This is so touching...great poem...hopefully, you'll be able to meet again...if not, there's always memories to bind you...:) :glomp:
lol I write mines pretty quick myself. XD But anyhow, this is a nice poem. :) *hugs*
Zexion sighed. "Okay...I'm going to have to...take you to Vexen...he might be able to perform an operation on the meantime..." As he spoke, he summoned the illusion of a glass of water and an aspirin to his hands. Breaking the pill into dust that settled into the liquid, he handed it to the small boy. "Drink this..." he said, before turning away, opening a portal of darkness.
Wow, that's really ought to write more...this was amazing~! :)
Wow, this is good...very inspirational...I would give you rep if I could but I can't for the rest of the day...agh, I will tomorrow! XD
Zexion's frown deepened as he sighed, shaking his head. Raising his hand, he summoned the illusion of a bandage. Gently, he placed it on Demyx's nose, where it was sore, pressing down firmly yet softly. "Does this help at all?" he asked.
*perks up* An L plushie?!
Hmmm...STEFY and m.o.v.e. They're both pretty good. :)
Wow, this really...terrible...I wonder what the shooter's true incentive...
OOC: Deathsight!! :glomp: I'm so glad to see you back~! "...So why do they all have to come here?" Zexion asked, raising an eyebrow. "Why could they not just handle their own drama back at their headquarters?" He crossed his arms, clicking his tongue in annoyance. "There's more than enough trouble here already..."
"Stop crying and I will help you," Zexion snapped, as he walked over to Demyx. "Now how did your nose have so much pain?" OOC: Yay, you're back Twilight!! :glomp:
Hey, of course I care for you, I mean, you're the one I see all the time in that awesome RPG you're in. :) Anyway, good luck! :) :glomp:
Then I'll take your word for it. XD So do you pronounce it like shine, or like 'sheen-ay' or something? I wasn't sure... Oh, and of course you can join Ninja! What sort of title would you like (such as the Kind Sister, the Cool One, etc.)?
Once the poll Dark Roxas. will put up is done and over, and then the second and final part will come, with the conclusion! :)
Hmm...I don't have "Shine" in my dictionary either... Oh, and hey, Destiny! :glomp: And sure, Fire! Um, what's happened? XD
Yay, lol. So was the story good, like the grammar and such...?
Yay, then my story will never end! XDD And, okay? *helps Fire back up* Oh, and Kairi...agh, the only word that I couldn't understand and wasn't in the dictionary was "desu"...what does it mean?! XD
Bye, Axel! And don't want to come back...?
Well, make sure to wash it so it won't get infected or anything...and put some ice on it to soothe it - it might help. :)
As long as you're coming back...have fun during the holidays, and we should all still be here when you return! :) :glomp: