What i wont use cheats...Only the UCM and UWM
Hm what level Critical mode
Wait why did you say Done and completed
Your in kay
What did you fight Terra im gonne fight in CM proud mode was...cakewalk
Yeah can you test drive to master and out oblivion in master and oathkeeper in normal sora before use o code
I ordered KH2FM+
Well me im at my house bored waiting for something i orderd
Hey and weirdly i dint pick up that umm hello post anyway what up
oh god oops sorry for wasting your time i just saw in magic something
yup look Name.Lil woj Char name.Stiks Side KH Wepon.Separoth sword and cloud sword Orgin.??? age 15 Magic summon Darknees stop
Please pick 3 of the 4 magic it the OC you made in the thread
thanks and lease pick one of those four please choose three
Sure ok if you want you can custumiz pre made Chars EX i want cloud but want him with old clothes and kizames sword
Wait i have to say a question on larxene ve sephy will you guys remove the magic weakness on sephy and remove the DHA in sephy I ask because about 80% of larxene attack are thunder magic
What i guesed so what about hooded roxas yellow and blue normal sora
Cocohints huh you mean offline ?
Can you tell PA/Rosey that I removed my sig oh and sorry i dint no the size of the pic
hey CtR can you do me a favor?
May you please chose 3 of those 4 mgics thanks EDit:sorry guys i saw something