perhaps..*turns out i froze time and i got puppy from ur grasp, and i put a frying pan over your head, so when i unfreeze time, the pan falls onto... depends on book...
cook my puppy and me killllllzzzz you!!!!!!!!!!!! *bites arm again*
i missed you toooos! *glomp* :glomp: muhahas,
as in what way? o.O
I was thirsty...and i do have a brain, :P, lol. *tackles Xephos* i'm good at many sports, including football. :3
*purrr* no, wait....*jumps and grabs milk* Mine....
.........o.O u cant carry me that long....i'm about 110 way u can carry me that long......that's...
blarg! *growls* i'm probably lighter than u anyways.....
that's impossible......grrr *pounces again on Xephos* muhhahaha
slightly...but i shall be taller than u....someday.......muhahahah
ummm....about 5 feet and 6 inches..xD, i am tall..xD
my profile says it..blarg...15 right now but on monday, am older dan u..
blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg..xD SPECIAL DAY MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
o.O dam can u lift me up? i'm older dan u....grrrr xD
Kyoshi peered at the picture, he laughed "Unfortunately, Aiko came out the way she should be...." "What's that supposed to mean?" Aiko yelled from inside the cabin. "Nothing, nothing..." Sartre chuckled, "Nice choice of weapons, Seri." he complemented. Haratsu got up and stretched. "Almost done healing?" he asked Takeo.
*holds tighter* u not getin away dat easily....muhahah
Water-dragons wule! xD, i ha command of all black dragons...xD
Ummi was named ," i-forgots-my-names forgots?
*pounces on u again just like in deviantart8....muhaahaha