Jordan was down the coastline where he has been for a couple of days. He had barely any fresh water left, and his food was almost gone. So now he was hunting in the shallow water of the ocean, using his trident to catch try fish, but it wasn't working at for him. "Damn fish!!" Jordan yelled as he missed yet another fish. "I knew I should have went with dad to learn spear fishing last year!!!!!" he cursed to himself as he headed back to shore to take a break. He stabbed his Trident into the sand then laid back on to the hot sand and looked up into the clouds. 'Why me? Of all the people in the Clan why me?' he has been asking himself this question eversince that day. Then his stomach growled, he laughed alittle "Back to fishing....." he got up and went back to the water.
Yes they did ^_^
Wow. Didnt know this thread would last this long xD Well Im cooled down now.... l'll start posting to get my post back tomorrow...... *sigh* My life slowly goes on.....
Don't feel bad xD I didn't notice until Atlantica xD So when KH2 came I knew what to do! xD
O: I would have killed over that.......I would have 0 then..... Oh well...back to posting....
I was making a character........ So you told...... *sigh* Oh well.....just have to work even harder....
I posted in this thread saying "Your the awesomest at making sigs Fayt! I want something like that if I win at your 'Monster of the Week'!"...
D: You didn't re-post me did you? Cause I went through all the threads I posted in yesterday and saw that the one I said your the awesomest at...
I hope they do a trailer just as good or maybe even a little better one. I'll then say the wait was worth it! :D
Just because I did something (even if I didn't do it purposely) weeks or months ago they still do that?
I just search the whole site with "Search User post", etc I been in the spamzone for the past two days and a few post in the Introduction and RP fourms (But were okay with the rules)
I just want to know WHY my post are gone is all......I worked so hard just to get that far..... I always follow rules, never flame people, I comfort my friends who were attacked by other members, and I'm usally the one who tells people when there going to far in RPs! I mean come on!!!! I deserve some credit for doing that much!........I just want my post back atleast to 150.... EDIT: Sorry I ment post D: Just so mad that I put the wrong thing.
I wont get 300 post now, since someone de-posted me. What did I do? I didn't break any rules! I was having such a good day till now........ EDIT: Sorry ment post. Just so mad....
I have to disagree with the Xaldin bit. Xaldin is the one of three characters I always use. I think with the Pandora's Gear+ you get the Dragonreige+ which is his most powerful and with his long combos he hits with some awesome power.
:=D: I'm getting that Master form shirt tonight!!
[And Hopefully have a name change!!! Hopefully........]
That would be the Eilxer card xD I would have been killed by Marly if I didn't use that card to get my cures back xD
Hi! Welcome to KHV! Just read the rules and you'll be fine! And be sure to make friends! ^_^
This.Is.Genious! And beautiful.... *Wapes away a tear*
Is happy he isn't in Team Edward