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  1. No Heart-X
    "Is my fight with you? Quite frankly, I don't think you would be much of a match, especially now since the X-Blade is mine. With this, I will open the door that connects all worlds. Then, I will force all of the Keyblade-bearers to come here, and fight... so that a new Keyblade War will begin..." The Figure stepped forward, gripping the X-Blade tightly, "My name is X, and I will not be hindered by a low-life such as yourself!"

    OOC: Just FYI, 'X' is pronounced 'kye'
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. No Heart-X
    "Hmm?" The figure whirled around to see the man, "Who are you, and where did you come from?" The figure asked, cocking his head to the side
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. No Heart-X
    OOC: So, this is what they look like now, just you know, for future reference

    Click to see

    IC: As the light subsided, all that could be seen, was a tall black figure with the X-Blade in it's hand. The figure looked around, and then finally held up the X-Blade and looked at it briefly, then, it proclaimed, "Finally! The X-Blade is mine!" It's voice sounded like Kain's and Snow's voices were talking in unison. Then, the storm cloud's that hung above them cleared away as he joyfully pointed the X-Blade to the sky, to reveal the true Kingdom Hearts, with it's eerie blue glow.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. No Heart-X
    Snow breathed deeply, then he closed his eyes, concentrating all of his available energy into his Keyblade. As Kain saw this, he realized that it was time, and he followed what Snow did. Snow opened his eyes and held his Keyblade with both hands right next to his face, spreading his legs apart, and allowing the energy to flow out of his Keyblade. The energy began to flow out of his Keyblade, with a massive amount of light bursting from the back of the Keyblade. Soon after, Kain did the same, with a massive amount of darkness bursting from the back of his Keyblade. Then, the both thrust at each other, with Snow hoping to end it once and for all. However, when they clashed, a massive light engulfed both of them, with their Keyblades fading away. As the light engulfed them, they both screamed in horrific pain as they were melded together forcefully.

    "It's done... The X-Blade has been forged... All hope has been lost..." Roan didn't even bother looking up, as he knew the energy came from the direction that Snow and Kain were fighting.

    "No..." Stella said as tears started to roll down her cheeks, "It can't, it can't be, he's gone... Snow..." More tears began to flow from her eyes as she called out, "SNOW!!!!!"
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. No Heart-X
    As Snow and Kain fought, Stella awoke and found herself bound to the column, and then looked out in horror as she saw Snow and Kain fighting. But she couldn't see them, all she saw was flashes of light and loud, thunderous cracks as their Keyblades clashed. Stella tried to wiggle her way out of the chains she was bound in, but then, Roan called out to her, "Stella, it's pointless, don't try to get out, if you do, you'll just get in the way,"

    "But, Master, I have to help Snow!"

    "There's nothing you can do, Kain has planned everything out, and he's planning on creating a weapon so powerful... well... Let's just say that a war will begin anew..."

    "How can you say that?! You don't have faith in your own pupil?"

    "It's not that, I do have faith in him, but Kain, he's trained all of his life for this moment, knowing him, he'll seize every chance he sees, and then, Snow will fade and cease to exist..."

    "No! We can't let that happen!" Stella angrily tried to break free

    "You know, even if you did break free, you wouldn't be able to help Snow, you see, Kain put a seal around us."

    "What? So you mean..."

    "Yeah... It's pointless..."

    As Stella looked down in sorrow, the distant clashes became louder and became more frequent. Eventually, both of them stood in the dust, both breathing heavily. "I guess I have no choice," Snow proclaimed, "I have to use the technique..."
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. No Heart-X
    "Hmm... So you really don't remember, oh boy, alright then, let me explain something to you, first things first, you and I are Twin brothers, born on the twenty-third day of the second month of the year. When we were still little children, our father experimented on out hearts, during which he extracted all of the darkness from one of us and put it in the other, the same goes with the light. You should already know that your heart is a heart of pure light, but did you ever wonder what happened to the darkness that used to be within you?"

    "I-I never..."

    "Well, let me answer that question for you, bro, all of the extracted darkness was put into my heart. And my light went into your heart, that's why your heart is pure light and mine is pure darkness, our father tampered with our hearts. Now, after realizing that his experimentation had been successful, and that he had created a heart of pure light and pure darkness, he realized, that he could create a special key, a key that does not force the existence of Kingdom Hearts, but rather, exists alongside it,"

    "What? Kingdom Hearts? You mean, our father figured out a way to create a key that exists along Kingdom Hearts, but... what key would that be?"

    "That key would be the legendary X-Blade, a blade that can open the door that connects every world. And I summoned you here, to create it."

    "What the!?"

    "And, if you refuse, I will kill these people right in front of you, and I will force you to fight regardless..."

    "Damn, so, I guess I have to fight then, in order to save them... but if it must be so, then let's fight!"

    "That's a good boy, fight me, so we can create the X-Blade!"

    Both Kain and Snow entered their fighting stances, with sand blowing in the distance. Then, just as the sand stopped blowing, they both charged at each other with incredible speed, and as they clashed, the energy created blew the keys in the ground away.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. No Heart-X
    "Well, thanks" Snow hopped into the gummi ship and started it up, then in a great hurry rushed over to the Keyblade Graveyard. As he landed, he could see Stella and Master Roan hanging against a giant rocky column. He landed in the Fissure, hoped out and charged through into the open, where thousands upon thousands of Keyblades lay in the ground. At the top of his lungs, he yelled: "Where are you!?" Running around, he found the column to which Stella and Roan were bound. "Hold on guys! I'm here!"

    "Not so fast!" Kain jumped in front of Snow

    "Why are you doing this? Who are you!?" Snow demanded to know as he summoned his Keyblade.

    "Come on, how harsh can you be?" Kain shrugged

    "What do you mean?"

