was it burnitup or me that didn't know who 4Chan was? O_o cuz i didn't know either...
ooc: OMG Destiny! ur sig! i have the brushes that they used! :O (although i don't know who made it O_o XD) It had only taken about 20-25 minutes for Xennex to finally give in to slumber. She had fallen asleep with her arms wrapped around her legs, and her head rested apon her knees. The only problem was that, yes, she snored. And the fact that the shaft wasn't all that too larg, didn't help either.
LOL i took a screenshot from the anime i was watching, and i was liek "HOMG :O *noesbleed* i gotta photo edit this! *goes off to edit background*" puh-sha~ XD
thankies~ and that's why i love photoshop XD also for this reason too |D
lol it sure sounds like the MSN sound XD
lol why thank ya~ did it myself =D
um, hi burnitup?
dang i get on at the worst times, don't i? >_>
dewd is that supposed to be the MSN sound or something??? XD it gets annoying when i have my anime on full screen, already had a conversation going before hand, and once the anime gets to a really good part DOOLOOLOOO!! DOOLOOLOOO!! DOOLOOLOOO!!! XD *sob*
fist of all, it's a guy XDDD and why is it hugging a shark? ...i think the shark stands for another character that's supposed to be in the pairing gotta go!
NUH-UH! XD not true! LOL
yes, yes i do :D LOL ('cept for my icon D: i found it on photobucket XD) shi shi, indeed XD
lol, yes... XD was trying to get a sig to match my icon >_> i'm just that way LOL okay then
LOL wow, was not the reaction i was expecting XD
wait what? O_o
LOL i think it stands for another character... *thinks* though i'm not sure D:
lol okay x3 gosh i love my icon XDD
"When i grow up, i want to be a giant robot!" "That was a beautiful story! *sob*" "Eh?" "Especially the 'giant' part!" XDDD i laughed so hard when i saw that LOL
hey thar polka~ x3 you missed my pic XD