I always tell myself that Laurence is he only person on kh-vids with good taste in anything
Because people will buy things if their favorite character is in it. That's how things have ALWAYS worked.
It has nothing to do with pissing off or not pissing off fans, Capcom isn't that considerate. The reason it was made was because Keiji Inafune before he left Capcom had made the decision to out-source the development for Capcom franchises to western developers. Then for no reason he left Capcom before any of that could actually happen, since Capcom had no idea what to do after he just up and vanished they decided to go with whatever plan he had in store and went on with the out-sourcing and thus games like Lost Planet 3 and DmC: Devil May Cry were born. People ARE mad at Capcom though. Hell what AREN'T people mad at Capcom for these days? But we're also mad at Ninja Theory because at the end of the day Ninja Theory is the one who MADE the game, in fact Capcom was so baffled by what Ninja Theory was making they actually had to send Itsuno and the DMC4 team to Ninja Theory in the UK in order to give them a few guidelines as to how to make the game. And even then the game was still ass.[DOUBLEPOST=1392814869][/DOUBLEPOST] That's what Capcom does. If something is a failure they ditch the whole series, keep it in Japan or shove it to mobile games so that they can shell more money into Resident Evil
Enemies either come to you or the attack automatically zooms you into the enemy Ummmmmmm, I don't think you know what an exploit is. An exploit is tinkering with the games systems to do something that the designers overlooked Square designed Reflega to do a **** ton of damange, you aren't exploiting anything by using it to one shot bosses. It was designed that way. I did not say SPAMMING the same attack nested you an SSS, I said DOING the attacked nested you it. If you noticed in the gif I posted he didn't spam the attack, he did it once and got all the way to an S rank. That's not an exploit, that's the way the game was designed. It was designed for you to easily be able to get an SSS rank which defeats the purpose of it. The enemies are specifically programmed to take turns attacking you. Two enemies will NOT attack you at the same time. And the fact that you didn't even think a dodge button was necessary doesn't help the combat department at all. And in trying to do that it failed miserably. Exciting combat that requires thought and skill and pull off? Nothing. Varied enemies? Nope. Challenging difficulty? Nada. There's really nothing that this game does well at all. But nobody cares about the story in Devil May Cry. If so then we would all love Devil May Cry 2. It's nice to have but the story in Devil May Cry is an afterthought to the actual gameplay
Excuse me but how exactly is Devil May Cry over-complicated? Do you know how many attack buttons there are in Devil May Cry? One The triangle button. What could POSSIBLY be so over complicated about using ONE button? That is in fact the exact OPPOSITE of over complicated. It's simple enough for anyone to use but deep enough for an expert to be good at. And juggling did not take any skill since like I just said there is an option dedicated to bringing the enemy towards you and in a game where the enemies attack you one at a time that is not a challenging feat. That creates 0 depth, there is nothing spectacular you can do in DmC, juggling enemies is simply a manner of launching an enemy and firing away with Ebony and Ivory. The game is designed so that Donte stays in the air for thousands and thousands of hours before finally hitting the ground. You can wail on an enemy in the air forever and there is NOTHING the other enemies can do to stop you. And as I said before, SSS ranks are based on damage, all you need to do is use the Axe in order to get an SSS rank on most every boss and enemy (SEE! GIF) Enemies killing you in one hit means absolutely nothing when the enemies won't attack you unless you AREN'T attacking them. As soon as you attack an enemy, the other enemies wait until you are done before attacking you. It's babby tier. What seperates the two series in terms of story is that DmC tries to take itself seriously but comes off as a 10 year old trying to look like an adult. It's a laughably pathetic attempt at being serious or cool. The original Devil May Cry had a simple story, Dante is the Son of Sparda, he owns a demon hunting business, every now and then folks come into his store with big conspiracies in mind and thus Dante goes out to kick some demon ass and in turn he just MIGHT save the world. It's simple and it does not try to be some sort of social commentary. The characters are larger then life and memorable, the bosses that you fight manage to have more personality in a single cutscene then every character in DmC has in the span of a whole game. The cutscenes are fun and crazy, you look forward to seeing what amazing feats Dante is going to pull of next. DmC doesn't have anything going for it. It's story takes itself seriously and fails at doing anything that isn't laughably bad and it lacks the charm that any of the characters from the original series had.
I think some of you don't quite realize as to why people don't like DmC: Donte may **** YOU. The biggest offender is the fact that the gameplay is not just a downgrade from every Devil May Cry game but most action games as a whole. The game is first of all pathetically easy even on the highest difficulty. The way points are racked up means all it takes is one solid hit from your axe of death to get an SSS rank on EVERY enemy. This gif speaks for all http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121002173831/devilmaycry/images/6/64/SSSensational.gif Enemies attack you one at a time and will actively wait for you to finish your billion hit combo before they start attacking you. There is no lock on Button which decreases the amount of moves that each weapon has. Rebellion in DmC only has 10 moves as opposed to DMC3's 17 moves with Rebellion. There are two buttons that do EXACTLY the same thing. Devil May Cry is known for taking full advantage of each button, in DMC3 most of those rebellion moves are done using only the Triangle button. So then why is there TWO dodge buttons in this game? What's the point? Why not use the button for more attacks or something DIFFERENT!? There does not need to be two dodge buttons. Donte's pully suffers from the same thing that Nero's Devil Bringer did in that it makes combat an absolute sinch, there's no reason to move your character or jump around or anything, all you have to do is press button and the enemy will be pulled straight to you. Its boring and not very engaging. The problem with DmC is that it falls flat on its face in every department Combat the one thing an action game should actually be GOOD at is mindless and flat. Writing the one thing the game told us was gonna be GOOD is fanfic level tier Literally the only thing the game had going for it was environments but unfortunately that's about all there is to it.
It's good It's really good Go see it. Or pirate it Wever
Spoiler SUBMIT
Shiggy diggy doo, where are you?
There have been Lego video games since 1997 so it's not like it's a recent thing. Also
I think the general complaint is that battles in FFXII manage to be SLOWER then most other battles in Final Fantasy.
You've yet to prove as to why Glide is a useless ability. You beating the game without using it doesn't make it useless, that just means you didn't need it to beat the game. Just like how you don't need a calculator to do your math exam but it's still useful.
Well the general complaint with Kingdom Hearts 2 in the first place was that even on Proud mode it was far too easy. So naturally they added Critical Mode and made it harder to grind so that you would have to actually use SKILL when you fight instead of fighting the same enemies over and over in the Underdrome until you get Ability X Also you could save up money for a good PC and then not have to pay for ANY of those
Say what you will about Final Mix+ it IS the superior Kingdom Hearts 2 no matter how you look at it.
My computer in 2003 could emulate PS1 games. How are you even running ANYTHING?
Hold on Why the hell are you people playing KH2 when Final Mix+ has been fully translated?