Cratos: "Damn... too late, oh well, I'll get them next time, Odin, you're dismissed..." Odin: "Very well then." Odin disappeared in a flash of light, as Cratos looked around him, he decided to pull out his notebook and write down what he saw.
Cratos: "Well, it seems I've underestimated them a bit, they're pretty fast" Alexander: "Indeed, apparently they can speed up at the cost of expending more energy, the girl had to catch her breath before she could speed about again" Odin: "Quite, they are fast" Bahamut: "It doesn't matter to me one way or the other, I would still be able to kill them in one blow" Styria: "Stop bragging Bahamut, you know you couldn't do that even if you were half competent." Nyx: "Styria, need I remind you about before?" Hecatoncheir: "Stop your bickering, All of you! Now, what would you have us do Cratos?" Brynhildr: "Yes, what would you have us do?" Cratos: "Well, I want everyone except for Odin to leave. Odin, I want you to transform into Sleipnir and we can join the party." All Summons: "Roger." All of the summons except for Odin disappeared. Odin took off his cloak to reveal his Golden Armor and tall stature with his shield and dual-blade scimitar. He planted it into the ground and then transformed into his horse form. Cratos grabbed the blade, split it apart and rode on Odin towards Phisoxa and Mixt.
Cratos: "That... was an interesting way to evade an attack..." ???: "You know Cratos, I'm concerned for you, ever since that day over 3 centuries ago you've been emotionlessly fighting battles that you say you do because 'you're bored'" Cratos: "Well, I guess I should be flattered Hecatoncheir, but I'm not, and don't you ever, mention that day, never again" Cratos seemed to get a little angry, and then he looked at the lucky charm he carries around and his facial expression changed slightly.
Cratos: "Someone else is there as well, it would seem he's the leader, this should be interesting" He opened his notebook and quickly wrote down some things he observed. ???: "I don't get it, why are we even bothering to watch this?" Cratos: "I explained it to you before Bahamut, if we engage them in battle, we'll at least have some notion of how to react to their attacks" Bahamut: "I suppose, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm dying of boredom over here" Cratos: "Hmph, whatever, I just hope you realize that being hot-headed sometimes results in loss... understood?" Bahamut: "Hah! Whatever, I don't care either way." ???: "Oh come on, you are a total sore loser." Bahamut: "Shut up Styria!" Styria: "My, my, a little testy today aren't we?" ???: "You shouldn't mess with him, you remember what happened to the last person that taunted him, don't you?" Syria: "I guess you're right Nyx"
From a distance, 8 cloaked figures were watching Mixt and Phisoxa battle ???: "Do you think we should help them Cratos?" Cratos: "Well, we'll just wait it out a little longer to see if we should intervene, right Odin?" Odin: "I suppose, interrupting a battle is quite rude..." ???: "You know I could get both of 'em from here, right?" Cratos: "Don't be so impatient, when the time is right, and if we're needed, understood Brynhildr?" Brynhildr: "Fine" Cratos: "By the way, Alexander, do you notice anything about them?" Alexander: "Both of them are pretty powerful, though I doubt they'd stand a chance if you fully released your powers..." Cratos: "I see..."
Ok then, and I'll try to be on regularly, if I can't, well, you can control him during my extended absences.
And I'd also like to be Master Xehanort please :P
Alright, I'm down Name: Cratos Age: 23 (Physically) 497 (Chronologically) Weapon: Promise of Sorrow, Paladin's Oath, Summoning Gender: Male Relations: None anymore Ranking: None Side: In between Appearance: He has six tatoos, two on his left arm, two on his right, one on his chest and one on his back. Regular Form Armored Arms (Yes, I know it's not him, bear with me) Berserker Form Dark Form Bio: He rarely speaks about his past or his family. Wherever he goes, he likes to jot things down in a little notebook he carries around because of his obsession with knowledge. He wasn't always like this, but something happened that turned him into an emotionless hunter who shows no signs of remorse for his actions. Cratos carries around a Lucky Charm in the shape of a star for some reason. Living as long as he has, he has mastered many arts from many different worlds that he has traveled to.
OOC: Sorry about not being on too often, but umm... yeah, I can only go on every once in a while, so yeah BIC: Cratos had followed them all from a distance as he took notes in his little notebook.
Cratos: "Now then, let the fun begin" Cratos waved his keyblade slowly and the area behind Phisoxa was destroyed.
Cratos: "Threaten? I'm not threatening anyone here, I'm merely challenging her" He pointed one of his keyblades at Phisoxa.
Cratos: "I did come here for one reason, I'm bored" He finally turned around and summoned both of his keyblades Cratos: "I've been watching you carefully and I've seen the potential within you, so don't disappoint me"
Cratos: "Hmph, well, it doesn't matter now, does it Phisoxa?" He didn't bother to turn around to look at them.
Cratos: "Sharp one, aren't you?" Out of nowhere he appeared in front of them with his back turned to them.
Cratos silently watched in the background, writing down details in a notebook he carries with him.
OOC: Yeah, so umm... I'd like to join again... with a new character... again... Name: Cratos Age: 23 (Physically) 543 (Chronologically) Weapon: A keyblade of darkness, Promise of Despair, and a keyblade of light, The Paladin's Oath, summons, and magic Gender: Male Relations: None Appearance: He has six tatoos all together, three on his left arm, two on his right, and one on his chest Bio: He wanders around and silently observes the world as he records what happens. Whenever he is confronted by another person he never turns to look at them, and when they charge at him, they end up on the floor before they can get halfway to him. The only time he ever looks at his opponent is when he deems them worthy. He also seems to communicate to spirits he can summon to help him fight when he so desires.
OOC: Huh, I've been gone for quite a while, how far into this thing are you guys?
OOC: Damn, I haven't been here for quite a while, so, what's been happening so far?
Grant: Oh really? If you wanted to use your new ability, perhaps you should try it out on me Grant pulled his Clockblade up into his battle stance
Grant appeared behind all of the Twilight Thorns and stopped time, slashing them all in half and then allowing time to continue.