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  1. Kekeira
  2. Kekeira
    OOC: D.S...I will kill you if you dont show up today... D< *cough* schizophrenic *cough*, lol
    Post by: Kekeira, Mar 2, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Kekeira
  4. Kekeira
  5. Kekeira
  6. Kekeira
  7. Kekeira
  8. Kekeira
    Aiko grinned. "Ready!" she grabbed her bag and joined the others. "Lead the way Kyoshi..."

    "I'm already..." Kyoshi said as he walked North.

    Kurenai chuckled, she grabbed Aiko and ran to keep up.

    Sartre and Kyoshi were leading the way.

    Aiko stopped suddenly, she looked back towards the forest. She let out a high-pitched whistle.

    Kyoshi covered his ears. "Jeez...give a warning before you whistle...." he muttered.

    Sartre laughed.

    Toshiro appeared above the canopy of the forest and flew towards Aiko.

    " had to remember the big fluff of feathers... i was hoping you would forget about him.."

    Toshiro glared at him.
    Post by: Kekeira, Mar 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Kekeira
  10. Kekeira
  11. Kekeira
    Profile Post

    o.O O.o

    o.O O.o
    Profile Post by Kekeira for Deathsight44, Mar 1, 2009
  12. Kekeira
    Profile Post

    >.< *strangles you*

    >.< *strangles you*
    Profile Post by Kekeira for Deathsight44, Mar 1, 2009
  13. Kekeira
  14. Kekeira
    Aiko stopped, "Ummm....I don't know where the base is......"

    "What?" Kyoshi said aloud.

    "I forgot...i haven't returned in a long, long time. I grew up near the Arakystar base.....remember?" she looked over at Kyoshi.

    "Well, luckily for you, I seem to remember exactly where the base is hidden."

    "Yay...." Aiko said sarcastically.

    Kurenai followed Aiko out the door. "So how far away is the base?" she asked her.

    "I have no idea......." Aiko wondered.

    Kurenai asked Kyoshi.

    "We'll be there in about 3 days time...." he said casually.

    "Wait, does that include sleeping time?" Aiko questioned.

    "" he muttered.

    Kurenai sighed. "Let's just walk until we can no longer walk....then we'll rest...okay?"

    "Fine by me.." Sartre said as he walked out of the cabin.

    Aiko raised her hand high, then quickly slashed downwards. The cabins turned back into earth stems and went back into the earth. She then walked around the area carefully.

    "What are you looking for?" Sartre asked.

    "i don't want to leave behind evidence that we were here...." she said.

    "Good idea..." Kurenai said.
    Post by: Kekeira, Feb 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Kekeira
    who evah said life was fair?
    Profile Post by Kekeira for Deathsight44, Feb 28, 2009
  16. Kekeira
    Signature ~ Infinity+ /10 YOU'RE SIGNATURE RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I looooove that manga! Go Sakura!

    Avatar : 7/10 it rulez 2 xD
    Post by: Kekeira, Feb 28, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  17. Kekeira
    lol, he should. it makes an more awesomer (yesh, dat's a word, look in MY dictionary) name.
    Post by: Kekeira, Feb 28, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Kekeira
    Signature 9/10 it rocks dude, and ur grammar is normal xD
    Avatar 3/10 : nothing special, just a pic
    Post by: Kekeira, Feb 28, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  19. Kekeira
    Critical Acclaim - Avenged Sevefold *kick-@ss band*
    Post by: Kekeira, Feb 28, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Kekeira
    cookies rule! xD *bites down on chocolate chip goodness*
    Post by: Kekeira, Feb 28, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)