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  1. Xennex




    :OOOOO ohhhhmaaaaiiigaaaaaaawsh...

    that's sad D:
    Post by: Xennex, Jul 21, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Xennex
    psh, crud no that's not the original background XD but that woulda been interesting if it was LOL

    i would've either 1) died of laughter, or 2) had a flippin' nosebleed XD
    Post by: Xennex, Jul 21, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Xennex
    ooc: lol okay then x3

    "Hey! Hold still or this'll never work!" Xennex demanded as she tried to keep her balance on Sora's shoulders.

    "Well i'm sooorry!" he said sarcasically, and tried his best to keep still long enough for Xennex to pull herself up and into the elevator shaft.

    Which, he might not have been able to hold for as long as he thought.

    "HOLD STILL, DANGIT!" "I AM!!" "NO YOU"RE NOT!!" and she finally grabbed the edge of the, err, 'entry' and pulled herself up through the square hole
    (ooc: i have no idea what an elevator shaft looks like D: oh noes).

    "Now how am i gonna get up there!?"

    "Psh, find someone else to get you up," Xennex replied coldly
    (is that a word?).

    Sora glared up at the other girl, not giving a reply to that.

    "...Fine..." and Xennex reached her hand down to take the others'. "Gash you're heavy,"

    Only a few moments later, they were sitting across from each other in the elevator shaft, hearing nothing but their own breathing.

    "This...doesn't bother you at all?" Xennex asked quietly.

    "Hmm...what's to be bothered by?" Sora replied plainly.

    "Is he for real...?" Xennex thought to herself in shock.
    Post by: Xennex, Jul 21, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Xennex


    edit- yeah, sorry about the size XD

    and, yes, i did that myself LOL 8D took a screenshot from the anime i was watching and i was just liek "OMG! :O *nosebleed*" XDD
    Post by: Xennex, Jul 21, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Xennex
    HEY THAR Lulu! =D LOL
    Post by: Xennex, Jul 21, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Xennex
    HOMG srsly? :O LOL i feel special now XDD

    LOL yeah, i usually do that a lot XD i was gonna keep the Gokudera-kun icon for a while, but then i found this one XD
    Post by: Xennex, Jul 21, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Xennex
    ooc: awright then~

    Xennex had found an elevator (note- not the same elevator that's already taken) and was now peering up at the roof. "Yeah...this is gonna be a breeze..." and she groaned as she tried to jump up to the area where she knew where the shaft would be located. "Curse this genetic hight," she said, louder than expected, as she flailed her arms every time she jumped.

    "Need some help?" a voice came from behind, friendly and oddly familiar.

    She turned around to be face to face with none other than..Sora.

    "N-N-NONÉ!?!?" (what?!) Xennex yelped in disbelief. "How long have you been here!!?"

    "Heh, quite a while, but, having quite a rough time," he laughed weakly and showed an open wound on his side. "But doing quite fine, ne?"

    "H-he seems so happy even if in pain..." Xennex thought, still in disbelief. "I-I guess..."

    "Hmmkay," he said, still 'happy' as ever.

    "Just don't look up..." and Xennex groaned as she jumped on his back.


    ooc: oh teh noes! sora da perv has arrived! :O (LOL jk XD) i guess i needed to get him back into the story line at some point... *shrugs* who knows what happened with him
    Post by: Xennex, Jul 21, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Xennex
    LOL =D *fillarz*
    Post by: Xennex, Jul 21, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Xennex
    Post by: Xennex, Jul 21, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Xennex
    @Lulu- *ROFL* XDD

    @Dan (puh-sha that's what i shall call you XD if you're awright wif dat)- hey thar~
    Post by: Xennex, Jul 21, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Xennex
    LOL same XD

    HOMG in you sig! "Yamamoto" as in...Yamamoto from Katekyo Hitman Reborn?!?! O_o I CAN"T BELIEVE I MISSED THAT!!! *facedesk*
    Post by: Xennex, Jul 21, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Xennex
    LOL yes! i couldn't resist! XD Belphegor-kun and...a shark? XD at first i didn't really want to make it my icon, but then...yeah XD
    Post by: Xennex, Jul 21, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Xennex
    hmm yes XD (old icon, not any moar :D) Gokudera-kun from Katekyo HItman Reborn! >D XD
    Post by: Xennex, Jul 21, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Xennex
    @Lulu- LOL

    @Knightshade- hey thar~
    Post by: Xennex, Jul 21, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Xennex
    why thank ya~
    Post by: Xennex, Jul 21, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Xennex
    hey thar Kiryu
    Post by: Xennex, Jul 21, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  17. Xennex
    LOL i'm feeling quite random also 8D

    shi shi shi shi! |D i'm wearing my hair tied back...and wearing a crown! 8D now i look like Belphegor, only with brown hair XD
    Post by: Xennex, Jul 21, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  18. Xennex
    i am...just dandy XD

    feeling quite random... >3

    shi shi shi shi...
    Post by: Xennex, Jul 21, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Xennex
    ooc: hmm, so what's happened? O_o

    "I would go back to my own room to go hide in my closet, but i bet that's already 1) destroyed, or 2) already filled up with water..." she sighed. "No good..."
    Post by: Xennex, Jul 21, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Xennex
    hey! how are ya?
    Post by: Xennex, Jul 21, 2008 in forum: Forum Families