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  1. Kekeira
  2. Kekeira
  3. Kekeira
    is on my
    Profile Post by Kekeira for Deathsight44, Feb 28, 2009
  4. Kekeira
  5. Kekeira
  6. Kekeira
    OOC: muhahas, i am first reply! i conquer lol....okays, I will begin....yayz, I'm finaly in hell....xD, I can have 2 right? One will die during it okay with you if i make one die?

    Username: Kekeira
    Name : Katsuya
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female (duh)
    Weapon:Tetsugen (i can use it right? if you dont know what it is tell me....)
    Personality: She does not like to take orders from anyone, unless there's no other choice. She not one to give up a fight so easily. She has never shown mercy and she is not hesitant to kill.
    Physical Orb: Speed (i'll need that if i am to fling the tetsugen quickly...xD)
    Enviromental Orb: Lava flow (causes a massive amount of molten magma from the depths of hell to rain down upon the unlucky opponent. :)
    Elemental Orb: Incinerate (burns everything and leaves them in heaps of ashes
    History: Raised in an assasin's clan and an orphan, she knows nothing of the love and affection of a mother. Her clan has taught her well in the art of stealthy attacks. On her last day, she was sent on a mission to assassinate the opposing clan's leader, Blackheart, who has been destroying and claiming the lives of her people. She succeeded in her mission but was caught and immediately killed. (does that sound good enough? oh and the reason she has the ears...they're fake, she's part of the Fox Clan...cuz foxes are hella stealthy...xD)

    Username: Kekeira
    Name : Anne
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Weapon: A scythe-like weapon
    Appearance: Anne
    Personality: Doesn't talk much, but that's because she was beheaded. So obviously she can't talk. She doesn't seem to stay in one mood for long. She can communictae with others using telepathy (Can I use that?).
    Physical Orb: Accelerated healing (can help clear her wounds, but only for a short time, the orb has its limits, so she hasn't fully mastered it yet).
    Enviromental Orb: Quicksand ( causes the ground to sort of 'liquify' and sink the foe into the ground.
    Elemental Orb:
    History: Born in the time of the French Revolution (Woop-Woop!), and was part of the revolutionary group. She had murdered a total of 4 French soldiers who stood guard at the palace of Versailles, home to King Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette. She also murdered a few members of the Committe of Public Safety and about 3 Swiss guards. On July 13th 1793, she had tried to sneak into the Bastille prison to steal their weapons when she was cuaght by the prison guards. Robespierre sentenced her to be beheaded by le guillotine. (I amazed myself with this historical this good enough?)

    Tell my if there's anything wrong and I'll fix it...kays? ^^
    Post by: Kekeira, Feb 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Kekeira
  8. Kekeira
  9. Kekeira
  10. Kekeira
  11. Kekeira
  12. Kekeira
  13. Kekeira
  14. Kekeira
  15. Kekeira
  16. Kekeira
  17. Kekeira
    oh yeah huh....... :stupid:
    Profile Post by Kekeira for Deathsight44, Feb 25, 2009
  18. Kekeira
  19. Kekeira
  20. Kekeira

    I ran away

    lol, that really is sad. T-T You needs cuddles... *cuddles*, xD
    Post by: Kekeira, Feb 25, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone