No apology needed, I've been there Sorry my iPod ran out of battery.
So how are you dear?
Yes I am alive, and I'm sorry if my profile says active and I'm not..I often forget to sign out. I'm doing ok, been trying to think positively
Wow, this is news to me.. But thank you (:
Well the musical that myself and Daxa are in is starting on Wednesday, with that being, I must be off to bed. I shall talk to you soon, goodnight...
It's good to have you back
I'm not doing so well and I'm sorry if you think I'm a bit 'down' for a while. Good break/vacation?
It must be said, you have one outstandingly fabulous name.
A stranger to begin with and a stranger to end with. If you come back, maybe that will change. All the best
Good lord it's true
I love my yams I do.
Nomnom yams
Nothing much, and yourself? And I'm sorry for this late reply, I was having dinner.
Happy random birthday
I haven't seen it all..DX Buuuuuut from what I saw, it was pretty snazztastic :3 And yes the songs are rather catchy
I know right :/ mean bean
Get out while you can. Anyway, have fun etc etc and welcome POH XD
My back is killing me ;_;
No problem at all, I'm sorry for this late reply
I do not know..