Search Results

  1. SmashFan127
    Mysterious Voice speaking into the villains' minds: Of every other human is a villain.
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. SmashFan127
    Vash: *stares* OK, will you lay off?
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. SmashFan127
    Vash: Let's stop this violence before someone starts hurt, OK?
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. SmashFan127
    What do you mean "this"?
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. SmashFan127
    Anderson: Fate will be sliced into pieces. AMEN! Fate hero or villain?
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. SmashFan127
  7. SmashFan127
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by SmashFan127, Oct 18, 2012
  8. SmashFan127
    As Knives walked the wasteland, his black .45 Long Colt Revolver in the open, he noticed a shine in the distance. Feeling an unknown vibration, he scowled. "Damned spiders...You will know your place, humans..." He unscrewed his gun's top using telekinesis and the arm holding it turned into a black cannon with feathers and faces, an Angel Arm if you will. As he fired, and explosion surrounded him, and the beam traveled towards Goku and Vegeta. The sky would turn red, and of course the explosion would not harm organic material, unlike the beam that was just fired.​
    (OOC: Yes. Knives and Vash are able to do these abilities)​
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. SmashFan127
    I am know here to present a blond non-human, Vash's twin brother and a human killer.

    Username: SmashFan127
    Character Name: Millions Knives
    Media they are from: Trigun
    Info: Millions Knives (ミリオンズ・ナイブズ Mirionzu Naibuzu) is the main antagonist of Trigun and is one of the few fully sentient Plants and Vash's twin brother. They are both born during a mission to further the human race, and they are taken care of by Rem until Knives disrupts the course of the ships, causing them to crash. While Vash believes all beings have potential for good and deserve life, Knives believes in the survival of the fittest. After discovering experiments performed on other plants, he decides that humans are evil and grotesque, and that they need to be eradicated. Vash does not agree with his plans and seeks to stop him, and Knives seeks to dissuade Vash from basing his life around the "idealistic nonsense" preached by Rem.
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. SmashFan127
    Jan: So we got some someone who has a f$%^ing stupid M on his forehead? Seems legit to me, bro.

    Ripper Roo: HE'S NOT AS CRAZY AS ME, IS HE?!
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. SmashFan127

    Janus gave an impressed whistle, smirking.​
    -Forbidden Fortress-​
    "Understood. As soon as we finish resting, I vow that Obi-Wan will witness destruction that affects him..."
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. SmashFan127
    Next, I reserve the following:


    Tiny Tiger (Crash Bandicoot 2)
    Ripper Roo (Crash Bandicoot)
    Gnasty Gnorc (Spyro the Dragon)
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. SmashFan127
    We'll miss you, tummer...
    Post by: SmashFan127, Oct 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home