Not spaggeti and meatballs. 2 footballs. OO 2 Strings. ~~ ?
Lolz, I mean :) *smacks head* Its a figure of speech! ...I'LL take the photo then. Somehow...
Sora looked up at Mickey, like he was gonna say something.
''Hehe, He fell for it!'' Jake told the others.
Draco read it.
Ben looked SO happy! I was too at that point. But then I remembered something...Ben was dancing with my future wife! I walked up to ben and punched him in the arm.
...Damn. Well Naaaaaah! Uhh....No.
''No thanks. I don't want to get shouted at too... Good luck!''
Advent, Aren't moderators supposed to tell the truth?
Your in. :)
What? I won't!
The girrafe is fake.
''Down at that place with a talking hat.''
''You healed yet?'' Sora asked.
''Cool. They might make a commercial out of it.''
Ah. Or maybe Flyn is just really weird like that. She keeps track of who she goes out with. I'm beginning to think she my brother in disguise, but i'm not gonna take off her clothes just for that, so..... i guess i'll never know. Good decision. I said that because you kept saying we were the same people. At first you didn't believe me. Anyway, Why would i be a bonehead, like Pnut? xD Yep. I'm a boy and Flyn Pnuts a girl. Even if she doesn't act like it... No, but answer the question anyway! Ok, whatever think that if you want but at least i know it isnt real.
Awesome! i like the shadow of whatevers above him...
Hail Xaale, hail Xaale! :lolface:
That happens to me a LOT. Once, it was dark. Then i saw a face. I turned to look at it but it was 2 pieces of string and 2 balls.