Oooookay :mellow:
a day, but not today :D But tomorrow I will go on vacation, and I will stay away from here for 1 or 2 weeks :( I will miss you all guys :cryinganime: So, I think this is it... Goodbye :action-smiley-030:
You are not MakaMakaMakaMakaMakaMakaMakaMakaMakaMakaMakaMakaMaka anymore You became "O R A N G E The Wise" O_o *Darn the space of the last Maka >_<*
is the virtual eqivalent of Chuck Norris ...............................Ansem the Wise --_-- (almost smart and insane XD as him)
Sora's chlotes don't become dirty or tear when Sora fight??!! NEVER!! O_O_o
What are that numbers on the wall in Twilight Town, in the room where there's the ray that can trasport Sora in Roxas' Twilight Town??? There are only in Final Mix and they moves themselves. Maybe are part of numbers that compose the Org XIII data members, but I'm not sure about it, maybe some1 wanted to create a data Sora or something... Then there's also written a Japanese sentence, but I can't read Japanese O_o
Finally...I'm a premium:D:D:D Let's dance:D *The pink suits with "RoxaSora2010" :)*
He helped me only 1 or 2 times during the game. He helped me also more than 5 times in the second time that I played the game (because I wanted to play as him before I discovered the codes:D)
Do you think it will come out? I think yes, rather, I'm sure. Because there are still the Sand man and in the cartoon there is Lizard so maybe there will be in the film, and also many and many other enemies, like Rhyno etc...
What do you think about it?? Personally I like that anime very much, because I like spells and it involves. For the people that never watched it: Story: Every 1000 years 100 alien with magic powers, the Mamodos, are challenged for becoming King of the Mamodos, but to do this they are forced to go on the Earth for to find human that succeeds in reading the book of the spells Mamodo. The series is based on Kiyomaro Takamine (nicknamed Kiyo), a convinced high school student not to have need to go to school. His/her father then, to try to make to understand him his errors, Zatch he sends him, a Mamodo with the abilities of the thunder. During the tournament of magic they discover the existence of mamodo modified in their pacific nature and of wicked mamodo (among which Grisor and Purio), therefore Kiyo decides to challenge or to stop these wicked mamodos through two ways,: or burning the book of the spells or stopping him/it, as ago Zatch to a mamodo using the powers of the magnetism and stopping him/it in the cistern of the school of Kiyo. Besides Kiyo discovers as soon as his bond with Zatch it becomes more intense in the book new spells as the Lightning Zaker or the Shield Rashield they appear. The spells are the weapons that use the mamodos to fight each others. The spells that are written in the book delivered by the mamodo to its companion of spells, that will pronuncate the spells to the mamodo so that to achieve an effect of it. "Zaker" has been the first spell pronunced to Zatch. Kiyo "grind of the class", succeeds in deciphering in little time the first spell, that must be pronounced with a state of mind. The second spell is pronounced Rashield. So, what do you think about it?
I would like to have Cloud and Leon. They are the best!!!!!!!!!!!! Also sephy
Unfortunately sora2010 is dead, and here is his Nobody (or Heartless O_o) RoxaSora2010!!!!! A great thanks to Catch The Rain to make sora2010 die. [MARQUEE]No, she's not an assassin O_o :D[/MARQUEE]
Almost reached!!! Let the party begin at.....NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's dance c'mon:woohoo: Waiting for 800, 900 but above all 1000!!!!!
Well, I like them, but for me they are too simply, Final Xemnas' coat is better and I would like to applicate some changes and additions:D
I have it but my computer can't use it. When I have to configure it, I go on Configure menu and I set the Plugins and the Bios directories. Then I choose the right region of the game that I want to use (Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix = Japan) then I click on Run CD/DVD and the screen become black, then it returns normal and a message tells me "Error opening GS Plugins". Any1 know where's the error plz?????What I have to do? And can any1 also tell me what are the RAM's MB needed to use the emulator??
So what do you want?? I would like more moves and magics:D
Can any1 please give me some code (if you have it) for Zatchbell! Mamodo fury! ????
At school the teachers says when we write badly: "Do you write with your feet?!" So this is the proof: we can write with the feet! Enjoy. saora2011110 :sweat:
Oh, here's another equalities: She is Demi Lovato from a new Disney movie "Camp Rock" and is tremendously similar as Kairi, and srry for the quality.
They are too....similar: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........................................................