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  1. xxxLatiasxxx
    "Summoner? Its clear your not from this world. Your wording says everything. They call people in this world duelists. I don't need to ramble on." Sparks started to fly from her body. She shot them at her opponent this was Thunder. "If this hits the person has a thirty percent chance of being paralyzed and if an emergency should occur I've got Rainbow Dark Dragon by my side." she thought to herself as the Thunder attack continued to fly towards her opponent.


    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 24, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  2. xxxLatiasxxx


    Aeridusa brought out her duel disk from her pack and turned it on. Then pulled out her deck. This would only be a hologram but she needed to intimidate them as much as possible. "My friend Rainbow Dark Dragon you are the key that helped me save this world once please help me do it again. Legendary Rainbow Dark Dragon show yourself to them." She placed the card on the duel disk and the large dragon appeared at her side.


    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 24, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. xxxLatiasxxx

    OOC: Mind if I jump in here?


    A space rip tore open at the wall of the lab.

    "Did I get here in time I hope Palkia got me here in time?" She said a bit frantic with worry looking around at the situation before her. "Who are you?" she asked looking at the boy in black armor not taking her eyes off of him as she unstrapped Jaden from the table.

    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 24, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  4. xxxLatiasxxx

    Yeah I saw it I'll get to work on it asap.
    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 20, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  5. xxxLatiasxxx

    I don't like to complain but I will get to it when I have the chance. It takes me at least 12 to 24 hours to sketch the drawing out. Then it takes about another day to do the outlining and coloring. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't rush me thank you. You will get your request I promise you that. While you wait please enjoy my favorite track from the SAW franchise:

    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 20, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  6. xxxLatiasxxx

    For Jaden Yuki your Christmas gift request figured I'd give it to you a little early

    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 20, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  7. xxxLatiasxxx
    To everyone I am sorry I had to drop this project I have just gotten back from a tour of a hospital I will be volunteering at once a week for four hours. I will also be starting school once a week back in January of 2015 I will be taking a typing class to try and start earning certificates. As of right now I am having trouble working with Aeridusa and trying to get all of this set up. I want to work on Aeridusa's stories but I also know that it is important to work on my success for my future. If any of you in this arena would like a drawing request of a Yugioh monster please let me know which one and I will start on it as soon as possible its the only thing I feel I can do to make it up to everyone sorry about all of this I see now I should have worked on the story myself instead of asking you all for help that was unfair to you all.
    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 17, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  8. xxxLatiasxxx
    Sound good are you going to be Yuma or Silver for this RP?
    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 14, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. xxxLatiasxxx

    Sure I'm up for this RP? I take it you all want me as Aeridusa still right? Count me in this RP.
    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 14, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  10. xxxLatiasxxx
    I just finished drawing.....

    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 14, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  11. xxxLatiasxxx
  12. xxxLatiasxxx
    "You tell me when I got here I started volunteering for a museum owner. When I told them were I was from this person replied. (If what your saying is true the only way to make it though this place is though that of a game called "Duel Monsters") They later gave me the deck after several months of work, taught me how to play and I went on my way. Blackwings, Dark Armed Dragon, and Dark Rainbow Dragon all came with the deck. As for why I work with my partner were looking to get back to our universe that's why I work with him were not from here so to speak."

    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 10, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  13. xxxLatiasxxx
    She looked from her partner back at Jaden. "He's really quick to come to assumptions dose he always do this every time he sees someone with a identical card to one of his friends. She nodded at him in approval of his apology.

    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 10, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. xxxLatiasxxx
    She stared at him not saying a word as was normal for her. She then studied her Dark Rainbow Dragon Card and slipped it back in her deck. "He's right" she thought to herself "We've got to stop playing around as much as I'm interested in the culture of this game called 'Duel Monsters' it wouldn't be right for us to just 'live' here if that's the right word."

    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 10, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. xxxLatiasxxx

    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 10, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. xxxLatiasxxx
    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 9, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  17. xxxLatiasxxx
  18. xxxLatiasxxx
    Hello how have you been?
    Profile Post by xxxLatiasxxx for Toon-Girl-Abby, Dec 6, 2014
  19. xxxLatiasxxx

    I play Giant Trunade (4 cards in hand)


    Any chain?

    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Nov 30, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. xxxLatiasxxx
    I draw (5 cards in hand)



    @ Lyris: depends on what I can come up with I guess I don't know.
    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Nov 30, 2014 in forum: The Playground