im going to see ke$ha in april (dont know if thats a good thing or bad thing).
plz help me stop the boredness
all you really do is give a nickname to the person above you. plain and simple. Now Go!!!!!
but i cant have one. sad face. but if i could have one it would look like this: just saying
i am! im so cold here and when its summer time i get to work on the ice cream truck and swim for swim team :D
the arcade :(
ok so i got a laptop for christmas and i have itunes on it and windows movie maker on it. now the problem is that i put on the music i have on my itunes in a folder so i can import those songs in windows movie maker. my problem here is that when i try to import a song from my folder to windows movie maker it says that my song i tried to import is not supported so what do i do? p.s. this did not happen on my other computer.
im starting to get into Naruto but i have not played that game yet but my one friend says its awesome and that i should play it.
ok i first want to say im not much of a hater for Justin Bieber but of his fans and here is why: ok it started on friday after me and my two friends went to see the roommate (which by the way it was not scary at all) and then we went to Mcdonalds to wait for my mom to pick us up. now while i was getting my smoothie (i only got the smopthie so we could stay in there instead of staying outside in the freezing cold) this girl who looked like a year younger then us came up to my two friends and started talking to them trying to make fun of them (by the way this girl was wearing a Justin Bieber shirt an afro and fake geeky glasses). now i guess this girl was doin this to make her friends laugh and because there were guys around she thought she could get there attention. now when i came to the table with my smoothie my friends told me what happened and let me tell you i wanted to punch that girl. so my one friend had to got to the bathroom so she did and while she did the girl came over again and this is what happened: "so you got a smoothie there" she said while i was looking at her thinking your not cool so stop trying to act like it. but them i looked at her saying "wow" and she said "wow is right" and right when she said that she was about to leave when i said this "you know girls your age go out with guys on friday nights but its different with you and your friends instead of going out with a guy on a friday night you go see a guy who looks like he is twelve and sings like a girl" and then i just smiled at her. she just glared at me and went to her friends. so yeah i thought Justin Bieber fans were bad before but now i think there idiots (but only some of them).
srry guys i have not done this for the past two days i have been really busy. i hope you guys understand. ok so on friday i asked: if you could meet any celeb who would it be and why? out of the replys i got this one was the best: ok so todays Question of the day is: if everyone in the whole world disappeared what would you do? leave the most creative and funniest reply to this question also you can leave a question for me to pick for the next day.also the most creative and funniest replys to this question will be shown the next day for everyone to see. have fun!
you are my new hero here is mine ^
do anything to keep your mind off the breakup. my sis was through the same thing they were together for 3 or 4 years he even proposed and they were fiances for about an year and now there apart and it seems like my sis is alot happier cuz of it. she kept the breakup out of her mind by hanging out with friends. if your still upset with the breakup after reading this just remember there is someone out there for anyone this is just a sign that that girl was not the one.
im the same way but it was worth it cuz the dance was soooooooo much fun.
i finally wore a dress after a year and a half and went to a dance. i even got some pics check them out! me on the left me on the right and just me if those pics dont work see this sight to see them:
ok so yesterday i ask: so if you could live in any world in any kh game which one would you pick? out of the replys i got this one was the best: ok so todays Question of the day is: if you could meet any celeb who would it be and why? leave the most creative and funniest reply to this question also you can leave a question for me to pick for the next day.also the most creative and funniest replys to this question will be shown the next day for everyone to see. have fun!
bo peep bo peep by t-ara <3 this song
well for me there still is alot of ice and snow also if all the ice and snow melts there will be alot of flood since i live by a river.
every morning i go and walk to the bus stop and every morning i almost fall or i do fall. reason why is because all the sidewalks have a thick layer of ice.
ok so yesterday i ask: if you were stuck in the same room as Justin Bieber for 24 hours what would you do? out of the replys i got this one was the best: ok so todays Question of the day is: so if you could live in any world in any kh game which one would you pick? leave the most creative and funniest reply to this question also you can leave a question for me to pick for the next day.also the most creative and funniest replys to this question will be shown the next day for everyone to see. have fun!