Sorry for my rudeness Its fine really..Sorry if i sounded rude when i said it , Thank you for the compliment I gladly appreciate your feedback on this and it will inspire me by the words you just said. As to everyone actually but I hope other people dont think of it as a collab thats why I'm trying to correct that since the top 5 said '&' so..I guess it shouldn't matter but it does to me if someone tried to take my video and say they did a collab with me in a way.
ummm..I am finalformsora3 I put a '/' because i go by 2 names as a user.
Uhh...I guess people consider I have photoshop with my gimp editing..? Its a free image editing software , Just google gimp and anyone could use it I can say it can be good as photoshop if you know how to use it correctly. The olny things I wish for from gimp is. Better filters , Better graphic quality brushes.
Wowzers That sucks , Hmm..Isnt there some kind of thing you would have to pay to take the Ads off? I cant remember so well but..oh wow.. I am gone for about 1-2 weeks and I see this. Same day too.. Anyways I like all of them personally , Whispers in the dark is one of my fav. songs despite the fact it is used alot and is very popular and common great top 5 and. I should put that up but I couldnt tell so well if it would cause siezures or not since im used to that alot. And I want to say thank you for the compliments , They mean alot and inspire me since I kind of wanted to quit amv's because I felt like I would fail in a way..But enough about that. @Unknownkid & kngdmhrts2: The fact my b-day is in 2 days makes me feel better too..
This is a video i made in 3-4 days. The quality for this video is bit worse than i expected but thats ok i guess.. Anyways. Program used: Sony vegas pro. and gimp. This is mostly one of my fav. songs and i never thought of making an amv to it and thought it was impossible but hey..I did it. YAY! lol , Anyways hope you enjoy it. Kingdomhearts Realms 1.0 Video
Thank you, that really means alot to me...
Aww , I was hoping to at least get in these 5 for my vid. oh well , most of these vids. are ok besides 3 and the milk shake one (in my opinion)
Fine no one look here.... DX
This is an amv i made 11-19 hours ago or so but anywho , i hope everyone likes it. Click here to view video Program used: Sony vegas 8.0 Credit: To kh-vids for the clips (as we all know =p ) Youtube user name: Finalformsora3
wow , my prediction was true , anywho , i liked number 1 the best.
Yay! I liked number 1 XP go pwilliard! (agian) XD also...I have a video i uploaded here and its been 1 full day it hasnt been optimized for streaming , the file size is 162mb..So im just wondering whats taking so long and i like the 4th one also XD
1 = the best in my opinion , go pwilliard , XD
Oh thats because the band is called Red so i used red.
This is a video i made a few days ago and decided to upload it here =P anyways description provides all. @O@ My Amv Program used: Sony vegas 8.0 (platnium) Thats all for now.. XP
rofl thanks for the comment will be sure to put that in.
This is a video deciated to 100 friends i got on youtube ^^ (if i spelled deciated right..>>;; ) anyways... Hope people like it so far and i worked pretty hard on it. My new Amv Please come check it out and.. Program used: Sony vegas 8.0 (platnium) Youtube user name: Finalformsora3 Also if your asking why i didnt upload this video on youtube its because the file size is over 100mb , This file is 133mb to be exact..Ebil youtube D< anyways..Hope you enjoy.
I love the vids. for this week , very good ones , 1st one was very good , 2nd was too , to be honest i think the vids. that got in 1st , 2nd , 3rd place should be kept , although number 2 was a bit better for some aspects but still great vids. overall.
Wow i got in first place? 0-0 well..I guess surprises always come every now and then....><
This is an amv i made just recently and (no windows movie maker downloaded effects were in it) Anyways this amv took 1-2 days in total to make , i am a pretty quick amv maker and i dont really upload my vids. here but i decided to , anyways Here's the vid. Kingdomhearts - Dont stay (song from linkin park) Hope everyone enjoys it.
Rise against - prayer for a refuge.