Granted. Bread now kills you. I wish that this wish was never wished.
Welcome to the arena, new guy. =) Also, if you want to post images, you need to have at least 2 posts, and, unfortunately, posts don't count in the arena. (if they did, I swear, everyone here would be Premium) To get an easy 2 posts, just post a little something about yourself here in the Introduction Section, and then respond to some welcomers.
Wish granted, but you get zapped by lightning and get put into a coma. I wish to lose The Game.
Come at me bro.
REVEEEEEEEEEENGE! OOC: Well, I still have the Geminis in there. But, yeah, now that I think about it, my deck DOES seem a bit unfocused...
Goddammi- NYEAAAAAAAAAGH! Ngh... This ain't over... Got it?! OOC: Nice duel, man. Guess I still need to get the hang of my new Synchros. @Brooklyn: He has Bad Reaction to Simochi on the field, and I have Spell Absorption. Do the math.
Yes, I do! Go, Jinzo - Returner! Now, your Simochi is negated! Now, I probably won't be able to reply for a while. We've got a thunderstorm and lost power for a second.
Alright then, the rest go to the graveyard. I'll place 1 monster facedown. And then I switch Lightning Warrior into Defense Mode, ending my turn. ~End Phase~ LP Counter: Joey: 11,600 Kaiba: 8000 Hand: 0 Let's see what you're gonna do THIS time!
Alright, let's try this! Painful Choice! The cards are: Chain? If not, which do you choose?
Aw, come on. Have a heart for once. Hand: 2 I activate Harpie's Feather Duster.
~Main Phase 1~ I activate Pot of Greed! Chain?
Alright, stand back! My move! ~Draw Phase~ Draw! Sweet! *3 cards* ~Standby Phase~ Activate anything?
No, it can't. LP: 9600
... OK, that's kinda scaring me a bit.
Oh yeah, I am. ^^" LP: 9100
I don't think I'll chain. Hand: 2
Just a revamped version of my Joey deck. Plus, Stardust Dragon/Starlight Road are pretty splashable cards. I activate the card you targeted, Waboku! Also, going back to what I said about us being in hell because of this heat wave... [video=youtube;6QW5wIK81HA][/video]
Oh. Nvm, then.
Hello .