Okay then! :D
Hey guys!!!! :D I'm back, with new ideas, and dueling fury! Any takers? LP: 8000 Customs: No Anime Exclusives: No Video Game Exclusives: No God Cards: No Hand Refill: No First Player: Me Other conditions: None
Let change the subject then! :D My story is posted in the Creativity Corner! Can you read it and comment on it!? PLEASE! :glomp:
You can continue the RP Mandy. I was just wanted to warn you before a Mod got you.
*sigh* Look, someone who has been watching over the RP informed me, and I'm not in charge. I'm just a trying to make everything fair for...
Look, all I'm asking is before you use someones character's past into your own you have to ASK them first. Since I haven't been on, you should...
Okay I edited my first post of it!
EDIT: Heres another picture then Signature Size: Large as it can go. Image: http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj169/doggieal1000/740810-kh2_world_that_never_was_sup.jpg Text: Kingdom Hearts OrganizationXIII: Rebellions Font: Kingdom Hearts letters! Details: Something to make it appear appealing and noticeable Other: Can you just zoom in on the Castle and Kingdom Hearts?
Mandy.... We need to talk....
Fayt....... I need a sig to show off my new Kingdom Hearts Fan-fic.... It's called Organization XIII: Rebellions. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?p=3164520 but I have no idea what I want...... Any ideas?
Thank you! I worked really hard on this! Also I edited in the Songs in now, and I'm finshing up the next Chapter! So I'll probably post it tonight.
Five young teens from our world are transported into the world of Kingdom Hearts, gain certain abilities, and are recruited into Organization XIII. They then find out they aren't even Nobodys and yet even when Xemnas the leader of the Organization said so. What are they planning, and why are they even planning for? Guess you'll have to read to find out! I do recommend people listen to the music titles/links above the paragraphs so people can get more FEELING of the certain moments. ex: (In the End by Linkin park) Paragraph Characters: Jordan Rain Age: 15 Appearance: Still Drawing Elements: Water and Light Weapons: Trident and Cross sword Rachel Hill Age: 15 Appearance: Still Drawing Elements: Plants and Earth Weapons: Shield Althea Glacia Age: 15 Appearance: Still Drawing Elements: Ice and Darkness Weapons: Small Sythe and Hidden Dagger Shelby Flareson Age: 15 Appearance: Spoiler Elements: Fire and Wind Weapons: Bow/Arrows and Staff Elisha Illusmen Age: 15 Appearance: Spoiler Elements: Nothingness and Illusions Weapons: Sketchbook and Pencil dagger ALSO PLEASE NOTE THAT IN THIS STORY THERE IS NO KINGDOM HEARTS, FINAL FANTASY GAMES, FRANCISE, MANGA, ETC. DISNEY OR UNIVERSAL ISN'T EVEN IN IT SO IT WON'T CONFUSE ANYONE OR THE CHARACTERS IN IT! THANK YOU! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 1: Beginnings ( By the Sea ) “Finally, school is over!” Jordan, a semi-long light brown haired boy with blue eyes, medium built tan body, and wearing white and blue Hawaiian swimming trunks, said happily as he and his four other friends headed towards the beach. Elisha, a short dark brown haired boy with hazel eyes, medium/slim built almost pale body, and gray swimming trunks, was sketching in his sketchbook like he always did. Shelby, a long white blond headed girl with green eyes, slim tan body, and was wearing a pink and white bikini top and swim skirt, was telling Althea, a semi-long black haired girl with brown eyes, slim pale body, and was wearing a light blue one piece swim suit about how dramatic this one girl on the last day of school was, and then Shelby acted it out by pretending to jump and cry. Althea giggled at her friends act then turned to Rachel, a long with slight curls brown/blonde haired girl with vivid light green eyes, slim somewhat tan and muscular body, and wearing a dark green and light brown one piece swim suit, who said “I’m just glad to be out of Ms.Pope’s class. One more essay, and I would have killed her with that ‘lucky’ pencil she always carries around in her back pocket!!!” The group laughed at her comment and continued to the beach. The Sun was shining bright above the cloudless sky, and light was dancing off the oceans surface. “Hey, I’ll get the drinks and stuff while you all get the Usual Spot ready.” said calmly said to his friends as he headed towards the ‘Beach Shack’. The others headed towards there Usual Spot, which was located under two palm trees. Elisha sat under one of the palms and continued to draw. Shelby, Althea, and Rachel laid out there towels and sat on them and continued to talk ‘girl’ talk. Jordan slowly walked from the ‘Beach Shack’, skillfully carrying a surf board with drinks balanced on it, as if he’s done this dozen of times. He got to the Spot and placed the surf board carefully down then started to pass out drinks. “One ‘Coconut Water’ for Elisha, one ‘Virgin Strawberry Daiquiri’ for Althea, one ‘Coke Float’ for Rachel, one ‘Amp Float’ for Shelby, and one ‘Vanilla Shake’ for me.” Jordan then sat down in the sand next to his friends, as they all enjoyed there drinks. Shelby was the first to first her drink, so she put the empty cup in the trash, put some tanning/sunscreen lotion on, and then started her tanning process. Althea put her Daiquiri on Jordan’s surf board, and then asked Shelby, “Hey Shelby, can you put this sunscreen on my back please?” She then took out a bottle of sunscreen. “Sure” Shelby responded as she took the sunscreen and was about to put the sunscreen on her friend when she saw the label and she read ‘SPF 150’. Shelby busted out laughing “What the hell Althea!?! SPF 150?” she then showed her friends who laughed a little then continued to there drinks. Althea tried to get from Shelby but Shelby kept her away with her arm as she read more off the label. She then laugh harder this time and let go of the bottle, which Althea snatched up. “Emoland?!? You got that from Emoland!?!?!” Elisha stopped drawing and looked up at the girls with an odd expression. Jordan choked on his Shake then started to laugh also, and then Rachel smacked him in the back of the head. So he stopped laughing and rubbed the back head with a hurt expression and said “Ow…” quietly. “It was at half-price and I had a coupon from Sunday! I also can’t help it if I burn easily!” Althea exclaimed at her blonde friend who was laughing so hard she was crying. “Ignore her, Althea. Besides I do to sometimes even with sunscreen.” Rachel said to try to calm the shouting Althea, but they continued. ~~~~~~~~~~~ After about ten minutes of Shelby’s and Althea’s ‘Episode’, everyone calmed down and continued to enjoy the day. Jordan looked up at the ocean, got up, and grabbed his surf board. “Wave time!” was all he said to them as he headed towards the water. As soon as he got in the ‘Nice waves’ started to come in. Jordan quickly paddled into the waves and quickly started to surf the waves the sea provided him. “How does he do that?” Elisha asked as he watched Jordan shred the waves. “Do what?" Rachel asked as she continued to read ‘People Magazine’. “How does he know when the good waves are coming and when the good waves aren’t coming? I ask myself that question every time he does that.” Elisha told his friends his thoughts. “Hell if I know.” Was all Shelby said as she turned onto to her stomach. “Maybes he’s half fish or something.” Althea commented as she finally finished her drink, and then threw it into a trash can a few feet away from them. “Let me ask you a question then Elisha. Why do you draw?” Rachel asked with a slight smile as she put her magazine down. “I guest it’s because I feel connected to drawing, and I get to create whatever I want.” Elisha replied honestly to Rachel who finished her Float and threw it away. “Well maybe Jordan has that same connection to the ocean.” Rachel explained to her friend as she sat back down. “Also maybe it’s the same connection I have to my gardening, and Althea’s connection to Ice sculpting in the winter. Maybe there all meant to be.” Rachel explained as she turned around to see Shelby with a can of Hairspray and a lighter as she was about to cook a Sea gull that was sleeping on her purse. Rachel waved the bird away before she could do anything then gave her a dissatisfied look. “Let’s hope it’s not the same connection with Shelby’s Firebug obsession….” she sighed as she face palmed herself. “Hehe, sorry old habit.” Shelby giggled as she put the stuff into her hand bag, and then turned over to continue to tan. As so as the waves stopped and settled, Jordan headed for shore and put his board head-up in the sand. He jogged over to his friends then shook his head crazily as the water from his hair drenched everyone. “What the f***!!” “Jordan!!” “It burns!” “My drawings!!” yelled his friend as they got wet. Jordan laughed as he sat next to his friends then happily said “It’s just water!” “Well maybe we didn’t want to get wet just yet.” Rachel snapped at him as she dried herself off. “I mean look at Elisha! You got his drawing wet and now he’s traumatized!” she pointed to the artist. “My precious…..Oh my precious….” Elisha quietly said over and over again as he hugged the Sketchbook. “Yeah what Rachel said! Now I got to put more