    "You mean you don't remember your own brother?" Kain looked right at Snow in a completely serious way

    "What?! My Brother, you?!" Snow staggered back in shock
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. No Heart-X
    "Someone kidnapped my fellow pupil and master, and told me that if I wanted them to live, I would have to go to the Keyblade Graveyard, I need to go now!" Snow said with great concern in his voice.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. No Heart-X
    "What? Dammit, well, I need to get to the Keyblade Graveyard, right now!" Snow was in a real hurry
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. No Heart-X
    Snow eagerly ran to the Castle and knocked on the doors as hard as he could, screaming at the top of his lungs, "PHISOXA!!!!"
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 9, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. No Heart-X
    Roan groaned as he stood up to combat the enemy that had just blasted him through the roof, "Stay back you two, this one is mine..." Roan motioned them to stay back

    Kain jumped up from the hole he just made in the roof, "You have to do better than that! You're so pathetic..."

    Roan attacked him head on only to be struck down onto the ground by a powerful blow from Kain. As he hit the ground, a loud cracking noise could be heard, and Roan screamed out in agony. Kain began harshly stepping on Roan.

    "Stop it!" Stella rushed in recklessly without thinking it through, "I'll get you!"

    "Stella, No!" Snow tried to stop her, but was already to late

    As Stella was about to strike, Kain shoved his knee into her gut, causing her to pass out. "What a pathetic waste of space." Then, Kain grabbed Stella by the face and slammed it into the ground as hard as he could, destroying the roof and causing her to fall to the very bottom. "Not worth much of anything..."

    "What are you doing, why are you here!?" Snow entered his battle stance.

    "I'm here to give you an invitation, to go to the Keyblade Graveyard, and, to ensure that you'll come..." Dark energy surrounded Master Roan and Stella, and they were both lifted into the air, "I'll take them as hostages... come, otherwise, they will die," A corridor of darkness opened and they were flung into it as he followed into it.

    "NO! WAIT!" Snow tried to reach out for them, but was too late, they already disappeared, the corridor of darkness disappearing along with it. "I need to figure out a way to get to the Keyblade Graveyard... but I don't know how to get there... maybe Phisoxa will know..." Snow rushed out of the mansion and rushed to the Castle.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 8, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. No Heart-X
    Snow was training on the roof along side Stella, with Snow defeating all of the puppets with one swift strike. Stella was fighting behind him with her keyblade held back handed. It took her a couple of hits to bring down a puppet.

    "Good work, keep it up, while you guys train, I'll find something for myself to eat." Master Roan lazily went down the stairs, where he encountered smoke in the hallway. "What do you want?"

    "Has he learned to use the technique yet?" Kain inquired leaning against the wall with a cigarette in his hand.

    "He has, but he needs a few days to perfect it-"

    "It doesn't matter if he perfects it, the point is that he learned it, and according to you, he has..." Kain interrupted

    "All right, whatever, if you want to get him to create it, you'll have to find a way to get him to use it, and a place. Have you thought of a place to create it?"

    "I have, Master, I will create it in the Keyblade Graveyard, where Kingdom Hearts will appear and a Keyblade War will begin once more."

    "What? But you realize that if you do cause another Keyblade War, the world will be completely destroyed, right?" Master Roan worriedly replied

    "Of course I do, and from the resulting destruction I will create a new world, a world filled with Darkness"

    "I can't allow that Kain, if you create a new world filled with darkness, it will collapse under the pressure of the darkness, there must be a balance. Surely you realize this?"

    "You taught me yourself, so of course I know that as well, and when the world I create succumbs to the darkness, I will rise up and become a god, using the X-Blade... Don't tell me you have second thoughts about this?"

    "Damn it, I thought you weren't going to destroy the world, I thought you just wanted the X-Blade, and nothing else"

    "No, you obviously misunderstood me when I asked you to train him... So what are you going to do now?"

    "Kain, I can't let you do this, not while I live..." Master Roan drew his keyblade of light, "If you want to do this, you'll have to kill me to do so!"

    "Fine, doesn't bother me none, I'll show you just how much I've improved over the years..." Kain drew his keyblade and pointed it right at Roan's face

    "We'll see about that." Roan charged at Kain, who took the attack and sent Roan flying through the roof.

    Snow whirled around to see that Master Roan had been hit through the roof, just a Stella did, they both said in unison, "Master!"
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 8, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. No Heart-X
    OOC: So tell me, what's happened so far?
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 8, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. No Heart-X
    OOC: True... true... Well, whatever
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. No Heart-X
    Kain jumped up and dashed towards Phisoxa ready to slam her into the ground.

    OOC: You know, it is really unfair to fight in the Gate of Alchemy now that I think about it, because you could essentially kill my character whenever, and on top of that, you can do all of that Alchemical stuff. You know, all that crazy good stuff. Damn... probably should have gone with Love's thing about fighting in the sparring grounds....Yeah
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. No Heart-X
    "Well, it wouldn't exactly be fun if you didn't both come at me at once" Kain rushed at Mixt with intense speed.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. No Heart-X
    "Come on already," Kain said impatiently as he stomped out his cigarette, "Let's fight already, you're boring me to death already!" Kain entered a battle stance, "Let's see if my martial arts are enough to counter your keyblades,"
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. No Heart-X
    "Fine by me," Kain said with a bored expression on his face, blowing rings of smoke
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. No Heart-X
    OOC: So...where are we fighting exactly?
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. No Heart-X
    "Hmpf, fair enough" Kain let the servant go, "As for your question, I don't have to tell you anything, all that you need to know is that I'm bored and that you will definitely relieve that boredom, of course, that's if you put up a good fight. And, as a special treat, I'll let you choose where you want to fight..."
    Post by: No Heart-X, Oct 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home