supper and used the bathroom b4 i came back on.
yeah, they should make a kingdom hearts movie!!!!!!
im back!!!
yes!!!!!! he rocks! and IDK what 95864X64525-999+2=? g2g see u after supper
oh cool! and my friend in nova scotia (Me alberta) came and got lv 99 in kh2 in 3 days!!!!!!