sunscreen on!” Althea complained as she lathered more sunscreen onto herself. Shelby just plain out stuck her middle finger at Jordan and plainly smiled about it. Jordan just ignored Shelby’s insult and looked at the sun lit ocean that seemed to dance with glittering lights. He continued to look out at the horizon when something bright green washed up on shore. Curiosity got the better of him as he got up said “Be right back.” And head for the shore. Jordan came slowly back to the group with something hidden behind his back. “Jordan what do you have….?” Rachel asked as she tried to see what he was hiding behind his back. Althea and Shelby also looked up to see what he had. “Nothing…..” he replied with a sly smile. Elisha looked up and saw exactly what he had, and looked terrified as he covered up his sketchbook with his towels. “Don’t you dare-!” he was then cut off as Jordan revealed the green beach bucket that was filled full with water then splashed it onto his friends. “You! B****!” Shelby scream seeing her second handbag now soaked. She turned to him and launched herself at Jordan, who was laughing and running towards the ocean water. The others then put down there stuff and ran/splashed into the warm ocean water. Shelby was straggling Jordan when the others then tackled into them. Making them all go below the water. They all came back up laughing at each other at what just happened. They stayed in the water for quite some time while swimming, playing water games, and scaring each other (Elisha scared Rachel and Althea, making them think they were getting attacked by a shark). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ( Hesitation ) Then the Sun started to set beyond the horizon, making the water of the ocean turn a dark orange. They head for shore and started to collect there things when Elisha noticed something missing. “Where’s my sketchbook!? I had it right here!” he told his friends as he went through his stuff. “Don’t worrying Elisha. We’ll help you find it.” Rachel comforted him as she helped her friend search. The others then pitched in to him when all there stuff was together and ready to go. Shelby then was it on a sand dune a few yards from them. “It’s over there dumba**.” She sourly said to her artistic friend. “But he never went over there.” Althea pointed out to Shelby. “Who cares. Elisha just grab it so we can go.” Shelby sourly said again as she grabbed her now dry handbag. Elisha happily jogged over to the sand dune that had his sketchbook. He reached down to grab it with his left hand when a large black hole appeared beside it. A solid black hand came out, grabbed his hand and started to pull him in. Elisha screamed “GUYS HELP!!!!!!!” as he grabbed his sketchbook with his other hand and started to smack the hand with it. To no anvil, it didn’t let go. ( Tension Rising ) The girls screamed at what was happing to there friend, his other four friends ran to hm. Althea was the first one to reach him, so she grabbed him and tried to pull him out of the hands grasp. Instead the hand pull Elisha into the hole, and now all they could see was Althea. The other three finally got to her as she yelled “I still have him, but now I’m stuck!” Shelby grabbed Althea by the waist, Rachel grabbed Shelby by the waist also, and Jordan did the same to Rachel. They all started to pull with all there might. Elisha slowly came out of the dark hole yelling and screaming “Get me the hell out! Get me the hell out!” over and over again. “Almost there…!” Jordan muttered with frustration noticing Elisha almost out of the black hole. Just as they were almost out of harms way, the black hole got three times bigger. Outstretched came an even bigger hand then before that reached out for them. “HOLY S***!” Shelby screamed as the hand came closer to them. “Hold on to each other!” Rachel told them as the hand finally grabbed them and pulled them into darkness……..
Bout what? Oh I'm almost done with my First Chapter! :=D:
Why did you lock the The Saviors of the Gods D; I just sneaked on btw...... Im actually grounded right now...
Can you lock this? http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=93101 Thanks and I'll see you in two weeks I guess.... (Go to my sig to find out why)
Well.........report card didn't work to well...... Mother isn't happy....... Grounded for two weeks but if grades go back I get to get back on.....So bye... For now.....
No you didn't! D: I'm just typing up my story is all. ^_^
Dont know where to start again xD
The debate on peace. Yep,
He thought it would be pointless and a waste of effort so he killed her to end the debate basicly...